News on The Potato Supply Chain from Kenya

December 12, 2011

Centro Internacional de la Papa busca investigador para liderar programa de papa en el África subsahariana

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) está buscando un científico principal con amplia experiencia en investigación y recaudación de fondos, para dirigir y ampliar el programa de papa que el CIP ha establecido en el África Subsahariana, con sede en ...
Masaï vrouw wordt aardappelpionier
October 28, 2011

Masaï vrouw wordt aardappelpionier

Christine Nashuru lijkt een traditionele Masaï vrouw, lang en stil. Ze leeft in het Transmara district in Kenia. Ze heeft, doordat ze vrouw is, geen formeel onderwijs genoten, maar, dankzij een cursus van het CIP (International Potato Center) is zij nu...
October 26, 2011

Nederlands pootgoed impuls voor voedselproductie Kenia

De Nederlandse aardappel kan een bijdrage leveren aan het oplossen van het voedselprobleem in Kenia. Daarvoor is vers, virusvrij pootgoed nodig. Rob Holtrop werkt daaraan. Aardappel is, na mais, het gewas dat in Kenia het meest wordt verbouwd voor lok...
October 24, 2011

In Kenya, a Maasai woman becomes a potato seed production pioneer

A CIP project in Kenya and other African nations is fostering private adoption of a three-generation seed multiplication strategy. Combined with improved knowledge and skills the project should lead to average yield increases of 20%.
July 12, 2011

Kenyan Farmers to Get Drought Resistant Potato Seeds

Plans are underway to start breeding drought resistant potato varieties to curb food shortage. Players in potato farming who were meeting at Oljoro Orok Farmers Training Centre in Nyandarua West district observed that available potato varieties are onl...
June 23, 2011

Potato price crash in Kenya slashes returns for producers

In Kenya, Potato farmers and traders are bracing for lower returns after a bumper harvest prompted a price crash, easing consumer anxiety over the rising cost of living compounded by a shortage of maize.
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 Instituto de Investigación Agrícola de Kenia (KARI)
January 26, 2011

Investigadores muestran a los agricultores de Kenia los beneficios de la papa sobre el maíz

El maíz es la comida favorita en Kenia. A sus habitantes les encanta. Sin embargo, los investigadores están buscando la forma de cambiar ese hábito. Por eso el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y el Instituto de Investigación Agrícola de Kenia (KAR...
 Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)
January 26, 2011

Researchers CIP and KARI Seek to Show Kenyan Farmers Benefits of Potatoes Over Maize

Victor Otazu, a aeroponic specialist with the International Potato Center, tends to some aeroponic potato plants in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenyans love to eat maize. It's the country's favorite food. But researchers at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institu...
December 29, 2010

Aeroponics set to improve potato yields in Kenya

The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari) has introduced a new farming technology for breeding multiple disease free potato tubers in a bid to achieve a widespread take-off in productivity for the country’s potato farmers.
KARI develops potato varieties suitable for chips manufacturing in Kenya
November 08, 2010

KARI develops potato varieties suitable for chips manufacturing in Kenya

The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari) is testing new potato varieties ahead of a planned release next April for mid- and high-altitude regions.
June 22, 2010

Seed potato plan in Kenya stalled

Grabbed research land has stalled a Sh318 million potato revitalisation programme that would have seen the sector become a major employer and contributor to food security. A five-year potato sector master plan in Kenya has been turned down just before ...
March 02, 2010

Kenyan Farmers replace pyrethrum production with potato

A tractor is busy cultivating an arable land in Molo just next to the Pyrethrum Board of Kenya research station. It is during this planting season that farmers take advantage of the research station to plant latest variety of flowers. But like a maj...
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January 09, 2010

Kenyan potato farmers deal with the weight of a potato sack and heavy rains

The deluge of rains pounding away at the country is bringing losses in its wake, as farmers dump crops in the market at throwaway prices.In North Kinangop, the price of a 110kg sack of potatoes has dropped from Sh2,700 to Sh600, and potatoes that have ...
 potato trader in Kenya (source: Daily Nation)
August 03, 2009

New Plan to revive potato farming in Kenya

The Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on the revival of potato growing to boost the country’s food security. Among the key priorities are the rehabilitation of cold stores, construction and equipping tissue culture laboratories and green houses. ...
 Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI)
May 25, 2009

Kenyan Potato farmers get help to establish virus-free seed potato production

SCRI is leading an international project to help potato farmers in Kenya.The mission is being supported with a grant from the Monsanto Fund totalling £186,000. The ambition is to increase potato yields - and importantly Kenyan farmer's incomes.
October 18, 2008

Dutch seed potato supplier Agrico to help revamp potato farming in Kenya

Kenyan Minister of Agriculture William Ruto has said that the Kenya Government has entered into partnership with a Dutch company to help rejuvenate the production and marketing of potatoes. Mr Ruto also said that his ministry is finalising the pape...
September 26, 2008

Consumption of French fries in East Africa is booming

Consumption of potato chips (French fries) in East Africa is booming. Urbanisation, the proliferation of fast-food restaurants, growing tourism, and a significant change in eating habits among both high- and low-income groups in urban areas is raising...
February 05, 2008

Nairobi's restaurants and local chips processors face potato shortage due to Kenyan violence

A shortage of potatoes is expected to hit restaurants in Nairobi and other towns in the next few weeks because of the violence that has crippled the Rift Valley Province.Nairobi has more than 800 restaurants and over 40 local processors of crisps whose...


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