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February 22, 2017
'Making the European Potato Trade great again! (it’s gonna be huge, it’s gonna be great, it’s true!)'

December 14, 2016
New rules and practices of the inter-European trade in potatoes; RUCIP secretariat to Brussels

December 03, 2016
Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes

October 30, 2016
Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November
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October 27, 2016
Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November

September 08, 2015
North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average

December 07, 2014
Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities

April 16, 2013