News on Potato Stats, Trade, Prices from Belgium

North-Western European potato area estimated to grow by 3.6 percent
April 18, 2017

North-Western European potato area estimated to grow by 3.6 percent

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates the potato acreage will grow by 3.6% compared to last season.
“Making the European Potato Trade great again! (it’s gonna be huge, it’s gonna be great, it’s true!)”
February 22, 2017

'Making the European Potato Trade great again! (it’s gonna be huge, it’s gonna be great, it’s true!)'

Under the provocative slogan 'Making the European Potato Trade great again! (it’s gonna be huge, it’s gonna be great, it’s true!)', the Europatat Congress 2017 will focus on two major current issues for the potato sector: plant health and trade.
Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”
December 18, 2016

Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”

Jan van Luchene of Bruwier Potatoes, a Belgian company specialized in acquiring and delivering the potatoes you need offers his view of the current potato market in Belgium and Europe.
New rules and practices of the inter-European trade in potatoes; RUCIP secretariat to Brussels
December 14, 2016

New rules and practices of the inter-European trade in potatoes; RUCIP secretariat to Brussels

On the January 1, 2017 the RUCIP European Committee secretariat will be effectively transferred from Paris to Brussels. From the same date a new set of Rules and Practices of the Inter-European Trade in Potatoes (RUCIP) will also start to apply.
Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes
December 03, 2016

Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes

The official NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) harvest estimation has been adjusted downward to 24.551.000 tons, which is 3 % lower than last year and 3,6 % than the 5 years average.
Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November
October 30, 2016

Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November

As a result of the late potato harvest in the North-western European countries (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK), the potato growers organisation NEPG has decided to postpone publication of its annual yield estimates till the third week of November.
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Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November
October 27, 2016

Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November

Als gevolg van de late aardappeloogst in alle NEPG landen (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK) is besloten om de bekend making van de officiële NEPG oogstverwachting cijfers uit te stellen naar de derde week november.
Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje
August 28, 2016

Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje

Starting from the 2016 – 2017 season, the Belgapom quotation will be made up of three parts, each supplemented by their own market sentiment: Bintje, Challenger and Fontane.
North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average
September 08, 2015

North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) expect the total potato production (excluding seed and starch potatoes) of this year' s harvest to amount to 24.5 million tonnes. This is 14.1 percent below the potato production last year and 2.9 percent below the 5-year average.
Potato Planting in Belgium for Potato Europe 2015
May 10, 2015

NEPG: Potato Area North-western Europe expected to decrease 2.5%

The North-western European potato area is estimated to decrease by 2.5% to 530,000 hectares in the coming season.
Romain Cools during the Interpom-Primeurs at the Inno Potato Award Ceremonies
January 04, 2015

Romain Cools (Belgapom) sees bright spots in the potato market

Romain Cools, secretary of the Belgian Potato Processors Association Belgapom expresses his views on the free potato market.
Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities
December 07, 2014

Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities

The total ware potato harvest in the five North-Western European Potato growers (NEPG) countries - Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain - in 2014 is estimated at more than 28 million tons.
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Bart Nemegheer, Aardappelhoeve: "Surplus everywhere in Western Europe"
August 28, 2014

Bart Nemegheer, Aardappelhoeve: 'Surplus everywhere in Western Europe'

In the potato market, growers and traders live from day to day. 'It's very unpredictable at the moment', Bart Nemegheer of the Aardappelhoeve laments. 'Demand is good, but prices are far below par.'
planting potatoes (courtesy Miedema)
April 28, 2014

NEPG: Northwest European potato area expected to grow by 3.5-4%

Based upon grower surveys in the 5 main potato countries in Northwestern Europe, the NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) calculates with an area growth for consumption potatoes between 3,5 and 4% more.
World trade in fresh potatoes, Ulrich Kleinwechter, Perspectives and Foresight
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Europatat welcomes European Parliament plenary vote on plant health

Europatat welcomes the European Parliament plenary vote on plant health that results in more responsibilities for operators and a common sense on trade
VLAM Fruit Logistica stand in 2013
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Fruit Logistica 2014: meet 25 Belgian exporters on the VLAM stand

With its annual exports of approximately 418,000 tons, Flandria is Europe’s biggest vegetable brand. You can get to know the products and sixteen fruit and vegetable suppliers at Fruit Logistica.
 Romain Cools
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Romain Cools, Belgapom: 'Russia is not going to beg us for potatoes'

According to Romain Cools from Belgapom it is a fact that the consumption of fresh potatoes by Belgian families is falling, but he expects the prices to remain high.
 PCA Kruishoutem
April 16, 2013

PCA expects considerable increase in 2013 Potato Acreage in Belgium

Based on a survey among 123 of its members, the Belgian organisation PCA expects an 8% increase in the potato acreage in Flanders for the main crop, as well as an increase in the acreage of early potatoes of 7.5%. Potato farmers were expressing their p...


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