News on Potato Cultivation from Europe

El sector de la patata apuesta por la calidad desde el origen hasta el consumidor
November 17, 2023

España: Castilla y León a la vanguardia de la producción nacional

En España, Castilla y León, la comunidad dominante en materia de patatas y responsable por un 40% de la producción nacional, apuesta por una integración vertical para garantizar la calidad de su producto.
AVR Deutschland
November 09, 2023

Belgium based agricultural potato equipment manufacturer AVR announces expansion into Germany

One year before AVR's 175th anniversary, the Belgian agricultural potato equipment manufacturer has announced a significant expansion of the company: the opening of a new branch in Germany.
 HZPC Research, Roptawei 4, Metslawier
November 08, 2023

HZPC celebrates Potato Days

The Dutch company that has carried the seal of the crown since 2023 and has been renamed HZPC Royal Group, will receive clients, partners and friends for an event that will be held for the first time at the Metslawier station.
Dewulf Enduro
November 01, 2023

Agritechnica 2023: Dewulf bringing something for everyone

This year, the world's largest agricultural trade fair Agritechnica will once again grace the familiar exhibition halls of Hanover, Germany for eight days.
The former Minister of Agriculture and Livestock José Valín
November 01, 2023

La patata en España: pasado, presente y futuro.

Previo a la XVIII edición de la Feria Exaltación de la Patata de Herrera de Pisuerga que comenzó el pasado 28 de octubre, José Valín, quien ocupó la Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Junta de Castilla y León entre 1996 y 2007, fue entrevistado con respecto a las tendencias de la patata en España y las perspectivas a futuro.
Farmers in the United Kingdom warn of rotting crops after Storm Babet flooding
October 26, 2023

UK farmers warn of rotting crops after Storm Babet flooding

Potato and cereal crops are likely to have been heavily damaged by the recent devastating floods across the United Kingdom, farmers have warned.
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October 18, 2023

Royal HZPC Group's growth and stability in financial year 2022/2023

For financial year 2022/2023, potato breeder Royal HZPC Group B.V. reports substantial growth in sales. Gerard Backx, CEO Royal HZPC Group B.V., underlines that the important growth in volume, is mainly in Asia and America.
Grimme EVO 260
October 17, 2023

GRIMME Group's ChangeSep and SmartFold Bag DLG Innovation Award in Silver at VDMA Information Exchange.

The Germany-headquartered company presented a series of innovations at the two-day event of the mechanical and plant machinery companies' network.
‘Potatoes Forever!’ campaign launched in Europe to promote sustainable practices in the potato industry
October 16, 2023

‘Potatoes Forever!’ campaign launched in Europe to promote sustainable practices in the potato industry

Europe has unveiled a EUR 3.2 million (USD 3.4 million) initiative, named “Potatoes Forever!“, aimed at educating the public about sustainable practices within the fresh potato industry. The campaign, set to span three years, will primarily target France and Italy.
Cae el precio de la patata en España con la importación desde Francia
October 13, 2023

Cae el precio de la patata en España con la importación desde Francia

Con la llegada de los camiones cargados de tuberculos desde Francia, la cosecha de patata en Castilla y León se ha enllentecido, los precios continuan cayendo de los 35 céntimos el kilo a menos de 30 actualmente, y un año que parecía ser interesante para los productores locales se convierte en una verdadera decepción.
Campos de papa cultivados
October 10, 2023

Temporada difícil para los productores de semilla en Europa afectará la disponibilidad para los mercados de exportación

La temporada de cultivo de 2023 trajo desafíos sin precedentes para los productores de semilla de papa en Europa. Condiciones climáticas desfavorables y una reducción en la superficie sembrada han provocado retrasos en la siembra, disminución de los rendimientos y una importante escasez de semilla.
Potato field
October 09, 2023

Regional Differences in Potato Yields in Germany

In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has provided a promising assessment of this year's potato harvest despite challenging weather conditions and delayed planting.
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Vultus Potato Suite
October 09, 2023

Vultus: Cultivating the Future of Potato Farming with Precision and Innovation

In a transformative leap for precision farming, Vultus, spearheads an agricultural revolution with its pioneering Analysis as a Service (AaaS). Their technology is poised to redefine modern farming, empowering farmers to maximize productivity, enhance crop quality, and reduce their environmental impact while boosting their profitability.

Solynta's harvesting season is in full swing!
September 28, 2023

Potato harvesting of the test plots of Solynta in full swing!

Here is a sneak peek into one of the many test fields Solynta is currently harvesting. They will be assessing the quality of the tubers, tuber size, dry matter composition, taste, robustness and many other important traits per variety.
Red potatoes
September 28, 2023

Potatoes are getting cheaper in Moldova, due to import from the Ukraine

Since last week, the level of wholesale prices for potatoes began to decline on the Moldovan market; the product fell in price by an average of 14% to 6 LEI0/kg (USD 0.33/kg).
Harry Tinson, General Manager at HarvestEye
September 27, 2023

Ag sensor company HarvestEye appoints Harry Tinson as its new general manager

Crop Insights tool HarvestEye has announced the appointment of Harry Tinson as its new general manager, bringing to the team expertise in global B2B sales from across the engineering and transport sectors.
Seed potatoes with small green sprouts
September 21, 2023

Challenging 2023 Season for European Seed Potatoes

The European seed potato industry has a long history of producing and supplying high-quality planting material to European and overseas growers.
A good season for Jersey Royals, but at what cost? (Courtesy: David Ferguson)
September 21, 2023

A good season for Jersey Royals, but at what cost?

Jersey Potato exporters were able to negotiate a better price from UK supermarkets this year to help cover rising costs but blight and poor weather meant it was still a difficult season.


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