News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

August 22, 2008

Periodistas chilenos encantados con la papa peruana

Una delegación de periodistas gastronómicos de los más importantes medios de comunicación de Chile que visita el Perú destacó hoy la campaña de promoción y de revaloración de la papa que se realiza en el país y reconoció la calidad de los platos elabor...
August 21, 2008

Hail puts dent in San Luis Valley potato volumes

Demand for potatoes from Colorado’s San Luis Valley could be even stronger than first anticipated, following hailstorms Aug. 16-17 expected to reduce volumes from the region. The storms, which cut a mile-wide swathe near the towns of Center and Mosca, ...
August 21, 2008

Se implementa una caracterizacion de 100 variedades de papas nativas en Peru

El INIA viene trabajando en las caracterización de 100 variedades de papas nativas de las 500 que existen en la actualidad. Es un trabajo conjunto con los agricultores pues ellos las siembran y el INIA se encarga de los estudios para la elaboración de ...
August 19, 2008

Nutritional benefits of potatoes focus of new US Potato Board advertising campaign

The U.S. Potato Board launched a national print advertising campaign today as part of its continued effort to educate consumers about the nutritional benefits of potatoes. "Peel Back the Truth"inquisitively tackles potato nutrition myths and ...
August 18, 2008

Potatoes help with Alzheimer's study

A virus that commonly infects potatoes bears a striking resemblance to one of the key proteins implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and researchers have used that to develop antibodies that may slow or prevent the onset of AD. In the August 15 Jour...
August 14, 2008

Seed potatoes now part of Canada's Dispute Resolution Corporation

The Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) can now handle disputes involving seed potatoes. The by-law change approved by members at the 2008 Annual Meeting took effect once approved by the Canadian Government which happened recently.  Seed potatoes are...
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August 13, 2008

A head, and heart, for the lowly potato

David Tay puts on a lab coat and pushes through a door labeled with a black-and-white sign that reads simply, “Potato.” This room, where thousands of “plantlets” sit in test tubes under bright lights, is his domain, his turf – his potato patch. Here at...
August 13, 2008

Construirán museo de la papa en el año internacional de este tubérculo

El ministro de Agricultura informó que primera piedra será colocada antes de fin de año. La Directora de Centro Internacional de la Papa destacó la obra. En el marco del Año Internacional de la papa, el ministro de Agricultura, Ismael Benavides, anunci...
August 12, 2008

New online trading portal for the international potato industry coming soon

Global E-Trading NV (GET) announced today that it will launch a potato specific portal as part of its portfolio of trading portals for the fresh and frozen produce industry. The portal will be launched on the eFresh trading site, recognized as the lead...
August 07, 2008

GAIN report: Export frozen potato products drives up potato production in Argentina.

Argentine potato production is expected to increase to 2.5 million metric tons (MT) as exports of processed (frozen French fries) potatoes are pulling total production up. Domestic consumption of fresh potatoes has been stable for the last ten years at...
August 06, 2008

UNICA: variedad Peruana para mercado fresco y papa frita

Las nuevas variedades de papa que se ofrecen a los agricultores deben tener ventajas intrínsecas, las mismas que deben ser superiores a las variedades existentes de uso tradicional. Esta variedad fue desarrollada por la División de Mejoramiento y Utili...
August 06, 2008

CHILE-PERÚ: La papa vale mas que un conflicto

"La papa (Solarum tuberosum) es originaria de América", dice a IPS Juan Izquierdo, oficial de producción vegetal de la oficina regional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), tratando de imprimi...
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 International Year of the Potato
August 04, 2008

Preserving Potatoes More Important than Age-Old Dispute

Policies to get small farmers involved in saving, preserving, producing, marketing and genetically improving potatoes should take precedence over the age-old dispute between Chile and Peru about where potatoes originated, experts from both countries s...
August 01, 2008

Low returns threaten potato supplies

Food manufacturers will have to start paying more for potatoes in the US to maintain future supplies, according to industry experts. Potato prices will have to increase due to high production costs or US potato growers will go out of business, Alvin ...
August 01, 2008

Potato growers accept McCain contract

P.E.I. farmers who sell potatoes for processing to McCain Foods voted in favour of a new contract at a meeting Thursday night. Unlike those growing for Cavendish Farms, who rejected three contracts before signing, the McCain growers accepted the first...
July 31, 2008

Potato vodka hitting the shelves in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's first and only vodka distillery sits unassumingly inside one of the former Glenshaw Glass buildings along Route 8 in Shaler. Pennsylvania Pure Distilleries, the brainchild of Prentiss Orr and Barry Young, is just about ready to release...
 World Potato Congress
July 30, 2008

Albert T. Wada, new World Potato Congress Inc. Director

Allan Parker, President &CEO, World Potato Congress Inc. today announced the appointment of Albert T. Wada as a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Wada is the Chairman and CEO of Wada Farms Inc., an irrigated farming enterprise in eastern Idaho ...
July 25, 2008

'Green' potato health risk (glycoalkaloids) can be eliminated by cutting away affected area

Potatoes that have turned 'green' can potentially contain a naturally occurring toxin called Glycoalkaloids and pose a risk to public health according to a review paper published in the latest online issue of SCI's Journal of the Science of Food and ...


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