News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

 2011 Idaho® Potato Crop Marks the 75th Anniversary for the Idaho Potato Commission
October 27, 2011

2011 Idaho® Potato Crop Marks the 75th Anniversary for the Idaho Potato Commission

Milestone Year Kicks Off with a Tribute to the Farmers and State’s Rich Natural Resources. The 2011 Idaho® potato harvest season is in full swing and the 319,000 acres that will be harvested are expected to yield more than 12 billion pounds of potatoes.
Potatoes International Potato Center Peru
October 24, 2011

How the potato changed the world

When potato plants bloom, they send up five-lobed flowers that spangle fields like fat purple stars. By some accounts, Marie Antoinette liked the blossoms so much that she put them in her hair.
 University of Wisconsin
October 23, 2011

Wetenschappers werken aan verbeterde industrie-aardappelen

Onderzoekers aan de Universiteit van Wisconsin-Madison zijn gekozen om een nationale multi-institutionele poging tot kwaliteitsverbetering van verwerkte aardappels te leiden. Volgens de USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture is er door het ...
October 23, 2011

Frozen U.S. Potato Exports to Mexico now Duty-Free

The National Potato Council (NPC) applauded today’s complete suspension of the retaliatory tariffs on U.S. exports by the government of Mexico. The action comes in response to last week’s approval of the first Mexico-based carrier by the U.S. Departmen...
October 23, 2011

Additional potato cyst nematode infected field(s) found in Idaho

Two new infestations of a microscopic wormlike pest that attacks potato plants have been discovered in eastern Idaho, state and federal agriculture officials say. Lloyd Knight of the Idaho Department of Agriculture said that both infestations of the p...
October 21, 2011

Maine Potato Growers warily watching stored crops for degradation from excessive rain

With 99 percent of this year’s approximately 56,000 acres of potatoes harvested, Aroostook County potato growers are watching the stored product to gauge the effect of massive amounts of rainfall this past summer. Don Flannery, executive director of t...
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October 21, 2011

Potato Processors dig in Idaho's new crop with appetite

Potato Processors in Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon have used 13.3 million cwt of 2011 crop raw potatoes to October 1, up 75 percent from last year. Idaho potatoes accounted for 9.46 million cwt of the total processed.
October 21, 2011

Idaho potato crop will be big, but not a record

Coming off of two record years in terms of total crop value and a record yield in 2009, the Idaho potato industry will probably have to be satisfied with merely a good performance for the 2011-12 season. “We will definitely be in the five-year average...
October 21, 2011

INIA genera dos nuevas variedades de papa con aptitud para procesamiento industrial

El Ministerio de Agricultura, a través del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA), presentó dos nuevas variedades de papa denominadas INIA 319-REAL SICAÍNA e INIA 318-XAUXA, que destacan por sus óptimas cualidades para procesamiento industrial...
October 20, 2011

Dark Red Chieftain

Here at PotatoPro, we are always on the lookout for new developments and in particular new potatoes. Especially if they are somewhat different from what we are used to. The variety Dark Red Chieftain, fits that profile and that's why were pleased to he...
Agri-Stor acquires Custom Chemical Company
October 20, 2011

Agri-Stor acquires Custom Chemical Company

Agri-Stor Company has acquired the assets and business operations of Custom Chemical Company - a full-service provider of potato sprout inhibitors, specialty post-harvest crop protection products and a Certified Dealer of Gellert® climate control systems
October 20, 2011

When did potatoes become unpopular?

Potatoes have gone from nation-building superfoods to national pariahs. Why?
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October 20, 2011

Estación experimental boliviana busca mantener las características nativas de la papa y siembra más de 1.500 variedades

El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal (Iniaf), y la Estación Experimental de Toralapa (EET) realizaron ayer en Toralapa, por primera vez, la siembra de 1.555 accesiones (variedades) de papa del Banco Nacional de Germoplasma con el...
October 19, 2011

Taterpiks, a gourmet pickled potato shows potatoes versatility

Potatoes have always been known as being versatile and a company in Malin, Oregon is proving just how versatile they can be. Baley-Trotman Farms has come out with TaterPiks, a pickled product made with organic Klamath Pearl potatoes.
 School meals
October 18, 2011

Senate votes for unlimited potatoes in schools

The Senate threw its support behind the potato Tuesday, voting to block an Obama administration proposal to limit the vegetable on school lunch lines. Agriculture Department rules proposed earlier this year aimed to reduce the amount of french fries i...
 School meals
October 18, 2011

Senator Collins scores key victory to keep healthy vegetables in school meal program

In a major victory, the United States Senate tonight unanimously approved a bipartisan amendment, authored by Senator Susan Collins, to the Fiscal Year 2012 Senate Agriculture Appropriations bill that would protect the flexibility of schools to serve h...
 University of Wisconsin-Madison
October 17, 2011

University of Wisconsin to lead research effort to reduce acrylamide in potato products

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have been selected to lead a national, multi-institution effort to improve the quality and safety of processed potatoes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) ...
October 17, 2011

US Potato politics: The potato wars

Sen. Susan Collins is a more gentle soul than your typical Republican Steering Committee regular, but there she was in the Capitol last week: Ms. Maine Moderate lunching with the “Sons of Jesse Helms” — all in the name of the potato. It was a jaw-drop...


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