News on The Potato Supply Chain

Cambio climático destruye 20% del cultivo anual de papa en Latinoamérica
August 22, 2016

Cambio climático destruye 20% del cultivo anual de papa en Latinoamérica

El calentamiento global destruye entre el 10 % y el 20 % de la producción anual de papa en América Latina y se ha convertido en la principal amenaza que enfrenta este cultivo, por encima incluso de un agresivo hongo conocido como tizón tardío, coincidieron hoy varios expertos en Panamá.
Volm Companies - a solutions provider for potato packaging - break ground for a new manufacturing and distribution facility
August 22, 2016

Volm Companies - a solutions provider for potato packaging - break ground for a new manufacturing and distribution facility

Volm Companies held a groundbreaking ceremony on August 10 for their new manufacturing and distribution facility in Pasco, Washington.
Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports form France and Germany
August 22, 2016

Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports from France and Germany

Consumers in Croatia say that local potatoes should not be more expensive than German or French potatoes.
Jamaica's capacity to produce virus-free seed potatoes gets boost
August 21, 2016

Jamaica's capacity to produce virus-free seed potatoes gets boost

Jamaica’s capacity to produce clean Irish potato seedlings has been enhanced with a $19-million allocation from the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF).
Potato exporters from Algeria stuck for days at the Tunisian border
August 21, 2016

Potato exporters from Algeria stuck for days at the Tunisian border

Algerian potato exporters are still having trouble at the border crossing Tebessa between Algeria and Tunisia. Tunisian customs do not allow trucks carrying tons of potatoes to enter Tunisia although all the legal procedures are completed.
Guatemala: Con ayuda de USAID se construyó una planta para procesar papa
August 20, 2016

Guatemala: Con ayuda de USAID se construyó una planta para procesar papa

Durante el acto de inauguración, Gregory Howell, director de la Oficina de Crecimiento Económico de la Agencia para el Desarrollo de Estados Unidos (Usaid), dijo que con la planta se espera superar las ventas anuales en por lo menos US$1.6 millones, unos Q12 millones.
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Prince Edward Island Potato Industry to improve marketable yield, profitability and sustainability in 'Enhanced Agronomy Initiative'
August 20, 2016

Prince Edward Island Potato Industry to improve marketable yield, profitability and sustainability in 'Enhanced Agronomy Initiative'

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board, Cavendish Farms, and the PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries have announced the creation of the 'Enhanced Agronomy Initiative'.
Argentina offers prospects for seed potato exporters
August 18, 2016

Argentina offers prospects for seed potato exporters

The political revolution in Argentina gives the economy a boost. The Dutch agricultural sector could definitely profit from it. Willem Aalders of Latam Produce states this on the eve of the Dutch trade mission to Argentina.
Some of the innovations Dewulf - Miedema will present at PotatoEurope 2016 in France
August 18, 2016

Dewulf-Miedema present their potato handling and harvesting innovations at Potato Europe

Dewulf~Miedema will present their innovations in potato cultivation technology at Potato Europe in Villers-Saint-Christophe, France.
FAO: Los contenedores marítimos propagan plagas y enfermedades
August 17, 2016

FAO: Los contenedores marítimos propagan plagas y enfermedades

Los vertidos de petróleo atraen la atención de la opinión pública y generan preocupación, pero los "vertidos biológicos" suponen una amenaza mayor a largo plazo y no tienen tanta repercusión.
AUSVEG: Predicted rise in potato imports threat to Australian industry
August 17, 2016

AUSVEG: Predicted rise in potato imports threat to Australian industry

A significant rise in potato imports into Australia is forecast for 2016, sparking concern about the profitability and competitiveness of the Australian potato industry over the coming months.
Justin Clements
August 17, 2016

National Potato Council Awards Academic Scholarship for Potato Research to Justin Clements

Justin Clements, a fifth year doctoral student in the Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Center working in the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the recipient of the 2016-2017 NPC Academic Scholarship.
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Parkland hosts first ever Potato Varieties Field Day
August 17, 2016

Parkland hosts first ever Potato Varieties Field Day

Parkland Potato Varieties will be hosting its first annual open day at the Crop Diversification Centre South in Brooks, Alberta on August 26 from 10 am to 2 pm.
AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemdag
August 15, 2016

AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemodag

Agricultural machinery manufacturer AVR presents its new option on the Puma 3 during Potato Europe and the Aardappeldemodag: the All Conditions Control or in short the ACC.
Potato starch Manufacturer Avebe starts the 2016 campaign
August 15, 2016

Potato starch Manufacturer Avebe starts the 2016 campaign

Today, Dutch Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe started the production campaign of harvest 2016 in its processing plant in Gasselternijveen.
Belgium's family potato business vital force in land of fries
August 15, 2016

Belgium's family potato business vital force in land of fries

Potatoes are the second largest cultivated crop in Belgium and a key ingredient in Belgian cuisine. It's the base of the world-famous French fries, and is considered by Belgians as part of their national pride.
Riego tecnificado triplica producción de papa en Bolivia
August 14, 2016

Riego tecnificado triplica producción de papa en Bolivia

AgroNáyade, representante en Bolivia de la firma israelí NaanDanJain, llevó a cabo el “Día del riego tecnificado en cultivo de papa”, con una muestra a productores, autoridades y empresas agropecuarias de los valles. Más de 150 personas comprobaron los resultados de nuevas técnicas que le permiten a los cultivos incrementar su rendimiento hasta un 300%.
Potato Psyllid Alert for North Dakota
August 11, 2016

Potato Psyllid Alert for North Dakota

Potato psyllids have been reported in specific fields in western and central North Dakota. At this point populations are not widespread.


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