News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

September 18, 2010

Participantes de 13 países compartirán tecnologías de producción de minitubérculos y tubérculos semilla en el CIP

Actualizar e intercambiar experiencias sobre el mejoramiento de los sistemas de producción de semilla de papa en América Latina es uno de los principales objetivos del Curso Internacional sobre este tema que comenzará el lunes 20 de setiembre. De esta...
Bloomberg: P&G said to have rejected Pringles, Diamond merger
September 17, 2010

Bloomberg: P&G said to have rejected Pringles, Diamond merger

Bloomberg: Procter &Gamble Co. was in talks to merge its Pringles unit with Diamond Foods Inc. before halting negotiations last month on concern about the deal’s structure, according to people with direct knowledge of the discussions.
September 16, 2010

"Unica", variedad colombiana especial para papa frita, gana terreno en Ecuador a la ‘chola’, la ‘capiro’ y la ‘betina’

Las papas fritas son un elemento indispensable en la cultura gastronómica del Ecuador y la base de un negocio que se ve en cualquier parte: la venta de las conocidas ‘salchipapas’. Basta con recorrer establecimientos educativos, centros comerciales o ...
September 16, 2010

Pressure on Canadian government for limits on salt in food

Canada's provincial health ministers are ordering up mandatory sodium limits for packaged and prepared foods if voluntary measures don't shake out as hoped -- and are urging Ottawa to adopt the new targets.
September 13, 2010

Colorado’s fresh potato industry set for rebound

The fast-approaching 2010-11 potato season in the San Luis Valley of Colorado could be the antidote for the lingering headaches grower-shippers have been suffering in the wake of the 2009-10 deal.
 Hungry Jack Mashed Potato
September 13, 2010

Hungry Jack & Celebrity Chef Adam Gertler Challenge Americans to Put Down the Shopping List & 'Use up the Box'

Who says a box of pancake mix can only make pancakes?
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September 13, 2010

Idaho 2009 potato crop revised up

Final disposition numbers show Idaho’s 2009 potato crop totalling 133 million cwt, an increase of 1.1 percent from earlier estimates.
September 08, 2010

USDA sees better prices for this fall's potato crop

Harvested area for fall-season potatoes is forecast by the USDA to be down four percent from 2009.
 Potatoes New Brunswick
September 07, 2010

Heat wave takes toll on New Brunswick potato crop

After what was an almost perfect beginning to the growing season, the recent spell of prolonged high temperatures and dry conditions have been an obstacle for potato growers.
 Cavendish Farms
September 06, 2010

Cavendish Farms buys breeding rights 'Prospect', an eco-friendly potato variety

Cavendish Farms has purchased the breeding rights for "Prospect", a potato variety it says is suitable for French fries and good for the environment.It's the first time the Prince Edward Island company has bought the rights to an entire vari...
September 04, 2010

STORECAST will be the name for Pest Pros Inc Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing system

Pest Pros Inc has been granted a trade mark for its Storage Potato Disease Risk Indexing system to be known as STORECAST.The system is the first of its kind potato storage disease and inventory management tool.
 Stewart Gray
September 02, 2010

New PMN webcast: The Changing face of Potato Virus Y

"Focus on Potato"of the Plant Management Network has published a new webscast: The Changing Face of Potato Virus Yby Dr. Stewart Gray of USDA-ARS
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September 01, 2010

More organics ending up in the basket

Organic foods are making a larger impact in consumers’ shopping choices in 2010, according to the results of Whole Foods Market’s annual Food Shopping Trends Tracker survey, conducted online in June by Harris Interactive.
 Centro Internacional de la Papa
September 01, 2010

El CIP acaba de publicar en ingles un manual técnico sobre tizón tardío

El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha permitido a los especialistas un mejor entendimiento de la biología del Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Sin embargo, mucha de esta información se presenta de forma fragmentada o en publicaciones que a vece...
August 31, 2010

Working on a potato future for the Mon-Dak region

Chuck Stadick doesn’t want to predict the agricultural future of the Mon-Dak region — the northwest North Dakota and northeast Montana region.“No, we want to make the future,” says Stadick, who is one of the key experts the area has been counting on to...
Gorman controls receives government support for storage monitoring project
August 26, 2010

Gorman controls receives government support for storage monitoring project

Gorman Controls Inc., a Prince Edward Island based company, received support from the Rural Broadband Fund for a project to develop a storage controller.
August 25, 2010

New Brunswick potato growers receive assistance for storage losses

New Brunswick potato growers will receive up to $3 million to help offset the extra costs of cleaning and disinfection of storage facilities and disposing of ruined product following a difficult growing season in 2009. The announcement was made today ...
 Goodness unearthed
August 25, 2010

United States Potato Board publishes 2010 eating trends report

The United States Potato Board presents the 2010 National Eating Trends Report. The objective of this report is to track and examine in-home potato consumption trends. Data for this report is obtained from the NPD Group’s National Eating Trend...


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