News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

February 26, 2008

Heinz: Quarterly Report

Sales for the three months ended January 30, 2008 increased $316 million, or 13.8%, to $2.61 billion, with growth in all five business segments. Volume increased 5.2%, driven by a 9.8% volume increase in Asia/Pacific, combined with solid growth in Euro...
February 21, 2008

Agriculture Canada unveils 15 new experimental potato varieties in Fredericton

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has unveiled a new crop of experimental potato varieties, but it will be years before any find their way to your supper table. The new varieties were actually created six years ago, but only now have they gone through e...
February 20, 2008

Potato expert Eugenia Banks: Treasure trove of taters

Demand for specialty potatoes, with multi-hued skin and flesh, is booming.Potato expert Eugenia Banks' cache is nestled in white paper bags piled on pallets lined against the walls. Inside are prized potatoes: River John Blues and Purple Majesties, Win...
February 19, 2008

Michigan Potato Stocks Up 35% From 2007

Fall potato stocks in Michigan on Feb. 1 were estimated at 6.2 million hundredweight (cwt), according to the USDA, NASS, Michigan Field Office. February's stocks represent 42% of the total production, up 35% from last year's 4.6 million cwt. Stocks by ...
February 18, 2008

Nutra-Ingredients weekly comment: No time to waste on reformulation

The food industry across Europe needs to make a big effort to reduce saturated fat in food regardless of whether national agencies set targets - and it should not wait around for governments to do all the awareness-raising with its consumers.   Last we...
February 18, 2008

Highlights International Potato Exhibition PEI: GPS and modified hilling technology

P.E.I. potato farmers, as well as visitors from across the country, gathered at the Charlottetown Civic Centre over the weekend for the International Potato Technology Expo.More than a hundred booths, including everything from seed to harvesting, were ...
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February 15, 2008

NASS: US February Potato Stocks up 7% from last year

The 13 major potato States held 206 million cwt of potatoes in storage February 1, 2008, up 7 percent from last year and 9 percent above February 1, 2006. Potatoes in storage accounted for 52 percent of the 2007 fall storage States’ production, up 3 pe...
February 14, 2008

Mejoran en Ecuador la calidad y los rendimientos de la papa

El Programa Nacional de Raíces y Tubérculos-Rubro Papa y el Departamento Nacional de Protección Vegetal de la Estación Experimental Santa Catalina del Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias INIAP, en colaboración con la Escuela S...
February 11, 2008

Global demand lifts grain prices;US wheat stockpiles at lowest level since 1948

Soaring energy costs may be roiling the financial markets, but world governments are also being rattled by a more basic form of inflation: sky-high food prices.   Pakistan is stockpiling wheat and using its military to guard flour mills. Indonesian con...
February 11, 2008

Door aanbodmanagement is beter rendement aardappelteelt mogelijk

Een delegatie van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV) en het Algemeen Boeren Syndicaat (ABS) uit België is enthousiast teruggekeerd van de uitwisselingsgesprekken met de United Potato Growers of America (UPGA) in Salt Lake City. Duidelijk is geword...
Peru's potato passion goes global
February 08, 2008

Peru's potato passion goes global

At harvest time in the highland village of Paucho, the first crop of potatoes are baked in a hole in the ground covered with hot rocks, in a ceremony called Watia - a homage to Pacha Mama, or Mother Earth. For thousands of years, the potato has been th...
February 08, 2008

Wisconsin potato genebank keeps world spud supply safe

The potato is one of the most vital crops in the world for feeding the poor, evidenced by the United Nations' declaration that 2008 is the Year of the Potato. But this versatile vegetable is susceptible to many pests, diseases, environmental stresses ...
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February 03, 2008

El mundo conocera este año las más de cien variedades de papa

Por ser considerado el producto que tiene más presencia en todas las comidas a nivel mundial y que puede ser uno de los alimentos ideales para proporcionar la seguridad alimentaria en el país y el mundo, las Naciones Unidas declaró el 2008 como Año In...
Potatoes Goodness Unearthed
January 28, 2008

Website 'Potatoes...Goodness Unearthed' at launched by United States Potato Board

A new United States Potato Board (USPB) website,, joined the Board’s online cache of resources championing the goodness and nutrition found in America’s favorite vegetable. This consumer website went live January 17, 2008 and re...
January 26, 2008

Sierra Exportadora introducira el consumo de “papapan” en cuarteles del Peru

El presidente Ejecutivo de Sierra Exportadora, Gastón Benza Pflucker, informó que están trabajando para introducir el papapan o pan de papa en los programas de alimentación de los cuarteles de las Fuerzas Armadas.   Para el efecto Benza Pflucker soste...
January 23, 2008

Latin American 'potato network' to aid poor farmers: Red Latinpapa

With 2008 designated the International Year of the Potato, ten Latin American countries and Spain have formed the Latin American Network for Innovation on Potato Improvement and Dissemination, known as Red Latinpapa. The network was announced following...
January 22, 2008

USPB Initiates Frozen Potato Program In Central America

As part of its continuing strategy to develop new market opportunities for US potatoes, the United States Potato Board (USPB) has initiated a frozen potato program in Central America. Countries to be targeted include Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, N...
 Chips from potatoes with zebra chips disease
January 21, 2008

NIR scanner of Taste Technologies spots potatoes with 'Zebra Chip' disease

Auckland company Taste Technologies has developed a sorting method that can find out if potatoes have the Zebra chip disease before they are sent to manufacturers. NIR (or near-infrared) technology works by shining a light on the potato as it travels...


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