News on The Potato Supply Chain

Argentina: Descifran el genoma del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja
October 11, 2017

Argentina: Descifran el genoma del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja

El conocimiento de la secuencia completa, a cargo de investigadores del INTA, permite caracterizar el virus a nivel molecular y estudiar aspectos básicos y particulares de la infección. Además posibilita el desarrollo de herramientas biotecnológicas para mitigar las pérdidas ocasionadas por la infección, que pueden llegar hasta un 90 por ciento.
Potato Growers Georgia harvest enough potatoes to reach 100 percent self-sufficiency
October 10, 2017

Potato Growers Georgia harvest enough potatoes to reach 100 percent self-sufficiency

Georgia is reducing its dependency on potato imports as this year local farmers harvested enough to meet the needs of the local market.
Chile: Con papa nativa quieren ponerle color a los alimentos
October 09, 2017

Chile: Con papa nativa quieren ponerle color a los alimentos

Este tubérculo, de múltiples formas y colores, cultivado principalmente en Chiloé, está siendo investigado por su potencial para producir pigmentos para la industria alimentaria.
India needs robust cold chain supply system to increase farmers’ income, say experts
October 09, 2017

India needs robust cold chain supply system to increase farmers’ income, say experts

The Government of India is looking for solutions for preventing physical waste and loss of value of perishable agricultural commodities, according to agriculture experts.
Nederland is heel goed in friet
October 09, 2017

Nederland is heel goed in friet

Op Zaterdag 7 oktober was in het Groningse Hornhuizen het Aardappelfeest, georganiseerd door vrijwilligers. Met eten, cultuur en sprekers, onder wie Jan van Hoogen.
Potato breeder HZPC books record turnover and gross profit
October 06, 2017

Potato breeder HZPC books record turnover and gross profit

HZPC, world leader in potato breeding, announced during the shareholders’ meeting on 5 October that a consolidated net turnover of €318.5 million has been determined for the financial year 2016/17. The gross profit is €59.3 million and the net result is €8.5 million.
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United States Export of Potatoes and Potato Products Up for July 2017
October 05, 2017

United States Export of Potatoes and Potato Products Up for July 2017

After a record export of potatoes and potato products from the United States in the period from July 2016 to June 2017, Potatoes USA reported that export in the month of July was up compared to July last year.
Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets
October 05, 2017

Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets

A project underway in Aberdeen, Idaho, aims to develop russet potatoes with resistance to pale cyst nematode, while identifying new molecular markers associated with resistance.
Czech Potato Research Institute announces a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'
October 05, 2017

Czech Potato Research Institute breeds a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'

The Czech Potato Research Institute in Havlíčkův Brod has announced that it has bred a new potato variety they named “Val Blue”. And yes! It has a striking blue-purple colour.
Las papas geneticamente modificadas de Simplot siguen aprobandose en el mercado extranjero
October 03, 2017

Las papas geneticamente modificadas de Simplot siguen aprobandose en el mercado extranjero

La compañía norteamericana Simplot ha obtenido la aprobación para su papa marca Innate en algunos mercados clave, como Japón. Y tiene pendientes otras solicitudes de acceso a mercados extranjeros.
Back to Basics with the latest AVR Spirit 5200 potato harvester
October 03, 2017

AVR Spirit 5200 potato harvester debut at Agritechnica

During the Agritechnica trade show, potato machine manufacturer AVR will launch its latest 2-row potato harvester: the AVR Spirit 5200.
Bolivia invertirá 3.5 millones de dólares en investigación sobre papa
October 02, 2017

Bolivia invertirá 3.5 millones de dólares en investigación sobre papa

El dinero es otorgado por el Gobierno de Corea y busca aumentar los rendimientos del cultivo en el país. El proyecto prevé la construcción de un centro en Cochabamba dónde los investigadores bolivianos puedan fortalecer sus capacidades de investigación.
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Bavarian potato harvest at its peak
October 02, 2017

Bavarian potato harvest at its peak

Bavarian potato harvest at its peak, consumers can expect good quality
Mounting frustration over potato harvest in Scotland
October 02, 2017

Mounting frustration over potato harvest in Scotland

Seed potato growers and traders are facing mounting frustration as wet weather continues to interrupt the harvest across Scotland.
New french fry manufacturer in India Amul sets up shop near competition in Gujarat
September 30, 2017

Indian Dairy Coop GCMMF (Amul) enters french fry market and promises Gujarat farmers better prices

In India, the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is starting the production of frozen French Fries in October of this year. They have set up shop in North Gujarat, close to McCain Foods India and Hyfun Frozen Foods
Hungarian Potato Growers Squeezed: Low Prices AND Low Yields
September 30, 2017

Hungarian Potato Growers Squeezed: Low Prices AND Low Yields

Potato growers in Hungary are in a tough position as potato prices are low. On top of that, yield has been negatively affected by heat and quality is far from optimal.
Argentina: Agricultores mecanizaron todo el proceso productivo gracias a créditos pagados con papa
September 29, 2017

Argentina: Agricultores mecanizaron todo el proceso productivo gracias a créditos pagados con papa

Un grupo de productores de la Provincia de Buenos Aires se equipó con tecnología de punta para mecanizar el proceso de siembra, cosecha y lavado de papa, gracias a préstamos ofrecidos por la filial regional de PepsiCo.
It's Potato Harvest Time in Prince Edward Island!
September 29, 2017

It's Potato Harvest Time in Prince Edward Island!

Harvest time has arrived for Prince Edward Island potato farmers! It’s a busy and exciting time of year, when farmers put in long hours to harvest their crop after working hard throughout the growing season to nurture and protect their world famous PEI Potatoes.


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