News on The Potato Supply Chain from Europe

 Logo de Greenvale
October 21, 2012

Conferencia de Angus Armstrong en World Potato Congress 2012

En el marco del 8o World Potato Congress, WPC 2012, que tuvo lugar en Edinburgo 27 a 30 de mayo 2012, una de las intervenciones fue la de Angus Armstrong, Ejecutivo en Jefe de la firma Greenvale, especialista en patata en fresco y procesada en el merca...
 Gourmandine culinair
October 18, 2012

Agrico potato Gourmandine 'taste of the year' for third time

This year, Agrico's potato variety Gourmandine was awarded the much coveted French quality award ‘Saveur de l’Année 2013’ (‘Taste of the Year 2013’) for the third time.
October 16, 2012

Potato Conference preview - Potato fertility under the covers

Planting green manure cover crops over the winter, prior to potato cropping, could save growers significant costs with reduced fertiliser inputs and enhanced organic matter to improve soil quality.
October 15, 2012

Co-operatives: a Key for Smallholder Inclusion into Value Chains (Rabobank Report)

Rabobank believes small farmers in developing countries and emerging economies are the key to a successful approach to the world food problem. As their productivity is still very low, a large underexploited food production potential is yet to be unlocked.
 Potato Council
October 11, 2012

2012 - a watershed year for the UK potato industry.

“The combination of low yielding potato crops, increased crop spraying costs and increased wastage from problems such as greening, soft rots and growth cracks has massively increased the average cost of producing a tonne of potatoes in 2012 to over £20...
Fruit Logistica 2013 is looking for innovators
October 10, 2012

Fruit Logistica 2013 is looking for innovators

Fresh produce industry companies with innovative products or services are invited to apply for the FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award (FLIA) An official award ceremony on 8 February 2013 will be held to announce the winners.
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European potato field. Courtesy: European Potato Processors’ Association (EUPPA)
October 10, 2012

European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) elects new board

The European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) general assembly has approved yesterday new statutes and elected a new board at its meeting in Brussels earlier this week. The EUPPA member companies actively process potatoes in Austria, Belgium, Fra...
 Bacterial ringrot
October 09, 2012

Potato imports threaten UK crop

No sooner does the risk of importing exotic diseases such as dickeya in seed potatoes appear to be receding than another potential source of harm to the health of the UK crop has reared its head.
 David Gómez Castillo
October 08, 2012

Research on sprout inhibitors: Essential oils could be a good alternative to CIPC

At the Public University of Navarra, David Gómez Castillo carried out research for his PhD on the possibility of substituting the current use of CIPC in potato storage by treating the tuber with essential oils of mint, caraway, coriander, eucalyptus an...
 European Food Safety Authority
October 08, 2012

European Food Safety Authority publishes initial review on GM maize and herbicide study

The European Food Safety Authority has concluded that a recent paper raising concerns about the potential toxicity of genetically modified (GM) maize NK603 and of a herbicide containing glyphosate is of insufficient scientific quality to be considered ...
October 08, 2012

HZPC reports financial results: a good year

HZPC Holland B.V. has closed the financial year 2011/2012 with a nice result. However the previous year 2010/2011 was an exceptional year with a record for turnover, growers price and profit. Compared to the last year the result has decreased. Despite ...
 PotatoEurope 2012
October 04, 2012

Over 10.000 visitors at Potato Europe 2012

PotatoEurope 2012 hosted more than 10,000 visitors over the 12th and 13th of September in Villers-Saint-Christophe, Aisne department, France, surpassing the goals set by ARVALIS and its partners. The potato sector demonstrated its modernity and expert...
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 David Gomez Castillo
October 03, 2012

El uso de aceites esenciales como antigerminantes en almacenamiento de papa puede ser una buena alternativa a los tratamientos químicos

Uno de los momentos críticos para la calidad final de la patata se produce durante su almacenamiento, ya que existe riesgo de brotación y pudrición por agentes patógenos como bacterias y hongos. Para evitarlo, David Gómez Castillo, ingeniero agrónomo, ...
 UK water efficiency awards 2012
October 03, 2012

Greenvale AP picks up another award for their cascade potato washing system

Greenvale AP, the UK’s leading supplier of fresh potatoes, has once again proved it is blazing a trail in reducing water consumption in the fresh produce world, scooping a UK Water Efficiency Award 2012 in the Business and Industry category.
Greenvale AP
October 02, 2012

Greenvale acquire Rowe Farming Ltd

Produce Investments plc (PI), owners of Greenvale AP Ltd, one of the UK’s largest fresh potato companies, has acquired 100% of the share capital of Rowe Farming Ltd, a specialist new and salad potato and daffodil growing business based in Cornwall.
 Potato Council
October 02, 2012

Potato harvest in the United Kingdom still 3 weeks behind

The Potato Council Grower Panel Lifting Survey estimates that 39,000ha (32% of the total crop and just under 7,000ha greater than last week's estimate) was cleared to Friday 28 September, with the GB harvest running approximately three weeks behind las...
 Potato Europe 2012
October 01, 2012

Agricultural Machinery News from Potato Europe

Easily the biggest potato event in Europe this year, Potato Europe took place in the middle of this region, close to the village of Villers-Saint-Christophe.
 bruised potato
October 01, 2012

Potato bruising risk in Britain needs addressing

While recent rain should help boost protective soil intake by harvesters, the risk of potato bruising remains high, potato agronomists and machinery makers are warning.


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