News on Potatoes for processing

Patatas de diferentes colores.
June 03, 2024

Chile: desafíos y oportunidades de trabajo con la papa

Mucho más que un alimento, la papa sigue abriendo nuevas formas relacionarse con la tierra y con la economía.
España: dificultad para comercializar la cosecha de las Islas Canarias
May 21, 2024

España: dificultad para comercializar la cosecha de las Islas Canarias

Los productores de las Islas Canarias no pueden competir con las importaciones provenientes de Egipto.
Ante la creciente escasez de suministro de semillas, la cooperativa UDAPA tiene previsto impulsar su línea de producción propia de patata de siembra certificada que lleva dando servicio a sus socios 16 años.
May 13, 2024

España: crecimiento en la producción demanda nuevos esquemas de suministro de semilla

La cantidad de hectáreas de producción en España deberá duplicarse en el futuro cercano, realidad que parece incompatible con los problemas de suministro de semilla.
Egyptian Potato Fields: Thriving Despite Global Challenges
May 03, 2024

Egyptian potato exports to Asia immune to red sea crisis

The outbreak of the Red Sea crisis has taken its toll on many Egyptian export campaigns - citrus fruits being the first casualty - but it seems that the potato export campaign is holding up well. 
Spain: notable merger to take the potato sector by storm
April 18, 2024

Spain: notable merger to take the potato sector by storm

Hijolusa, Agricola Villena and Natuber will now be know as "Somos Hijolusa", a new company with the reach and means to shake the spanish horticultural landscape.
Pioneer Potatoes Potato Grading Technology Smaller-scale Farm with Big Grading Results
April 18, 2024

Smaller-scale grower Pioneer Potatoes achieves big results with grading technology

Pioneer Potatoes understands the fundamentals of effectiveness and efficiency in grading and provisioning potatoes.
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Huánuco: dos empresas logran vender en forma directa 180 tons de papas nativas
April 16, 2024

Perú: papa nativa directo del campo a la industria

Organizaciones de productores logran vender, sin intermediarios, variedades nativas a planta procesadora de snacks.
Cosecha de papa en el norte de Sinaloa
April 16, 2024

México: se redoblan los esfuerzos en Sinaloa por ser los numero uno

Sinaloa en México se posiciona como la región productora por excelencia en México y apuesta a la tecnificación y el mejoramiento.
Global Potato Shortage Looms as India's Export Soars Amidst Crop Challenges
April 02, 2024

Potato Export from India Soars despite Crop Challenges due to tight supplies globally

In a surprising turn of events, the export of potato varieties for processing from India has skyrocketed in January 2024, surging approximately sevenfold.
Patatas Meléndez moderniza su almacén de patatas frescas en Medina del Campo
March 26, 2024

España: sinergia entre Patatas Melendez y Mecalux

La empresa líder en producción para el mercado fresco en asociación con la tecnológica Mecalux, unen fuerzas para llevar los procesos de gestión y logística al siglo XXI.
Sackett Ranch meets the high standards of the United States' most popular potato chip brand by using TOMRA Sorters
March 15, 2024

Sackett Ranch meets the high standards of the United States' most popular potato chip brand by using TOMRA Sorters

The Sackett family has been growing potatoes in Michigan for six generations since first planting 20 acres of the crop in 1905.
Bolivia: desarrollo industrial en El Alto
March 12, 2024

Bolivia: desarrollo industrial en El Alto

Una nueva planta de transformación, acopio y almacenamiento empezara a funcionar a partir de abril. Se trata de una inversión de 2.3 millones de dólares.
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Acuña colocando la primera piedra de la planta en Ñahuin Sequia
March 12, 2024

Perú: planta de procesamiento inicia su construcción

En 90 días se pondrá en funcionamiento la planta de procesamiento de papa nativa en el distrito de Santa Maria del Valle.
The Netherlands: supply problems for potato processors and historically high prices
March 08, 2024

The Netherlands: supply problems for potato processors and historically high prices

Demand for EU potato supplies remains strong, but supplies are tightening.
MSU professors Jiming Jiang and David Douches. (Courtesy: MSU)
February 27, 2024

Michigan State University researchers further unravel the mechanism of cold induced sweetening in potatoes

Michigan State University professors Jiming Jiang and David Douches has discovered a key mechanism behind the darkening and potential health concerns associated with cold-stored potatoes. 
Michigan Potato Industry Commission to Release Report on the Potato Industry’s Economic Impact on the State
February 23, 2024

Chipping Potato Capital of the US: Potatoes contribute USD 2.5 Billion to Michigan’s Economy

Michigan-grown spuds deliver a pile of economic activity, generating more than USD 2.5 billion to the state’s GDP and supporting around 21,700 Michigan jobs, according to a report released today by the Michigan Potato Industry Commission.
Folson Farms potato grading large capacities
February 16, 2024

Potato Packer Folson Farms in North-Dakota guarantees potato quality

Folson Farms works to produce quality potatoes in the rich soils of the Red River Valley.
Simplot's Portage la Prairie Plant
February 13, 2024

Simplot Fertilizer and Potato Processing Plants Recognized for Energy Efficiency

A sustainable business. A healthy planet. A responsibility to all. Purposeful actions that benefit our world and the bottom line ensure successful operations at Simplot now and well into the future.


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