PEI Potato Board Presents 2021 Potato Industry Recognition Awards
April 07, 2021

PEI Potato Board Presents 2021 Potato Industry Recognition Awards

Three awards were presented to well deserving industry members at the Prince Edward Island Potato Board’s monthly meeting in March 2021. In addition, the award winners will be recognized at the PEI Board Annual Banquet in 2022.
En Boyacá, Colombia florecieron 17 variedades de papa ancestral
April 06, 2021

En Boyacá, Colombia florecieron 17 variedades de papa ancestral

De parcelas en Ventaquemada y Chiscas, germinan 17 variedades de papa ancestral, que estuvieron a punto de desaparecer y perderse en el olvido.
Jaren Raybould of Saint Anthony, Idaho, Potatoes USA Chairman 2021-2022
April 05, 2021

Potatoes USA Elects 2021 -2022 Leadership

Potatoes USA, the marketing and promotion board for the U.S. potato industry, elected new leadership during the Annual Meeting on March 11, 2021. The newly elected Chairman and Executive Committee will lead the Board through 2021-2022.
PMA and United Fresh to Create New Global Trade Association
March 31, 2021

PMA and United Fresh to Create New Global Trade Association for the fresh produce industry

The Boards of Directors of the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and United Fresh Produce Association (United Fresh) have reached an Agreement in Principle to create a new global trade association combining their resources and expertise.
Una bacteria para mejorar el rendimiento de la planta de papa
March 29, 2021

Una bacteria para mejorar el rendimiento de la planta de papa

Investigadoras del CONICET describieron por primera vez la cepa de una bacteria que podría convertirse en un biofertilizante, en un estimulador del crecimiento vegetal y también en un biocontrolador amigable con el medio ambiente.
Potato wastewater could feed bacteria used to recycle high-tech devices
March 19, 2021

Potato wastewater could feed bacteria used to recycle high-tech devices

new research from Idaho National Laboratory suggests that potato wastewater might serve well as a low-cost food source for a special bacterium that could be used to recycle high-tech devices, industrial catalysts and other sources of rare earth elements.
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Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group
March 05, 2021

Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the IGEM Council awarded Boise State University with a grant in the amount of $291,770 to assist industry partner, Food Physics Group, with research and development of pulsed electric field processing on potatoes to reduce acrylamide and sugars.
Native Andean potato varieties analyzed: Puma Makin, Leona , Yawar Manto (first line) and Añil, Sangre de Toro and Qequrani (second line).
March 05, 2021

Biodiversity of Native Andean Potatoes: Nutritional Profile and Phenolic Composition

The characterization of six varieties of native Andean potatoes with a wide biodiversity in tuber shape, flesh, and skin color was performed, through the determination of their proximate composition, mineral content, and phenolic profile.
Jake Blauer joins WSU’s potato research group
March 02, 2021

Jake Blauer joins WSU’s potato research group

Jake Blauer is the newly hired post-harvest potato physiologist at Washington State University.
McCain Foods 'Upping' the Stakes in Vertical Farming with GoodLeaf
March 01, 2021

McCain Foods increases its stake in Vertical Farming startup GoodLeaf

McCain Foods Limited has made a substantial investment in TruLeaf Sustainable Agriculture and its wholly owned subsidiary GoodLeaf Farms, Canada's largest commercial vertical farming operation, to help drive the company's growth and expansion plans.
Potato Growers Select 2021 National Potato Council Leaders
February 25, 2021

Potato Growers Select 2021 National Potato Council Leaders

At the National Potato Council (NPC) 2021 Annual Meeting held virtually due to travel restrictions, Dominic LaJoie of Van Buren, Maine was elected to serve as NPC’s 2021 President and to head the grower-led organization’s Executive Committee.
Situación actual de la producción de papa en Argentina. Campaña 2020
February 15, 2021

Situación actual de la producción de papa en Argentina. Campaña 2020

La Secretaría de Extensión de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata -reunió a técnicos y productores del ámbito público y privado de las principales zonas productoras de papa del país.
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WPVGA Officer Elections
February 15, 2021

Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association elect new president

Bill Guenthner of Guenthner Farms was elected WPVGA Board President for 2021. The WPVGA Associate Division Board of Directors elected Chris Brooks of Central Door Solutions to be its President for 2021. The WSPIA Board of Directors elected J.D. Schroeder of Schroeder Bros. Farms, President for 2021.
Producción local de semillas puede disminuir los gastos de importación
February 08, 2021

República Dominicana: Producción local de semillas puede disminuir los gastos de importación

La investigación y el análisis genético de plantas y semillas está en vías de convertirse en una opción a gran escala para mejorar la calidad de las plantaciones agrícolas y el ahorro de divisas tanto para los productores como para el Estado dominicano.
McCain Foods acquires minority stake in FMCG Data Analytics specialist Fiddlehead Technology
February 05, 2021

McCain Foods increases its stake in FMCG Data Analytics specialist Fiddlehead Technology

McCain Foods Limited has acquired a significant minority share of New Brunswick-based data science company Fiddlehead Technology.
Virtual Potato Expo 2021 Brings Industry Together Over Potatoes
January 26, 2021

Virtual Potato Expo 2021 Brings Industry Together Over Potatoes

From January 5-7, more than 1,000 U.S. and international potato industry members joined the first-ever virtual Potato Expo. The annual event that kicks off the year for the industry, was brought online for the first time in response to the travel challenges imposed by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Chile: Investigadores cosechan las primeras papas chilotas sembradas en laboratorio
January 25, 2021

Chile: Investigadores cosechan las primeras papas chilotas sembradas en laboratorio

El proyecto, apoyado por el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Fondecyt, busca medir los beneficios de dichas variedades nativas versus las tradicionales.
Dr. Peter VanderZaag, a potato farmer in Canada
January 19, 2021

Webinar: 'Aeroponics for Nuclear Seed Potato Production: History, Status and Challenges'

The World Potato Congress is extremely pleased to present its next webinar on Thursday, February 18, 2021, with Dr. Peter VanderZaag, a potato farmer in Canada and due to COVID-19, now an armchair consultant involved with numerous potato projects in Asia and Africa.


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