News on The Potato Supply Chain

UMaine receive grant for potato breeding and to improve quality and pest resistance
November 27, 2017

UMaine receives grant for potato breeding with focus on quality improvement and pest resistance

The USDA-NIFA has awarded a grant totaling $388,000 to the University of Maine to study potato breeding and improve quality and pest resistance in the eastern United States.
Uruguay: Area sembrada de papa cae un 12% pero no tendrá un impacto relevante
November 22, 2017

Uruguay: Area sembrada de papa cae un 12% pero no tendrá un impacto relevante

El abastecimiento de papa sigue siendo suficiente, considerando que queda un buen stock del producto de la última zafra, y que pronto llegará al mercado la papa de primavera/verano.
Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe sets record performance price: 82 euros
November 21, 2017

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe sets record performance price: 82 euros

Coöperatie Avebe achieved a performance price of more than 82 euros. This is almost 7% higher than last year, and a new record: the performance price has never exceeded the 80 euros threshold before.
Research into sustainable management practices to increase fertilizer efficiency receives support from the Canadian Government
November 21, 2017

Research: How can we increase fertilizer efficiency?

The government of Canada last week announced a $1.8 million investment in a research project at the University of British Columbia that includes the development of beneficial management practices for increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use in potatoes.
Avebe zet goede lijn door met record prestatieprijs: ruim 82 euro
November 21, 2017

Avebe zet goede lijn door met record prestatieprijs: ruim 82 euro

Coöperatie Avebe realiseerde een prestatieprijs van ruim 82 euro. Dit is bijna 7% hoger dan vorig jaar,en een nieuw record: nog niet eerder kwam de prestatieprijs boven de grens van de 80 euro.
United States Fall Potato Production down 2 percent
November 20, 2017

USDA: United States Fall Potato Production 2017 down 2 percent

The first official USDA data for harvest 2017 show the United States production of fall potatoes is down 2 percent from last year, forecast at 399 million cwt.
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Mccain Foods Canada Recognizes S-Scan Farms As Champion Grower
November 20, 2017

McCain Foods recognizes S-Scan Farms as Champion Grower for its Coaldale, Alberta Plant

S-Scan Farms of Scandia, Alberta was named the McCain 2016 Crop Year Champion Potato Grower for the McCain Coaldale plant
Honduras cubre la demanda nacional de papa y podría empezar a exportar
November 18, 2017

Honduras cubre la demanda nacional de papa y podría empezar a exportar

La producción de papa para finales del año se acercará al millón de quintales (aprox. cien mil toneladas), dijo Juan Rivas, representante del gremio papero. Y si los rendimientos mejoran, concluye, el país podría estar exportando en un futuro cercano.
J.R. Simplot partners with Iden Biotechnology in a search for genes to enhance nutritional properties of the potato
November 18, 2017

J.R. Simplot partners with Iden Biotechnology in a search for genes to enhance nutritional properties of the potato

Iden Biotechnology - a Spanish biotechnology company - and J.R. Simplot Company, a potato processor and developer and marketer of Innate® Potatoes, recently entered into an agreement to explore the potential for nutritional enrichment of the potato.
With 40% cold stores in Punjab flooded with old crops, potato glut likely this year too
November 18, 2017

With 40% cold stores in Punjab flooded with old crops, potato glut likely this year too

Potato farmers in the Indian state Punjab are headed for another season of dwindling profits because the cold storage facilities are still flooded with old crop - and several other states are in a similar situation.
Potato researchers gather in Maine to find a solutions for the Blackleg disease
November 17, 2017

Potato researchers gather in Maine to find solutions for the Blackleg disease

Researchers from all over the world were in Bangor for the '2017 Dickeya and Pectobacterium Summit', organized by the University of Maine Extension.
AHDB officially launches Potato Data Centre at BP2017
November 17, 2017

AHDB Potatoes officially launches Potato Data Centre at BP2017

AHDB Potatoes will officially launch its Potato Data Centre (PDC) at BP2017 at Harrogate on 22 and 23 November.
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España: La polilla guatemalteca se extiende a otros municipios de Asturias
November 15, 2017

España: La polilla guatemalteca se extiende a otros municipios de Asturias

Funcionarios de la Consejería de Desarrollo Rural y Recursos Naturales descubrieron la plaga en una trampa instalada en el municipio de El Franco. Es una situación previsible pues la polilla no tiene que comer en las zonas afectadas y tiene que movilizarse para buscar alimento.
Dewulf partners with Mahindra to deliver potato planting equipment to Indian Farmers
November 14, 2017

Dewulf partners with Mahindra to bring the latest potato planting technology to Indian Farmers

Dewulf, supplier of a full line of potato and root crop machinery, announced a licencing agreement with Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd (M&M Ltd), part of the USD 19 billion Mahindra Group, headquartered in Mumbai (India) for the manufacturing and marketing of potato planting equipment in India.
HZPC names Homoud Saleh (LEHA Group) Potato Man of the Year 2017
November 14, 2017

HZPC names Homoud Saleh (LEHA Group) Potato Man of the Year 2017

Each year, during the Potato Days, potato breeder HZPC announces the Potato (wo)man of the Year. This year Mr. Homoud Saleh was rewarded with this title.
High Tech for Farms: Bosch moves into Agricultural Technology Market worth billions
November 13, 2017

High Tech for Farms: Bosch moves into Agricultural Technology Market worth billions

Using sensors to determine the best time for harvesting and steering automated tractors across fields, the market for agricultural technology is growing worldwide. It is also a lucrative field for Bosch. 'Bosch can do more than cars and cordless screwdrivers. We are bringing high tech to farms, opening up a market worth billions.'
España: El precio de la papa sube un 700% desde la parcela al consumidor
November 12, 2017

España: El precio de la papa sube un 700% desde la parcela al consumidor

La papa y el ajo son los dos productos que, según el Indice de precios en origen y destino de los alimentos elaborado por COAG, tienen un mayor ascenso en octubre de 2017. Desde que salen a la tierra hasta que llegan al consumidor, multiplican en más de un 700% su precio.
Tesco brings back Italian New Potatoes for the seventh year
November 12, 2017

Tesco brings back Italian New Potatoes for the seventh year

Solely supplied by Branston, Italian new potatoes are returning to Tesco for the seventh consecutive year, to keep pace with the increasing demand for fresh seasonal new potatoes.


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