News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

 McCain Foods
April 20, 2011

McCain contract approved by PEI potato growers

Prince Edward Island potato farmers growing for McCain Foods voted in favour Tuesday night of the latest contract offer from the company.
April 20, 2011

Kern County (California) potato crop could see delays from cold weather

The start of the Kern County potato harvest will likely be delayed because of cool weather, said Jim Leimkuhler, president and owner, Progressive Produce Corp., Los Angeles.
 University of Wisconsin Extension
April 19, 2011

Wisconsin Late Blight Alert

Researchers of the University of Wisconsin Extension Plant Pathology alert farmers that a low level of the late blight pathogen, Phytophthora infestans, has been detected in seed potatoes grown in Langlade County, Wisconsin.
April 15, 2011

Storecast: Predicting the Future Health of Potatoes in Storage

For the first time, a tool is now available to growers for determining the risk of disease to potatoes in storage.
April 15, 2011

The Future of GM Potatoes in North America

It’s only a matter of time before genetically modified potatoes hit the North American market, say industry experts.
April 15, 2011

US Potato Stocks Down 18 Percent From April 2010

The 13 major potato States held 106 million cwt of potatoes in storage April 1, 2011, down 18 percent from a year ago. Potatoes in storage accounted for 30 percent of the 2010 fall storage States' production, four percentage points below April 1, 2010.
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April 15, 2011

Michigan State University Extension issues late blight update

 Cultivadores de papa (Centro Internacional de la Papa)
April 14, 2011

Las variedades resistentes hacen la diferencia entre tener suficiente para comer - o no

Las lluvias excesivas y una mayor presencia de la enfermedad del tizón tardío desolaron al departamento peruano de Cusco durante los meses de enero y febrero de 2010. La seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades en la provincia de Paucartambo se mantuvo...
 Potato farmers in Peru (International Potato Center)
April 14, 2011

Resistant potato varieties make the difference between having enough to eat or not

Excessive rains and an increased presence of late blight disease devastated the Cusco region of Peru in January-February 2010, which was declared a national emergency area.
 Colin Powell
April 14, 2011

Colin Powell to keynote NRA Show 2011

General Colin L. Powell (Ret.) will share insights into global events, and the impact those changes and issues will have in the United States and abroad, at the National Restaurant Association’s annual trade show next month.
 Cavendish Farms
April 13, 2011

Cavendish Farms and PEI potato growers reach deal

Prince Edward Island potato farmers who grow for Cavendish Farms voted Tuesday night in favour of a new deal with the company. Greg Donald, general manager of the P.E.I. Potato Board, wouldn't provide any details of the contract because negotiations ar...
April 12, 2011

Technomic finds lower calorie items gaining momentum on restaurant menus

As America ramps up its fight against bulging waist lines, restaurant chains are providing ammunition in the form of great-tasting menu items with 550 or fewer calories.
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United States Potato Board 2011 Attitude And Usage Study Now Available!
April 11, 2011

United States Potato Board 2011 Attitude And Usage Study Now Available!

Every year in January, the United States Potato Board (USPB) commissions a national online survey of 1,000+ US female primary food shoppers to track current potato attitudes and use in US households, and especially among our media target market.
Se reunen empresarios con técnicos para identificar socios en la comercialización de semilla de papa canadiense en Honduras
April 08, 2011

Se reunen empresarios con técnicos para identificar socios en la comercialización de semilla de papa canadiense en Honduras

Con el objetivo de identificar socios nacionales en la comercialización de semilla de papa canadiense en Honduras, empresarios de Canadá se reunieron con técnicos de la Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (DICTA), ejecutivos de la Fundación...
 Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura
April 07, 2011

Bajan los precios mundiales de los alimentos, según reporte de la FAO

El Índice de la FAO para los precios de los alimentos ha bajado por vez primera tras ocho meses seguidos de incrementos, según anunció hoy la Organización de la ONU. El Índice tuvo un promedio de 230 puntos en marzo de 2011, un descenso del 2,9 por ci...
April 07, 2011

Aardappelareaal in Amerika breidt uit

Volgens het NAPMN (North American Potato Market News) zal het areaal aardappelen in de Verenigde Staten t.o.v. 2010 voor oogstjaar 2011 met 5% toenemen.
April 07, 2011

Detained New Brunswick farmer had been developing market in Lebanon

There is still no word on why Henk Tepper of New Brunswick is in custody in Lebanon.
 Copper distillery equipment
April 06, 2011

Idaho Potato vodkas

The Koenig distillery is beautifully industrial--a steampunk's dream--and today all that gleaming, steaming, needle-twitching splendor is producing a glorious, colorless, odorless and seemingly tasteless liquid.


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