News on The Potato Supply Chain from Sweden

 Herbert Autosort
March 29, 2011

Herbert installs 1300 Auto-sort and Contractor Unit for Swedish potato packer Svegro

RJ Herbert Engineering recently installed a new 1300 Auto-sort and Contractor Unit for one of Sweden’s major potato packers, Svegro.
 Agrico Nordic
December 29, 2010

Agrico neemt 100% belang in Agrico Nordic

Op 23 december 2010 heeft Lantmännen Lantbruk haar 49-procent aandeel in Agrico Nordic AB verkocht aan haar partner Ypma & Zonen BV, 100% dochteronderneming van Coöperatie Agrico.
September 10, 2010

BASF Plant Science identifies case of low level comingling in Amflora fields in Sweden

BASF Plant Science identified extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields planted in Northern Sweden during the course of the regular in-house quality controls.
September 06, 2010

La CE confirma el cultivo ilegal de una patata transgénica en Suecia

La Comisión Europea (CE) ha confirmado hoy el cultivo de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada no permitida por la UE en campos de Suecia y ha pedido explicaciones a la compañía responsable, la alemana BASF. El portavoz comunitario de Sanida...
Lantmännen Solanum logo
September 01, 2009

Growers buy Lantmännen Solanums Potato Processing

Lantmännen Solanum has sold its potato processing operation to a group of growers. The reception, storage and sorting for external clients will however remain within Lantmännen Solanum. The potato processing within Lantmännen Solanum has in recent ye...
March 16, 2009

Acrylamide not linked to endometrial cancer

Seven years ago, alarms were sounded that acrylamide, a compound found in foods heated at high temperatures, could cause cancer. However, studies have not uncovered links to colon cancer or breast cancer, and now comes word from a Swedish study indicat...
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February 09, 2009

Agrico en Lantmännen Lantbruk starten Agrico Nordic

Aardappelcoöperatie Agrico en het Zweedse Lantmännen Lantbruk hebben de onderneming Agrico Nordic opgericht. De nieuwe onderneming richt zich op de productie en verkoop van pootgoed in Zweden.Agrico Nordic wordt exclusief vertegenwoordiger van de rasse...
June 25, 2008

Swedish town Alingsås chosen for international potato academy, 'Academia Solanum Tuberosum'

The potato is set to have its own academy seated in Alingsås in western Sweden. The idea behind the academy, Academia Solanum Tuberosum, is to have representatives from the entire industry who will work to spread knowledge about the potato in a variet...


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