News on Potato Cultivation from Europe

William Gilmore, un productor de patatas de quinta generación, dice que el mes de marzo ha sido "una pérdida"
April 16, 2024

Europa: preocupación por el clima y la producción

El clima sigue siendo atípico en Europa y productores de todas partes se preocupan por el futuro. Irlanda no es la excepción.
AVR celebrates 175th birthday with limited edition Puma 4.0
April 15, 2024

AVR celebrates 175th birthday with limited edition Puma 4.0 Potato harvester

In short, a family business that developed from a producer of hand tools into a manufacturer of high-tech machines for every stage of the potato growing process. A history of transformation and specialisation.
España: cosecha temprana en Cartagena
April 09, 2024

España: cosecha temprana en Cartagena

La patata temprana cartaginense comienza a verse en el mercado local español. Buena calidad aunque en general pequeña de tamaño.
Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.
April 02, 2024

Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.

Spanish potato company Patatas Meléndez S.L. celebrates one year since the inauguration of its new factory. A milestone that not only represents growth and progress, but is also filled with effort, dedication, and, above all, a lot of learning.
Brand new website about sustainable fertilization of potatoes.
April 02, 2024

Belfertil and Belgapom promote the sustainable fertilization of potatoes with a new website for growers

BELFertil and Belgapom collaborate to offer growers, crop supervisors, and advisors a new website dedicated to sustainable fertilization practices for potatoes.
Vultus introduces new service for more effective disease control in potato crops
March 28, 2024

Vultus introduces new service for more effective disease control in potato crops

Vultus AB launches a new service together with AR Tarim, part of Agrico and Europlant, for earlier detection of diseases in potato crops.
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Campo sembrado
March 26, 2024

España: comienza la siembra generalizada

Con la primavera llega la campaña de siembra y las condiciones son mejores de lo que se había anticipado.
España: crece la importación
March 25, 2024

España: crece la importación

A pesar del aumento considerable de las exportaciones de patatas para la ultima campaña, el otro numero que no deja de crecer es el de las importaciones.
La campaña de la patata 'primerenca' de Mateu Export ha arrancado en la finca de Son Puça
March 21, 2024

España: cosecha temprana con destino de exportación

Comienza la cosecha en las regiones más tempranas de España. Las expectativas son buenas.
Potato supplier seeks alternatives to Maris Piper after floods pushes prices up
March 04, 2024

UK Potato supplier seeks alternatives to Maris Piper after floods push prices up

One of the UK's top potato suppliers is looking for alternatives to the popular Maris Piper due to rising costs and unreliable crops during extreme weather.
Greenhouses for potato cultivation by Contagri in Aznalcázar (Seville).
February 28, 2024

Spain: greenhouse potato production at scale

A company in southern Spain specializes in greenhouse potato production to supply its clients outside of the regular season.
Q-Potato Holland Team
February 21, 2024

Small seed potato crop results in historically high prices

Seed potato acreage is shrinking in the Netherlands, Germany, and France.
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Agrico Rebuilding Potato Ukraine
February 20, 2024

Agrico: Rebuilding Potato Ukraine

Agrico's project 'Rebuilding Potato Ukraine' is funded by the Ukraine Partnership Facility (UPF), a program from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency commissioned by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
José González, consejero de Medio Rural de la Xunta de Galicia
February 14, 2024

España: Galicia apuesta por la producción de patatas

Entrevista a un exponente del medio rural en Galicia, España. La apuesta de la región por la patata es grande.
España: nueva logica de fertilización
February 14, 2024

España: nueva logica de fertilización

El pacto verde complejiza el cultivo de patatas en Europa debido a las restricciones en el uso de fertilizantes. España debe adaptarse para sobrevivir.
Potato Statistics NEPG countries (Excluding Seed and Starch potatoes)
February 06, 2024

Growing potatoes is never a smooth ride!

In season 2023, potato growers in North-western Europe were confronted with difficult weather conditions, a high disease pressure and rising costs.
Netherlands: weather made the potato harvest very difficult
January 29, 2024

Weather in the Netherlands made the potato harvest very difficult

In the Netherlands, the weather affected the potato harvest and raises many questions about the future of production in the country.
España: No hay semilla para todos
January 22, 2024

España: No hay semilla para todos

Disponibilidad de semilla para España se verá afectada en por lo menos un 20%. No hay semilla para todos.


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