News on The Potato Supply Chain from Europe

 Fortuna GM potato with resistancy against phytophthora
April 05, 2012

BASF continues field trials with GM potatoes in Europe

BASF Plant Science will again conduct field trials this year with genetically optimized potatoes which are undergoing the EU approval process.
April 03, 2012

Ulster Farmers’ Union visits Mash Direct to discuss potato industry

Following a series of meetings focused on the Northern Ireland’s potato industry Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) deputy president Harry Sinclair has said the potato sector is, and will continue to be an important part of Northern Ireland’s agriculture industry.
April 02, 2012

Droogte en lage prijzen verkleinen aardappelareaal Spanje met 20%

Lagere prijzen en vooral de huidige droogte beïnvloeden sommige gebieden van Spanje ernstig en zullen het aardappelareaal in 2012 met ongeveer 20% doen verminderen. Jesús Carrión laat weten dat volgens voorspellingen het totale teeltgebied in Spanje di...
April 02, 2012

Aardappelen uitdelen op De Dam

Biologisch akkerbouwer Krispijn van den Dries uit Ens dumpte afgelopen zondag 6 ton aardappelen op De Dam in Amsterdam. Samen met vrijwilligers van de organisatie Youth Food Movement (YFM) deelt hij de aardappelen uit aan voorbijgangers. De 28-jarige ...
CêlaVíta introduceert 'La Menute': lang houdbare aardappelproducten voor de Horeca
April 02, 2012

CêlaVíta introduceert 'La Menute': lang houdbare aardappelproducten voor de Horeca

Speciaal voor de Horeca heeft CêlaVíta Foodservice een range lang houdbare aardappelproducten ontwikkeld en daarbij gebruik gemaakt van de expertise van professionele koks. De nieuwe range 'La Menute by CêlaVíta' bevatten echte kant-en-klare aardappele...
 Belgapom notering 30 maart 2012
March 30, 2012

Belgapom notering 30 maart: € 25,00 /ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Voor...
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March 30, 2012

Europatat Congress 2012 announces more speakers

Europatat and the Dutch Potato Association (NAO) are pleased to announce that Guy Faulkner from World Potato Markets and Karlijn Offermans from advertising agency 2 Mèt will join the Europatat Congress as guest speakers during the Europatat Commission ...
March 26, 2012

Why Ireland needs to test GM potatoes

A major new European Union study is set to examine the effects of growing genetically modified, blight-resistant potato plants on biodiversity and the environment in agricultural ecosystems.
March 26, 2012

Jersey Royal potato harvest is delayed

Jersey Royal potatoes will be harvested two to three weeks later than usual this year, says an island grower.
March 23, 2012

Maltese potatoes make it to the Netherlands

The first imports of Maltese grown potatoes to the Netherlands have arrived in Tilburg at the Jansen Dongen BV, a Dutch company that specialises in the growing, packing and selling of potatoes.
 WPC 2012 World potato congress
March 23, 2012

Exclusive new WPC2012 sponsorship deals created

Exceptional demand for prime sponsorship opportunities at World Potato Congress 2012 (WPC2012) has led to a few very special exclusive packages being created for those who don’t want to miss this unique opportunity.
Good demand for organic primeur potatoes in Belgium
March 22, 2012

Good demand for organic primeur potatoes in Belgium

"The season of the Israeli organic primeur potatoes runs well"Bart Nemegheer of the Aardappelhoeve tells enthusiastically. "This is mainly because of the lovely spring weather. It is really so that when the sun shines people buy more pri...
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March 21, 2012

UK: New potato grader helps Billockby Farms speed operations

Herbert Engineering has supplied a new potato grader to Billockby Farms.
 World Potato Congress 2012
March 20, 2012

Top international researchers to attend World Potato Congress 2012

World Potato Congress has become an important diary date and many of the potato industry’s leading international researchers have already registered to attend. In addition, the Fifth Potato Virus ‘Y’ (PVY-wide) workshop and a meeting of United Nations...
March 19, 2012

La “revolución de la papa”, respuesta a la crisis en Grecia

Un ejemplo más de que las crisis son oportunidades. Los agricultores griegos de la península del Peloponeso han empezado a vender sus productos así: del campo, al camión y del camión a un barrio hambriento a las afueras de Atenas. Venta directa sin i...
March 19, 2012

Greek 'potato movement' links shoppers and farmers

There's some dispute about where and when it all started, but Christos Kamenides, genial professor of agricultural marketing at the University of Thessaloniki, is pretty confident he and his students have made sure 'the potato movement' is not about to stop any time soon.
March 18, 2012

Aardappelverwerking Februari 2012

In de maand februari zijn er (bron PA) meer aardappelen verwerkt die afkomstig waren van invoer. Van het totale volume aardappelen verwerkt tot consumptieproducten (286.000 ton) bleek bijna 87.500 ton ingevoerd (30,6%) tegen 73.300 ton (26%) in februari 2011.
March 18, 2012

Export aardappelen loopt iets achter

In februari is nagenoeg dezelfde hoeveelheid consumptie- en industrieaardappelen uitgevoerd als de maand ervoor: ruim 71.000 ton. Vergeleken met dezelfde periode vorig jaar is dat zo’n 20.000 ton minder. Opmerkelijk is de hoge invoer van zetmeelaarda...


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