News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

June 04, 2008

Peru offers emergency credit for poor potato farmers to offset rising farming costs

President Alan Garcia says his government will offer Peru's potato farmers an emergency microcredit amid rising farming costs. Garcia told reporters that the program would provide financial aid to potato farmers dealing with the rising prices of fertil...
June 04, 2008

Los Angeles implemented a voluntary program in which restaurants can be certified as 'trans fat free'

Los Angeles County has implemented a voluntary program in which restaurants can be certified as "trans fat free"and receive a decal to display that fact to customers.Both the city and county of Los Angeles considering banning the use of trans...
June 03, 2008

Peru and Chile each lay claim to being the home of the potato

Peru and Chile, long-time rivals, are each laying claim to the humble vegetable, which experts agree is indigenous to South America and was spread to Europe by Spanish colonists in the 16th century. At stake is the reflected glory of being the home of ...
June 02, 2008

Professor Eric Tollens over de werldwijde voedselcrisis

Over de wereldwijde voedselcrisis heeft iedereen de voorbije weken zijn zegje gedaan, van de Groene Kring tot voormalig Sovjetleider Michail Gorbatsjov.Maar wat moeten we tot hiertoe onthouden van alle reacties en intentieverklaringen? Wat moet er vera...
June 01, 2008

Wereldbank pompt 6 miljard dollar in landbouw

De Wereldbank stelt dit jaar zes miljard euro ter beschikking voor de financiering van landbouwprojecten. De Amerikaanse voorzitter Robert Zoellick gaat volgende week naar de FAO-voedseltop met een arsenaal aan schenkingen, leningen en verzekeringen. &...
May 28, 2008

Chile y Perú se pelean por el origen de la papa

Chile y Perú, enfrentados desde hace meses por un conflicto de límites marítimos que aún aguarda un fallo en La Haya, y desde mucho antes por la autoría del pisco, inauguraron esta semana un nuevo diferendo al enfrentarse por la propiedad del origen d...
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May 27, 2008

Heinz Sets Sustainability Goal of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 20 Percent by 2015

The H. J. Heinz Company (NYSE:HNZ) announced today a milestone company goal: to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 2015. This effort is part of Heinz’s sustainability vision, to be a trusted leader in nutrition and wellness, dedicat...
May 26, 2008

Processed potato has overtaken fresh potato in terms of output and turnover.

Between 1995 and 2005 processed potato output rose from five million tonnes to over 10 and the value of these transactions doubled from 2,000 million dollars to almost 4,000. Fresh potato was worth less than 2,500 million dollars for an output of just...
May 22, 2008

McDonald's switches to transfat free frying oils

The McDonald's Corp. has completed its changeover to cooking oil with no trans fat at its restaurants in the U.S. and Canada The world's largest restaurant chain is now cooking French fries, hash browns, Filet-O-Fish sandwiches and chicken in a blend ...
May 20, 2008

Costa Rica develops Phythophtora resistant Potato Varieties

After three long years of study, the Instituto Nacional de Innovación y Transferencia en Tecnologí Agropecuaria (INTA, or the National Institute for Innovation and Transference of Agricultural Technology) has made a potato breakthrough, and five new ty...
May 19, 2008

Peru: women are the guardians of potato diversity

In South America’s Andes mountain region, indigenous women have traditionally been responsible for selecting, conserving and managing seed potatoes from the countless native varieties of the crop, thus ensuring diversity and continued production while ...
May 16, 2008

Five million ton Canadian potatoes and how to prepare them

Five million tonnes of spuds. That's how many potatoes Canadian farmers produce each year. Most of those are processed and sliced into potato chips or frozen into french fries for fast-food joints here and around the world. But there is a multitude of...
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May 14, 2008

White potatoes back in US federal nutrition program WIC

White potatoes are due to be back in a federal nutrition program for low-income women and children. After lobbying by Idaho's congressional delegation, the potato was included from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's nutrition programs, including the...
May 08, 2008

P.E.I. donates spuds to Boston food bank despite hard times

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is donating 18,000 kilogram of top-quality spuds to the Greater Boston Food Bank. The donation is part of International Year of the Potato. Ivan Noonan, a board spokesman, says Boston is a very important market f...
May 08, 2008

World Potato Congress invites nominations for Industry Awards

The President of the World Potato Congress (WPC) Inc. Mr Allan Parker, Prince Edward Island, Canada, and the Chairman of the WPC Awards Committee, Mr Douglas (Doug) Harley, Kinross, Scotland, have announced that nominations are now being called for t...
May 06, 2008

Regional potato extension/research group (NCERA) meets

The NCERA (North Central Research and Extension Activity) 205 group met in East Lansing during late March 2008. The group was composed of members from Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado and Nebraska potato industries. Michigan atten...
 University of Idaho Extension
May 06, 2008

University of Idaho Extension Web Site Helping Potato Growers

Farms whose produce is used in federal food programs or sold to an increasing number of major processors and fresh packers must pass U.S. Department of Agriculture Good Agricultural Practices audits, a task that can be daunting. To help Idaho's potato...
May 06, 2008

U.S., Canada make deal on potato cyst rules

The U.S. and Canada have agreed on a new protocol to deal more effectively with future outbreaks of potato cyst nematodes. Under the new protocol, dirt from fields in Canada and the U.S. that produce seed potatoes will need to be sampled using a full-f...


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