News on The Potato Supply Chain

Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas
April 08, 2014

Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas

Agrocabildo, el servicio masivo de difusión de tecnología agraria de Tenerife, acaba de publicar los resultados de un estudio realizado para determinar cuál crucífera es la más efectiva en el control del nematodo dorado de la papa.
PEI Burger Love
April 04, 2014

PEI Potatoes sponsors 'FryDays' during PEI Burger Love 2014!

Everyone knows that burgers and fries are best friends, making it an easy decision for the Prince Edward Island Potato Board to be a partner in the 2014 edition of PEI Burger Love (
Zebra Chip disease symptoms (Source: TAMU)
April 03, 2014

AUSVEG: Downplaying Zebra chip risk is a dangerous game

Claims New Zealand potatoes do not pose a “substantive risk” to the Australian industry have been slammed as irresponsible and reckless by AUSVEG.
Fiona Fell
April 03, 2014

New leadership at Potato Council

Fiona Fell has taken on the challenging and exciting role of Chairman of Potato Council and member of the AHDB Board.
Comunidades indígenas bolivianas evaluan alternativas para reducir la incidencia del cambio climático en su agricultura
April 02, 2014

Comunidades indígenas bolivianas evalúan alternativas para reducir la incidencia del cambio climático en su agricultura

Un proyecto financiado por Helvetas viene trabajando con comunidades indígenas del departamento de La Paz para minimizar los efectos del cambio climático en sus cultivos de papa.
Ecuador censará a sus papicultores para proteger y fortalecer la producción nacional
April 01, 2014

Ecuador censará a sus papicultores para proteger y fortalecer la producción nacional

El registro de productores de papa permitirá el control de la producción y circulación del tubérculo en todo el país.
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Oportunidades y desafíos para la cadena de papa en Ecuador
April 01, 2014

Oportunidades y desafíos para la cadena de papa en Ecuador

Con este nombre se realizó el 11 de Marzo del 2014, en la ciudad de Quito, un evento en el cuál participaron más de 70 actores públicos y privados vinculados a la cadena de valor de la papa en el país.
Shortage of potatoes in Cuba
March 31, 2014

Shortage of potatoes in Cuba

Potatoes are scarce in Cuba. Cuban weekly 'Trabajadores' reported last Monday, that the import prices for seed potatoes have risen sharply and as a result only half the area of last year has been planted.
A potato farmer in Meepitima, Nuwara Eliya collecting the potato harvest (Susantha Wijegunasekera; Sunday Observer)
March 31, 2014

Sri Lanka Government introduces guaranteed price for potatoes

The Sri Lanka government introduces guaranteed price for potatoes, onions and dried chili to stimulate growth of the agricultural sector, achieving national food security.
Greenvale Tern Hill facility considered for closure
March 31, 2014

Greenvale AP considering closure of its Tern Hill potato packing plant

Greenvale AP, based in Tern Hill, Shropshire, has confirmed redundancies could be made following a review of its potato packing operations.
USAID Agribusiness holds training on potato seed in Pakistan
March 30, 2014

USAID Agribusiness holds training on potato seed in Pakistan

The Agribusiness Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) organized a week-long training on Seed Potato Production Technologies in Pakistan.
Extreme weather causes potato shortage in South Australia: Due to prolonged heat in the South Australian growing regions, potatoes will be limited in supply for the coming weeks (Lauren Waldhuter; ABC Rural)
March 30, 2014

Australia: Extreme weather brings potato shortage and sends prices soaring

Australian Potato shoppers are spitting chips over the rising cost of washed potatoes amid reduced ­supplies.
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Llegan a Panamá la papa ‘gourmet’ peruana y el camote mejorado
March 27, 2014

Llega a Panamá la papa ‘gourmet’ peruana

Es un tipo de papa que podría empezar a formar parte de la dieta balanceada de las poblaciones económicamente vulnerables de las tierras altas de Chiriquí, Veraguas, Coclé y Herrera.
Almacenamiento de la papa (Audio)
March 27, 2014

Almacenamiento de la papa (Audio)

El Programa “Cosechando” de Agrobanco entrevistó al Ing. Rolando Egúsquiza Bayona, docente de la Universidad Nacional Agraria de La Molina (Perú), sobre el almacenamiento de la papa.
Cavendish Farms suspends potato farming operations in Presque Isle
March 25, 2014

Cavendish Farms suspends potato farming operations in Presque Isle

Cavendish Farms potato farming operations in Presque Isle, Maine are being suspended indefinitely.
Afghanistan could be self-sufficient in potatoes with proper storage facilities
March 25, 2014

Afghanistan could be self-sufficient in potatoes with proper storage facilities

Afghanistan would be self-sufficient in potato if proper cultivation and storage strategies were introduced in central Bamyan province, according to an official.
Jerry Wright
March 25, 2014

United States Potato outlook isn't good

There are two likely scenarios facing U.S. potato growers in the 2014-15 season, and neither of them is sunny, according to Jerry Wright, president and chief executive officer of the United Potato Growers of America, Salt Lake City.
España: Recomiendan a productores de papapa la suscripción de contratos para garantizar un nivel mínimo de ingresos
March 23, 2014

España: Recomiendan a productores de papa suscribirse a contratos para garantizar un nivel mínimo de ingresos

La Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de Castilla y León ha publicado el octavo Boletín de la Papa en el que se recomienda a los agricultores que cultivan más de una hectárea y media de este tubérculo suscribir los contratos con los operadores comerciales para garantizarse un nivel mínimo de ingresos.


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