News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

March 07, 2012

Canada: Prince Edward Island can export more spuds, says potato supplier

Prince Edward Island needs to be more competitive in the global market for Island potatoes.
March 07, 2012

Idaho fresh-packers partner with fingerling farm

Recent growth at Southwind Farms in Heyburn, Idaho, should make it the nation's second largest supplier of fingerling potatoes this season.
 Potato Industry Leadership Institute
March 06, 2012

New Leaders Trained at 2012 Potato Industry Leadership Institute

Eighteen potato growers and industry representatives from across the United States joined together to form the 2012 class of the Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI), an annual program designed to identify, develop and cultivate new leaders within the potato industry.
March 05, 2012

Growth of restaurant chain Five Guys Burgers and Fries brings success for Idaho broker

Five Guys Burgers and Fries opened about 200 new locations in 2011, and the Lorton, Va.-based chain plans to open about 200 more in 2012. That’s great news for Rick Miles Produce Service. The Rigby, Idaho, broker and distributor is the sole supplier o...
Native Potatoes
March 04, 2012

Ecuador: El cultivo de papa nativa se duplicó en dos años

En Ecuador existen alrededor de 47 mil hectáreas sembradas de papa. De estas, alrededor de 4 mil corresponden a variedades nativas. Esto significa que apenas cerca del 10% del área cultivada produce papas originarias. Pero hace dos años apenas represe...
March 03, 2012

John Deere to expand manufacturing capacity large tractors

Deere &Company (John Deere) said today it will invest $70 million to expand the manufacturing capacity in its Waterloo, Iowa operations, where the company builds large farm tractors that are used around the world. Deere has previously reported stro...
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 idaho potato commission 75th anniversary
March 03, 2012

Idaho Potato Commission celebrates 75 year anniversary

The Idaho Potato Commission is one of the oldest and longest running commodity groups in the country.In 1937, a group of people from the burgeoning Idaho® potato industry joined together to form the Idaho Fruit and Vegetable Advertising Association, la...
March 01, 2012

Arrowhead Potato Co. To Improve Traceability of potatoes from Field to Store

Soon every Arrowhead Potato Co. spud will be traceable not only to the farm on which it was grown, but to the very field from which it was pulled. Arrowhead, owned since 2007 by Moss Produce, has received a $300,000 Value-Added Producer Grant from the...
March 01, 2012

Perú: Sierra Exportadora presentará oferta andina para abastecer mercado de Brasil;incluye papa

Los estados de Amazonas, Rondonia y Acre (Brasil), requieren papa, quinua, kiwicha, anís, linaza, hortalizas como cebolla roja, ajo, zanahoria, betarraga y ajonjolí. Por lo que Sierra Exportadora, con el apoyo de la oficina del agregado económico perua...
February 29, 2012

Simplot, McCain adapt to cope with Manitoba potato shortage

SOME employees at the Simplot potato- processing plant in Portage la Prairie will see their hours cut in coming months due to a looming shortage of locally grown processing potatoes, industry officials say. Simplot spokesman David Cuoio said the Idaho...
 NPPGA President Chuck Gunnerson presents the 2012 NPPGA MSA to Susie Thompson
February 26, 2012

Susie Thompson Wins NPPGA Meritorious Service Award

Asunta (Susie) Thompson is the winner of the 2012 NPPGA Meritorious Service Award. It was presented to her at NPPGA's annual banquet. This comes on the heals of winning a Meritorious Service Award from the National Potato Council in January. Dr. Thom...
February 26, 2012

US Potato research threatened by budget cuts

President Obama's budget proposal for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 proposes cutting $700 million in the USDA's spending levels.The amount represents a 3 percent cut from FY 2012 USDA spending levels.
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February 26, 2012

PEI Potato industry worth $1B, says study

The potato industry generates more than $1 billion for the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island (PEI), says an economic impact study released Friday. The study, put out by the P.E.I. Potato Board, also shows the sector creates more than $245 mill...
February 24, 2012

Ministerio de Agricultura peruano apoya aplicación de sanciones por comercializar productos en sacos con más de 50 kilos

El Ministerio de Agricultura (Minag) afirmó hoy que apoya la aplicación de sanciones a productores, comerciantes y transportistas que acopien productos en sacos con un peso superior a los 50 kilos, conforme a lo dispuesto por la Ley Nº 29088 y su regla...
 Carl Hoverson (right) receives the gavel from Jeff VanRay
February 23, 2012

Carl Hoverson Becomes New NPPGA Chairman

For the second consecutive year, a large process potato grower will head the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association. Jeff VanRay from Pingree, North Dakota passed the gavel to Larimore, North Dakota grower Carl Hoverson at last Tuesday's annual b...
 Prince Edward Island Potato Expo
February 22, 2012

International Potato Technology Expo 2012 in Charlottetown starts friday

The International Potato Technology Expo returns to the Charlottetown Civic Centre February 24-25, 2012. This popular event has been running in Charlottetown every two years since 1992. Over the years, this has become a must-attend industry event for...
February 22, 2012

Comunidades bolivianas desarrollan acciones para adaptarse al cambio climático;una de ellas está relacionada con la papa

El Centro de Comunicacion y Desarrollo Andino (CENDA) realizó el pasado 10 de febrero el coloquio "Agua y seguridad alimentaria: Elementos de adaptacion al cambio climático". Uno de los proyectos que se presentó durante el evento fue el d...
February 21, 2012

Honduras fortalece controles para mantener el país libre de plagas

Personal del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (Senasa) fortaleció los controles para prevenir el ingreso de la temida chinche kudzu bug, que afecta las leguminosas, considerando que Honduras está libre de esa plaga. La chinche ataca legumino...


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