News on The Potato Supply Chain from Europe

Ukrainian State-Funded Program on Development of Potato Sector
March 03, 2021

Construction of 35 new potato storages in the Ukraine thanks to government support

The Institute of Agrarian Economics jointly with the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers have developed a state-funded program for the development of industrial potato growing for 2021-2025.
Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia
March 02, 2021

Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia

Together with a leading processor a greenfield project was developed in Russia, where Tolsma-Grisnich will supply potato receiving, handling and storage equipment.
Europatat Congress 2021 Virtual Edition
March 02, 2021

Europatat Congress 2021 Virtual Edition

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is excited to announce that the 2021 edition of its annual Congress will be held on Thursday, 10th of June in a virtual format.
Corona crisis slashes Belgian potato industry in 2020. Volume of potatoes for processing lowest in three years
March 02, 2021

Corona crisis hits Belgian potato industry hard: 2020 processing volume lowest in three years

No one could miss it in the media last year: the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Belgian potato sector hard.
Dewulf adds new options that make MH 24x receiving hoppers even more versatile
March 02, 2021

Dewulf adds new options that make MH 24x receiving hoppers even more versatile

Dewulf, full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, has introduced several new options for their MH 24x series of receiving hoppers.
Potato Europe 2021 trade show theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'
March 01, 2021

Potato Europe 2021 theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'

With the event theme 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future', PotatoEurope 2021 promises to provide insight into current developments in the potato industry as well as a look at the future of the sector.
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UK regulations relaxed to allow Mallorcan potato exports
February 26, 2021

UK regulations relaxed to allow potato import from Mallorca

Mallorca has been exporting potatoes to the United Kingdom since 1927 and future exports are now guaranteed because the British Government has agreed to change the regulations and allow Mallorcan potatoes to be sold in the British market.
España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año
February 22, 2021

España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año

El sector de la patata en Xinzo siempre tuvo que capear contratiempos como el precio, la climatología y las pestes, y a todo ello se sumó en 2020 otro enemigo impredecible como es el COVID.
New resistance genes against late blight were identified in a close relative of the potato, Solanum americanum
February 22, 2021

Late blight resistance genes identified in potato relative Solanum americanum

An international team of researchers has struck an important blow in the ongoing evolutionary arms race with the notorious potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited sees growing business
February 21, 2021

UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited sees growing business

UK Potato Storage Specialist Crop Systems Limited is responding to major growth in its business with further investment at its factory and new appointments, including Tony Barnes as Sales Manager.
Russia may sharply increase potato imports from Egypt this season
February 18, 2021

Russia may sharply increase potato imports from Egypt this season

EastFruit analysts predict that Russia may sharply increase the volume of imports of potatoes from Egypt in the 2020/21 season.
Potato prices stagnate in Moldova due to low demand
February 17, 2021

Potato prices stagnate in Moldova due to low demand

In late January-early February 2021, the next stage of potato wholesale prices growth began in Moldova. However, it was only the cheapest locally produced potatoes that rose in the price from 3 lei/kg to 3.5-4.0 lei/kg ($0.21-0.24/kg).
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Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato
February 17, 2021

Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato

Potato is one of the most popular foods. For many consumers, however, it contains too many carbohydrates. Europlant adapts to the low-carb nutrition trend and is now offering two potato varieties with fewer carbohydrates.
Baleares pide al Reino Unido que el Brexit no afecte a la exportación de la patata
February 15, 2021

Baleares pide al Reino Unido que el Brexit no afecte a la exportación de la patata

Baleares ha pedido al Reino Unido que el Brexit no afecte a la exportación de la patata mallorquina, ha informado este viernes la Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
Royal Cosun closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019.
February 15, 2021

Aviko's parent Cosun posts slightly higher result in a challenging year

Royal Cosun (parent of potato processor Aviko) closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019. Aviko had an exceptionally turbulent year. Lockdowns exerted pressure on Aviko’s turnover in the foodservice channel, whereas other business groups benefited directly or indirectly from higher sales in the retail channel.
Paperless Load Passports Now Available on Agri-Food Chain Platform KisanHub
February 11, 2021

Paperless Load Passports Now Available on Agri-Food Chain Platform KisanHub

Agri-Food Chain Platform KisanHub has launched Paperless Load Passports. This solution allows users to manage the movement of products through the supply chain all on their mobile devices.
Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads
February 08, 2021

Brexit: Seed potatoes at EU crossroads

AHDB Head of Export Trade Development for Potatoes, Patrick Hughes spoke of the importance of the EU market to seed potato growers and how he was hoping for a rapid resolution to the prohibition on UK exports to the Continent.
España: Operadores de patatas piden que se apruebe el antigerminante 'Dormir'
February 08, 2021

España: Operadores de patatas piden que se apruebe el antigerminante 'Dormir'

La asociación de operadores de patata Asopocyl y la Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León van a solicitar al Ministerio de Sanidad que dé el visto bueno al antigerminante Dormir.


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