News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

Arjan Brouwer, Kiremko
May 01, 2012

Kiremko brings Dutch potato industry experience to Peru

Arjan Brouwer, Manager Latin America for the Dutch company Kiremko, one of the three most important manufacturers of industrial potato processing equipment in the world, visited Peru, attracted by the market possibilities for potato in the country. He ...
May 01, 2012

A more ergonomic tool for harvesting “papa criolla” in Colombia

Life in the countryside of Colombia is hard, literally; therefore it is necessary to design tools that improve farmer body positions during their daily tasks.
 Colorado potato beetle
April 30, 2012

Researchers barcode Colorado potato beetle for enhanced tracking and control

Barcodes may bring to mind the sales tags and scanners found in supermarkets and other stores. But U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are using 'DNA barcodes'to monitor insects that damage crops as diverse as wheat, barley and potatoes, and to make pest management decisions.
April 29, 2012

Vietnam's chefs turn out for US potatoes at annual meeting

The United States Potato Board’s (USPB) Vietnam Representatives partnered with the Washington Apple Commission and the US Meat Export Federation at the 2012 Saigon Professional Chef Guild (SPG) Annual Meeting.
Mountain Rose in the White House kitchen garden
April 28, 2012

Colorado State University potatoes well represented in White House Garden

You say potato. I say Colorado. When First Lady Michelle Obama and a passel of schoolchildren recently planted vegetables in the White House kitchen garden, three of five potato varieties plunked into the soil were developed by Colorado State University.
April 27, 2012

Venezuela: Productores de papa se declararon en emergencia

Productores de papa de los estados Mérida y Carabobo se declararon en emergencia ayer luego de que el Tribunal Primero Agrario, en la ciudad de Barquisimeto, declarara inadmisible un recurso de amparo que introdujeron el viernes pasado ante esa instancia en rechazo a la importación que hizo el Gobierno de 3.150 toneladas del rubro desde Ecuador.
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April 27, 2012

Florida potato grower accused of labor trafficking

A Florida potato grower and its labor contractor have been accused of labor trafficking and taking advantage of drug-addicted workers
 Baked Potato
April 26, 2012

Potato consumption not associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes or systemic inflammation, concludes new study

Preliminary Research presented today at The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Conference in San Diego demonstrates that habitual consumption of white potatoes (baked, boiled and mashed) is not associated with obesity, ty...
Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA.
April 26, 2012

Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA

En esta primera temporada de evaluación, los mejores rendimientos en la variedad Puyehue-INIA se obtuvieron con una densidad de plantación de 53.000 plantas por hectárea
April 26, 2012

United Potato Growers of Canada developing acreage recommendations for 2012 crop

At this time of year the United Potato Growers of Canada is refocusing its attention from last year’s crop towards planning for this year’s upcoming crop.
 Productores de papa en los Andes
April 23, 2012

Cambio climático obliga a productores de papa de los Andes a sembrar a más altura

El cambio climático está afectando negativamente a la agricultura de la papa en los Andes del Perú, de acuerdo a un estudio reciente del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). El análisis de la información producida durante 10 años por el Sistema de ...
Only 3% of calories in US diet come from potatoes and french fries
April 23, 2012

Only 3% of calories in US diet come from potatoes and french fries

Calorie intake from white potatoes is surprisingly modest for adults and school-aged children, according to a new study released today at the Experimental Biology 2012 Annual Meeting.
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 Potato farmers in the Andes
April 23, 2012

Climate change moves Andes potato farmers 150 m up the mountains

Climate Change is adversely impacting potato farming in Peru’s Andes, according to recent findings at the International Potato Center (CIP). More than 10 years of Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping reveal that farmers have ascended the Andes...
April 23, 2012

Working to get fresh US potatoes to all of Mexico

Maria Cantwell, Senator of the State of Washington is pushing to get more northwest potatoes sold to Mexico;a market that has the potential to bring in millions for the industry. This week, Senator Cantwell asked a US Trade Representative about what's...
April 23, 2012

United Potato Growers of Canada discusses planting intentions for 2012

In a recent press release by the United potato Growers of Canada, UPGC general Manager Kevin MacIsaac discusses the potato planting intentions for 2012:
Rice University Business Plan Competition
April 22, 2012

Invention promising healthier processed potato products scores in Business Plan competition

A University of Idaho food scientist’s invention that could promise healthier processed potato products helped a student business plan team finish fifth among more than 1,600 worldwide entries in the Rice University Business Plan Competition.
April 20, 2012

CIP y socios promueven Seguridad Alimentaria y nutrición con feria de innovaciones y tecnología de papa en Ecuador

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y el Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), exponen hoy innovaciones y tecnologías que aumentan la producción y calidad de la papa en la “ I Feria de Oferta Tecnológica Disponible ...
April 20, 2012

Prince Edward Island potato industry not at risk from suspension spray-down service

Prince Edward Island's potato industry has nothing to fear from Ottawa's decision to stop providing a spray-down service for vehicles at the Newfoundland ferry terminals, says Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz.


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