News On Potato Chips

Mercadona Refuerza sus Patatas Fritas, Lasañas y Canelones
August 03, 2020

Mercadona Refuerza sus Patatas Fritas, Lasañas y Canelones

Mercadona ha comunicado que vende diariamente más de 11.000 bolsas de sus nuevas patatas fritas onduladas con sabor a queso, que son elaboradas por PepsiCo en su fábrica de Burgos y se comercializan con la marca Munchos.
Cocina Azul’s chile relleno Inspires new Lay’s chip
July 31, 2020

Cocina Azul's chile relleno Inspires new Lay’s chip

A dish from an Albuquerque restaurant is one of five nationwide to be the inspiration behind a series of new Lay's potato chip flavors that will hit the stores by the end of the month.
Frito-Lay announces a $200 Million Expansion of its largest US production plant in Perry, Georgia
July 16, 2020

Frito-Lay announces a $200 Million Expansion of its largest US production plant in Perry, Georgia

Snack manufacturer Frito-Lay will expand its operations in Perry, Georgia, already its largest US Manufacturing facility. The $200 million investment in the production of Baked Cheetos Puffs and Tortilla Chips creates 120 new jobs.
Estos son los distribuidores que fabrican las marcas blancas de los supermercados
July 13, 2020

¿Quién fabrica las patatas fritas de marca blanca de Mercadona, Carrefour, Dia, Lidl y Alcampo?

Los grandes supermercados apuestan principalmente por distribuidoras nacionales para la producción de sus aperitivos más populares.
Las patatas fritas gallegas Bonilla a la Vista también se comen con palillos
July 06, 2020

Las patatas fritas gallegas Bonilla a la Vista también se comen con palillos

Algunos usuarios de Corea del Sur se han hecho eco en las redes sociales de esta particular forma de comer el conocido producto coruñés.
Andrés Araez, partner de la marca Española ‘Pijo’: 'Cada bolsa de patatas Pijo tiene una historia detrás'
June 22, 2020

Andrés Araez, partner de la marca Española ‘Pijo’: 'Cada bolsa de patatas Pijo tiene una historia detrás'

Andrés Araez: 'Cada bolsa de patatas 'Pijo' tiene una historia detrás'.
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Limited-Edition Pringles
June 12, 2020

Limited-Edition Pringles® Flavor Packs The Juicy Layers Of A Wendy's Baconator Into One Crunchy Bite

Bacon lovers rejoice! The masters of flavor at Pringles® have done it again — this time in partnership with the queen of hamburgers, Wendy's®.
Alcampo hace un guiño a Galicia con patatas fritas de pulpo, mejillones o berberechos
June 01, 2020

Alcampo hace un guiño a Galicia con patatas fritas de pulpo, mejillones o berberechos

Alguno de estos peculiares sabores ya está agotado en la web de compra online del supermercado y la marca Gurma tiene disponibles otras variantes de estos snacks con sabor a paella valenciana, huevo frito o mojo picón.
PepsiCo India partners with Dunzo to launch Exclusive LAY'S and Kurkure E-Stores
May 29, 2020

PepsiCo India partners with Dunzo to launch Exclusive LAY'S and Kurkure E-Stores

Starting with Bengaluru, the services will soon expand to Delhi, Mumbai, Gurgaon and Jaipur Consumers can select their favorite snack brands on 'daily grocery' on Dunzo's app, place their orders & get them delivered to their doorstep within an hour of ordering.
Utz Is in Merger Talks With Investment Company Collier Creek
May 12, 2020

Snack Manufacturer Utz Is in Merger Talks With Investment Company Collier Creek

Potato chip-maker Utz Quality Foods is in talks to be acquired by Collier Creek Holdings, a company started by former Blackstone Group Inc. executives, according to people familiar with the matter.
Las primeras patatas fritas de bolsa con sello gallego conquistan Alemania
February 17, 2020

Las primeras patatas fritas de bolsa con sello gallego conquistan Alemania

Patatas Jaly's de Xinzo ha iniciado la producción y en 15 días estarán a la venta en los supermercados.
PepsiCo Egypt and USAID Initiative Garners Increase in Potato Harvest
February 11, 2020

PepsiCo Egypt and USAID support potato farmers to increase productivity

For the past year, PepsiCo Egypt has been working to empower Egyptian farmers by supporting them through training programs aimed at providing them with stronger technical know-how and other skills to improve efficiency and productivity.
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Cape Cod Potato Chips announces new Sour Cream & Onion flavor
February 11, 2020

Cape Cod Potato Chips announces new Sour Cream & Onion flavor

Cape Cod Potato Chips is introducing Sour Cream & Onion to its chip lineup. The company describes the flavor as 'creamy, tangy sour cream and a savory hint of onion on robust kettle cooked chips resulting in a satisfying balance with that famous Cape Cod.
Jaly's, las primeras patatas fritas del mundo con la denominación de origen 'Pataca de Galicia'
February 10, 2020

Jaly's, las primeras patatas fritas del mundo con la denominación de origen 'Pataca de Galicia'

La empresa orensana Patatas Fritas Jaly's se ha convertido en la 'primera empresa a nivel mundial en realizar una producción de patatas con denominación de origen'; en concreto, con el sello 'Pataca de Galicia'.
Limited Edition Purple Potato Chips at the Great Lakes Potato Chip Company
January 28, 2020

Purple Potato Chips are back at the Great Lakes Potato Chip Company

Potatoes come in all different shapes, sizes and apparently colors! The Great Lakes Potato Chip Company in Traverse City revealed in early November that they were offering limited edition Purple Potato Chips.
Ishida aporta agilidad a la producción de patatas fritas.
January 27, 2020

Ishida aporta agilidad a la producción de patatas fritas.

La colaboración con Ishida Europe, compañía representada en España por Cima Comercial Barcelona, ha permitido al fabricante francés de patatas fritas Belsia alcanzar mayor velocidad y rendimiento en su producción...
Frito-Lay U.S. Snack Index Reveals Nearly All Super Bowl LIV Viewers Expect Snacks for the Big Game
January 23, 2020

Frito-Lay U.S. Snack Index Reveals Nearly All Super Bowl LIV Viewers Expect Snacks for the Big Game

As fans prep their platters for the Super Bowl, Frito-Lay has announced findings from its latest U.S. Snack Index, a poll focused on Super Bowl snacking habits, and the results are clear – snacking is an essential part of the game day experience.
Gurma y Eat is Life lanzan las patatas fritas sin gluten BIO Superfood
January 20, 2020

Gurma y Eat is Life lanzan las patatas fritas sin gluten BIO Superfood

Fritoper, bajo su marca Gurma, y la cadena de restauración Eat is Life han presentado una nueva gama de patatas fritas sin gluten denominadas BIO Superfood, que cuenta con dos referencias: Patatas Fritas con Sal de Ibiza y Cúrcuma & Pimienta.


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