News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

 Canadian Potato Production down 2%
November 23, 2007

Statcan: Canadian Potato production down 2%

For harvest 2007, good growing conditions in most of Canada resulted in a yield of 279.0 cwt per acre (31.27 tonnes per hectare), which approached the record yield of 287.1 cwt per acre (32.18 tonnes per hectare) seen in 2006. An excellent fall for h...
November 23, 2007

Video del Año Internacional de la Papa

Potatopro recomienda ver este vídeo realizado por la Subdivisión de Relaciones Públicas y Promoción, de la FAO [en inglés, Flash, 6.4Mb]. Los temas tratados son: • papel de la papa en el abastecimiento mundial de alimentos • historia de la papa • c...
November 21, 2007

Presque Isle: Potato growers thankful for season's bounty

On Thanksgiving Day, many Mainers will gather with family and friends around a table piled with a steaming turkey, fresh vegetables and likely a heaping bowl of Maine mashed potatoes. This year, potato growers in the state will be able to give thanks, ...
 International Year of the Potato 2008
November 20, 2007

Are chips the answer to world hunger?

Solanum tuberosum – the potato - will have its year in 2008. The UN is trying to wean developing countries off rice and persuade them to adopt the potato as a staple food. Potatoes beat rice on most measures. They need less water and less space to prod...
November 20, 2007

Nematodes result in import shut US border to Alberta seed potatoes

The U.S. border has been closed to seed potatoes from Alberta after the plant pest golden nematode was found on two seed potato fields. USDA and CFIA were in talks as of Tuesday to determine when the border would open again. "We'd like it opened...
November 19, 2007

Markets broadened for Carolina potato growers

Potato growers in North Carolina will have improved access to Canadian markets next year, thanks to a bilateral trade agreement signed recently by the United States and Canada. Growers will have a limited amount of guaranteed access to Canadian market...
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November 19, 2007

Idaho Potato farmer benefits from french fry demand in China and Japan

Albert Wada is one of America’s potato kings. Farming 12,000 acres of land in Idaho, the state that produces a third of America’s spuds, Mr Wada is one of the biggest potato farmers in the United States. He bought the business in 1972 from his father,...
November 12, 2007

Idaho Potato Commission wants potatoes on food aid list

Potatoes aren't on the list developing nations can order as part of the U.S. food aid program, and Frank Muir, president and chief executive officer of the Idaho Potato Commission, wants to change that.It's something of a Catch-22 situation. Potatoes c...
 NASS: US Potato Production
November 09, 2007

NASS: US Potato harvest fall 2007

Production of fall potatoes for 2007 is forecast at 408 million cwt, up 2 percent from last year. Area harvested, at 997,800 acres, is virtually unchanged from the July estimate but 2 percent above last year.The average yield is forecast at 409 cwt pe...
November 05, 2007

Six million dollar allocated to US Potato Board for promotion of the US potato overseas

Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner today announced that USDA provided more than $234 million to help market American farm products overseas in the 2007 fiscal year that ended Sept 30.   The allocations were provided under the Market Access Progr...
November 03, 2007

Inspeccion confirma la presencia de verruga en papa en la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo

La Agencia Canadiense de Inspección de Alimentos anunció que se ha confirmado la presencia de verruga de la papa en un campo en la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo.
November 01, 2007

Arrangement Between Canada and the United States Benefits Potato Producers and Processors

The Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board and the Honourable David Emerson, Minister of International Trade today welcomed the conclusion of an arrangement to facilitate bilateral trade i...
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October 31, 2007

Collective Action for Innovation and Small Farmer Market Access: The Papa Andina Experience

This paper reports on how the Papa Andina Regional Initiative is promoting the use of collective action to reduce poverty in the Andes, by developing market niches and adding value to potatoes, particularly the native potatoes grown by poor farmers.
October 26, 2007

Washington potato harvest could break last year's record of $562M

The deal: The value of the state's potato crop hit a record $562 million last year and could beat that record for the just-harvested 2007 crop. This year and last, the state's potato growers seem to be hitting the marks perfectly in terms of global ...
October 25, 2007

Idaho Potato Commission Congratulates Idaho Growers on Another Harvest Well Done

Idaho produced approximately 13 billion pounds of their signature spuds during the harvest, which runs from August through October. The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC), representing Idaho Potato processors, shippers and growers, reports another excellent...
October 22, 2007

VN opent het Internationale Jaar van de Aardappel

Na de internationale jaren voor de rijst (2004) en voor de bergen (2002) kan een jaar voor de aardappel natuurlijk niet achterblijven. Vorige week opende de Verenigde Naties het jaar met als belangrijkste doel om overheden subsidie te laten verstrekken...
October 22, 2007

USPB promotes frozen potato products in Mexico

The United States Potato Board (USPB) increases demand for US frozen potato products in Mexico by reaching both trade and consumers. Trade is targeted through restaurant chain training and tailored seminars held in conjunction with the importer/distri...
October 19, 2007

Seed bytes October 2007: Newsletter for the New Brunswick Potato Seed Industry

Careful and wise storage management decisions are your best defences against crop losses due to potato storage diseases. It is essential to know that you cannot cure tubers of diseases, but you can minimize storage losses from tuber infections.


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