News on The Potato Supply Chain

August 12, 2013

Offutt suing insurance company over potato case

A prominent North Dakota potato farmer who’s among a group of people accused in an alleged price-fixing scheme is suing his insurance company for failing to cover his defense costs.
Nora Olsen new president Potato Association of America
August 12, 2013

Nora Olsen new president Potato Association of America

Nora Olsen is The Potato Association of America president for 2013-2014. Olsen is a professor and Extension potato specialist at the University of Idaho’s Kimberly Research and Extension Center.
Potato Chips are the most popular snack in Australia and New Zealand
August 12, 2013

Potato Chips are most popular snack in Australia and New Zealand

A recent study by Roy Morgan Research shows that potato chips are still Australia’s most popular snack food, with a third of Australians aged 14+ in the year to March 2013 buying the product in an average four-week period.
Colombia: Buenas prácticas para la producción de mejor papa
August 11, 2013

Colombia: Buenas prácticas para la producción de mejor papa

Productores de papa de la provincia de Ubaté, en Cundinamarca, le apuestan al uso de semillas certificadas y a la reducción del uso de agroquímicos para mejorar sus cosechas y proteger el medio ambiente.
 Idaho potato growing areas
August 11, 2013

Idaho potato growers excited about $100 million McCain expansion

McCain Foods' Aug. 7 announcement that it will invest more than $100 million to expand its Burley potato processing plant was exciting news to Idaho potato farmers.
 Campesinos peruanos sembrando papas. Foto de Jean-Louis Gonterre
August 10, 2013

Los conocimientos ancestrales sobre la papa se vienen perdiendo en Ecuador ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo evitarlo?

Redepapa acaba de publicar el resumen, la presentación y el audio de la charla que Fausto Yumisaca presentó sobre el tema en el V Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa, realizado en Riobamba (Ecuador) entre el 25-27 de junio de 2013.
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August 10, 2013

Sri Lanka increases taxes on imported potatoes to protect local farmers

Sri Lanka has increased the tax on imported potatoes from Rs 15 to Rs 25 per kilo (from USD 0.11 to USD 0.19) to protect the interests of local potato farmers.
August 09, 2013

Brazil: Potato price reached its highest point in 10 years

The price of potatoes in Brazil reached the highest level in the last 10 years. Farmers say that this increase is due to the reduction in the planted area and the lack of product on the market.
 Bandera de Brasil
August 07, 2013

Brasil: El precio de la papa alcanza su nivel más alto en los últimos 10 años

La reducción de la superficie plantada y la falta de producto en el mercado son mencionadas por los productores como las causas de este aumento.
 Pobre germinación de papas para semilla con residuos de glifosato
August 07, 2013

Tenga cuidado al rociar glifosato cerca de su producción de semilla de papa

Una pequeña cantidad de glifosato a la deriva de una parcela de papa para semilla puede causar miles de dólares en daños.
 Buy Local
August 07, 2013

Survey Shows Canadians' Support for Their Local Farmers

BMO released the results of a survey which found that supporting regional economies, farmers and jobs, along with fresh food and taste, all trump the cost of food for people choosing to buy local.
August 07, 2013

'Crazy' potato market spurs early digs in Wisconsin

In a typical year, potato growers who start digging their crop too soon give up some of their potential yield by harvesting immature spuds. But growers who wait this year may miss out on unheard-of prices.
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August 07, 2013

Spain: Potato harvest in Murcia 27% up this year

The Council of Agriculture and Water of the Spanish Region of Murcia estimates this year's potato production to reach 100,027 tonnes;an increase of 27% compared to the previous campaign.
 Maine potato field impression
August 07, 2013

Maine potatoes recovering after wet and soggy season

Industry leaders with the Maine Potato Board said Thursday that after a wet and soggy spring which forced some growers to do some replanting, crops are recovering and if the weather holds, Aroostook County is on track to have a bountiful potato harvest.
Poor emergence of seed potatoes with glyphosate residue
August 07, 2013

Use caution when spraying glyphosate near seed potatoes

A small amount of glyphosate drifting into a seed potato field can cause thousands of dollars of damage.
 Potato Psyllid
August 07, 2013

Potato psyllids in Pacific North West show far less zebra chip disease this year

About the same number of potato psyllids have been caught on sticky traps in Idaho fields this season as by this time last summer, but far fewer of the tiny, winged insects have tested positive for the Liberibacter bacterium, which causes the crop dise...
South-Africa meets first Dewulf potato harvester
August 06, 2013

South-Africa meets first Dewulf potato harvester

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology of potatoes and carrots, introduced its first potato harvester in South-Africa earlier this year.
Freshly pulled Greenvale potatoes
August 06, 2013

Greenvale does its FareShare to fight food waste

Greenvale, the UK’s leading potato supplier, is putting spare spuds from its Shropshire site, Tern Hill and Cambridgeshire site, Floods Ferry, to good use by using them to tackle food waste by working with food distribution charity, FareShare.


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