News on The Potato Supply Chain

Jan van Loon ontvangt de TPC Potato Award voor het ras Paris
November 01, 2016

Jan van Loon ontvangt de TPC Potato Award voor het ras Paris

Het nieuwste ras van The Potato Company (TPC) heet Paris en is dit jaar toegelaten op de Nederlandse rassenlijst. De kweker van het ras, Jan van Loon ontvangt tijdens de rassenpresentaties daarvoor de TPC Potato Award.
Venezuela cuenta con nuevo centro de almacenamiento y conservación de semilla de papa
October 31, 2016

Venezuela cuenta con nuevo centro de almacenamiento y conservación de semilla de papa

El estado Trujillo, en la región andina del país, cuenta ya con el Centro de Almacenamiento y Conservación de Papa Luna Fría, ubicado en el municipio de Urdaneta.
As Australia is facing a potato shortage, prices rise.
October 30, 2016

As Australia is facing a potato shortage, prices rise.

Australia is experiencing a potato shortage because of flood-effected potato crops in the southern states.
As potato consumption increases, Cambodia opens first research center
October 30, 2016

As potato consumption increases, Cambodia opens first research center

With potato consumption continuing to rise in Cambodia, the Agriculture Ministry unveiled last month a USD 200,000 research center it hopes will research and develop potato varieties most suited to the country.
Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November
October 30, 2016

Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November

As a result of the late potato harvest in the North-western European countries (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK), the potato growers organisation NEPG has decided to postpone publication of its annual yield estimates till the third week of November.
World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress
October 28, 2016

World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress

The 10th World Potato Congress will be held in Cusco Peru in combination with the 28th Congress of the Latin America Potato Association, ALAP from May 27-31, 2018
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Costos en Venezuela merman siembra de papa y aumentan migración a otros rubros
October 27, 2016

Costos en Venezuela merman siembra de papa y aumentan migración a otros rubros

Los altos costos para producir siguen marcando la pauta en la cantidad de hectáreas a cultivar, lo que sin duda merma la capacidad de siembra en rubros agrícolas como la papa.
Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November
October 27, 2016

Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November

Als gevolg van de late aardappeloogst in alle NEPG landen (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK) is besloten om de bekend making van de officiële NEPG oogstverwachting cijfers uit te stellen naar de derde week november.
Unusual market dynamics in Northern-European potato trade
October 26, 2016

Unusual market dynamics in Northern-European potato trade

Currency and supply dynamics are affecting the relative price of British processing potatoes compared to supplies from Belgium and the Netherlands.
USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising
October 26, 2016

USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising

A new potato variety that’s genetically modified to withstand bruising has been cleared for commercialization without undergoing USDA’s deregulatory process for biotech crops.
Belgian potato producers are relieved
October 25, 2016

Belgian potato producers are relieved as weather turns

Finally, potato growers in Belgium can relax a bit. At last the weather conditions were in their favour and they could start the harvest
Modern Potato Harversters make rock picking obsolete
October 25, 2016

Modern Potato Harvesters make rock picking obsolete

Up until recently, Alex Docherty, chairman of the PEI Potato Board and a potato farmer in Elmwood, P.E.I., would do what most potato farmers on the Island still do today - hire rock pickers. But this fall, his new Spudnik AirSep Harvester is separating the rocks from the potatoes
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Jamaica is expanding its potato programme to new areas
October 25, 2016

Jamaica is expanding its potato programme to new areas

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica announced they will be expanding the Irish potato programme to new planting areas for the 2016/17 crop year.
Potato Prices in south Africa set to spike
October 25, 2016

Potato Prices in South Africa set to spike

The price of potatoes in South Africa is expected to increase in the next four weeks – and there is a chance of even more hikes in December.
Interpom | Primeurs trade show for Potato and Vegetable Industry fully booked.
October 24, 2016

Interpom | Primeurs trade show for Potato and Vegetable Industry fully booked.

INTERPOM | PRIMEURS, the leading indoor trade fair for the potato, vegetable and fruit sector in Europe, shows strong growth in 2016, featuring 310 exhibitors and all stand space fully booked.
USDA: Summer Typhoons Reduce Japanese Potato Production
October 22, 2016

USDA: Summer Typhoons Reduce Japanese Potato Production

Japan's largest fresh potato production region - Hokkaido - was struck by four typhoons in August of 2016. Approximately 24,000 ha of land received damaging levels of rain and flooding, including areas producing fresh potatoes.
Cornell University receives state grant to upgrade Golden Nematode Lab
October 20, 2016

Cornell University receives state grant to upgrade Golden Nematode Lab

Cornell University receives $1.2 million of new state funding to upgrade the Federal Golden Nematode Lab
Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes
October 20, 2016

Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes

Italian seasonal new potatoes will be launched into Tesco this autumn on the back of new research showing that consumers want freshly harvested new potatoes all year round.


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