News on Potato Cultivation from Europe

Stocks AG's Rotor Meter saves the Jersey Royal company GBP 300,000 (USD 330,000) through targeted fertiliser application
October 18, 2022

Savings and cleaner water: Jersey Royal Company applies fertilizer directly under the seed potato with Stocks AG’s Rotor Meter.

In the last six years, one of the UK’s leading potato growers has saved over GBP 300,000 (USD 330,000) through an unconventional but highly effective use of Stocks AG’s Rotor Meter.
Farm tool expanded to optimise nitrogen use and evidence impact on water quality
October 11, 2022

Farm tool expanded to optimise nitrogen use and evidence impact on water quality

With pressure mounting on farmers to measure and reduce their impact on water quality, Trinity AgTech has launched an enhanced module within their natural capital navigation tool, Sandy.
Yara calls for urgent action to reduce Europe’s food dependency on Russia
October 10, 2022

Yara calls for urgent action to reduce Europe’s food dependency on Russia

Yara calls on the European Union and national governments to act urgently and decisively to ensure Europe reduces, and not strengthens, its dependency on Russia for food and fertilizers.
Tong broadens optical sorting options across its proven range of post-harvest equipment.
October 03, 2022

Tong broadens optical sorting options across its proven range of post-harvest equipment

Leading vegetable handling equipment manufacturer Tong Engineering has announced its latest product development, which will see advanced optical sorting options available on all new models of its popular fieldloader machine, the FieldLoad PRO.
Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata.
September 26, 2022

Coristanco saca músculo agrario y busca internacionalizar su patata

En Coristanco celebraron este fin de semana la cuadragésima edición de su fiesta agraria por excelencia, y lo hicieron en un momento decisivo para los productores de patata.
Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña.
September 24, 2022

Los precios de la patata triplican a los de hace un año en el ecuador de la campaña

La campaña de la patata llega a su ecuador en Salamanca con precios al agricultor que triplican a los de la campaña pasada. Según datos del Observatorio de Precios de Castilla y León que gestiona la Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Junta de Castilla y León.
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Teror acoge la V Feria Insular de la Papa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre.
September 24, 2022

Teror acoge la V Feria Insular de la Papa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre

Teror acoge un año más la V Feria Insular de la Papa de Gran Canaria, que se desarrollará con un programa de actividades desde del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre, para los que se han convocado tres concursos de Fotografía, Gastronomía y de Papas de mayor peso.
Higher yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy.
September 20, 2022

Higher potato yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy

Due to the current scarcity of fertilizers, the 'red areas' and the increasing production costs, efficient nitrogen fertilization is becoming increasingly important.
Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022.
September 15, 2022

Satisfacción con los resultados de la PotatoEurope 2022

La Sociedad Alemana de Agricultura (DLG) ha organizado en Rittergut Bockerode, en Springe-Mittelrode (Baja Sajonia), la feria internacional de la patata PotatoEurope 2022. Del 7 al 8 de septiembre de 2022, ha sido el punto de encuentro para productores, transformadores y comercializadores de patatas de Alemania y del extranjero.
NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares
September 15, 2022

NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares

During its last meeting prior to Potato Europe 2022, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that global potato production in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 7 to 11 %.
Cosecha de patatas en Valdegovía.
September 14, 2022

España: Menos patatas en Álava por culpa del calor

No siempre el calor es bueno para determinados cultivos y menos cuando en un año como este la ausencia de lluvias ha inquietado a los productores y ha obligado a gastos suplementarios en bombeo de agua y en cantidad de riegos.
Patata cosechada.
September 04, 2022

Campaña de la patata: se prevé una reducción de la cosecha por las olas de calor

Las altas temperaturas afectan a la producción de patata de A Limia, con menor cantidad de tubérculos y de menor tamaño. Variedades como la Agria son de las más afectadas. Conocemos las previsiones cuando comienzan a arrancarse las plantaciones de temprano.
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French potato producers describe the 2022 campaign as 'catastrophic'.
August 31, 2022

French potato producers describe the 2022 campaign as 'catastrophic'

Faced with a historic collapse of potato yield potential due to extreme heat and drought extreme heat and drought, the French Potato Producers Group, UNPT, calls for an immediate reaction from economic agents and public authorities to support the French production.
España: La cosecha de patata avanza en La Rioja con una mermada producción
August 29, 2022

España: La cosecha de patata avanza en La Rioja con una mermada producción

Las primeras patatas riojanas ya están en los almacenes de La Rioja Alta. La cosecha apenas empezó hace una semana y las máquinas recorrerán las fincas hasta finales de octubre. Pero los tubérculos este año no han crecido como debieran a causa del calor y la sequía, que paralizaron el desarrollo del cultivo durante unas semanas.
Potato Market Update 24th August.
August 28, 2022

Ireland Potato Market Update August 24th

It is anticipated that consumption and retail sales should pick up from this week onwards with the return of schools after the summer break. With the hot weather and lack of rainfall, there are numerous reports that maincrop Rooster.
Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the grower
August 27, 2022

Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the potato grower

Much is expected from precision farming both inside and outside the potato sector. The term is often mentioned in the same breath as a sustainable future for potato cultivation. But precision farming is more than a future perspective.
Dewulf among exhibitors again at Potato Europe 2022
August 25, 2022

Dewulf shows range of harvesters, planters and handling equipment at Potato Europe 2022

In contrast to the 2021 edition in the Netherlands, Potato Europe 2022 will be an in-person event again! On 7 and 8 September, exhibitors and visitors will be welcomed at Rittergut Bockerode.
Royal Avebe started potato campaign.
August 25, 2022

Royal Avebe started potato campaign

Potato Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe has started the campaign at production location Gasselternijveen. Growing conditions were excellent until early July, but heat and lack of precipitation in recent weeks is cause for concern.


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