QSR, Restaurant and Food Service Trends

July 02, 2008

Adios a grasa industrial en restaurantes de Nueva York

Los restaurantes de Nueva York se convirtieron hoy martes en los primeros de Estados Unidos en prohibir las "trans fats"(grasas industrializadas), causantes de dolencias cardiovasculares, una medida que supone una revolución en el sector. El...
July 01, 2008

The Top 400 chains end a difficult year with a respectable 5.4% sales gain and with new determination.

View the RankingTop 400 Segment RankingsThe motto for the popular television show “Survivor” is “Outwit, Outplay, Outlast,” and chain-restaurant operators could be excused if they often feel that they are fighting for their survival. It’s a jun...
 Tomato not the source of Salmonella?
July 01, 2008

Tomatoes may not be the cause of the Salmonella outbreak in the US

A growing number of health officials fear that investigators made a terrible mistake in blaming tomatoes for the sickening of more than 800 Americans, and they increasingly suspect jalapeno peppers, cilantro or some other food commonly found in Mexican...
Burger King Apple Fries
June 30, 2008

Burger King Introduces New Nutritionally Balanced Kids Meal as Part of BK Positive Steps Nutrition Program

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today the launch of a new nutritionally balanced BURGER KING® Kids Meal, featuring BK™ Fresh Apple Fries and a family favorite, KRAFT® Macaroni &Cheese. The new meal highlights Burger King Corp.’s commitment t...
June 25, 2008

El fast food abandona Estados Unidos

A medida que la industria de restaurantes de comida rápida en los EE.UU. se vuelve cada vez más competitiva, las grandes marcas focalizan su atención en el extranjero, donde las empresas siguen siendo relativamente sólidas. En estos nuevos mercados exi...
June 19, 2008

Admite EU que tal vez nunca se detecte origen de salmonelosis

La Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA) de Estados Unidos advirtió hoy que es posible que nunca se localice la fuente de la reciente epidemia de salmonelosis relacionada a ciertas variedades de tomate. El director de seguridad en alimentos de la...
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June 19, 2008

Man Goes on Diet and Eats Every Meal from McDonald's

Chris Coleson is a Virginia man who has fought the battle of the bulge for years.  No diet seemed to work for him. But when he hit 278 pounds last December, he made a pledge:  to drop down to the 185 pounds he weighed on his wedding day.  And he would...
June 18, 2008

Research International USA Announces Findings From First of Its Kind 'Fast Food Nation 2008' Report

Chicago-based Research International USA has released its first-ever fast food industry report. The self-funded study, "Fast Food Nation 2008: A Consumer Perspective on the Fast Food Industry"was conducted by Research International to help cl...
June 18, 2008

Yum Brands tomatoes back on the menu

Yum is restocking its restaurants with tomatoes from areas that have been cleared of salmonella risk by federal health officials. Along with other restaurant operators, Yum stopped serving tomatoes earlier this month due to a multi-state salmonella out...
June 17, 2008

Ventas comparables de McDonald's crecen 7,7 pct en mayo

McDonald's Corp, la cadena de restaurantes más grande del mundo, dijo el lunes que las ventas en sus restaurantes abiertos al menos 13 meses crecieron un 7,7 por ciento en mayo, ayudadas por la fortaleza de su negocio a nivel internacional. Las ventas...
June 14, 2008

McDonald's returns sliced tomatoes to menu

McDonald's Corp. says it will begin serving sliced tomatoes again after a multistate salmonella outbreak caused the world's largest restaurant chain to yank the vegetable from its sandwiches. Spokeswoman Danya Proud said Saturday that the fast food cha...
June 13, 2008

McDonalds Creates Billboard That Actually Grows Lettuce

To get the point across that their salads are “really fresh”, McDonalds hired ad-maker Leo Burnett to deliver the message. So, he put together a billboad that over time grew lettuce to form the words “Fresh Salads”. Wouldn’t it be cool if all billboa...
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June 12, 2008

EEUU dice brote salmonela afecta a 17 estados y continua

Los funcionarios de salud de Estados Unidos dijeron el miércoles que aún están recibiendo informes de personas que se enferman por comer tomates contaminados con salmonela y agregaron que por el momento tienen reportes de 167 casos, en 17 estados del p...
June 11, 2008

Fast food pioneer Neal Baker dies

Neal T. Baker, a pivotal player in several successful fast-food chains, died in his Redland, Calif., home at age 84, his family said. The cause of death wasn't announced.   Baker helped build a San Bernadino hamburger stand for Richard and Maurice Mc...
June 11, 2008

FDA Expands Tomato Warning Nationwide

Restaurants, markets stop offering some products after 167 people in 17 states sickened by salmonella, CDC reports. U.S. health officials expanded their warning about salmonella-contaminated tomatoes nationwide Tuesday, as experts cautioned consumers ...
June 10, 2008

McDonald's retira las rodajas de tomate en EEUU por un brote de salmonelosis

La Agencia de Alimentos y Medicinas de Estados Unidos (FDA, siglas en inglés) alertó el sábado a los estadounidenses de que no coman tomates crudos de varios tipos debido al brote, y a los restaurantes a no incluirlos en sus menús. El Centro de Contro...
June 10, 2008

Out of the frying pan and into the power grid

If used frying oil can run a Mercedes, why can't it power the restaurant it came from? That's the idea behind Owl Power Company's Vegawatt power system, a machine that converts a restaurant's waste oil into electricity and hot water. The company now...
Weak traffic, more side choices cut into US French-fry sales
June 09, 2008

Weak traffic, more side choices cut into US French-fry sales

Americans have been in love with French fries since fast food restaurants first made them popular in the 1950s. But while many nutrition-minded observers have called into question the healthfulness of French fries over the years, little has dulled con...


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