News on Potatoes in Retail

New 'Big Idaho Potato Truck' Commercial starts airing tomorrow.
November 10, 2016

New 'Big Idaho Potato Truck' Commercial starts airing tomorrow.

The Idaho Potato Commission is on a roll! Tomorrow they start airing the latest installment in their series of commercials starring the Big Idaho® Potato Truck, now in its sixth(!) year.
More than a million online produce shops help Chinese farmers make more profit
November 03, 2016

More than a million online produce shops help Chinese farmers make more profit

Farmer, Hao Jinde, sold his potatoes, over 500 kilograms of them, for 600 yuan (US$88). Instead of setting up a stall on the street, this year Hao sold them to a store belonging to an online shopping platform in his village in Jingle County, a potato growing region in north China’s Shanxi Province.
Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes
October 20, 2016

Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes

Italian seasonal new potatoes will be launched into Tesco this autumn on the back of new research showing that consumers want freshly harvested new potatoes all year round.
Partnership between Tesco and Branston helps to reduce potato waste
October 20, 2016

Partnership between Tesco and Branston helps to reduce potato waste

Branston, one of the biggest potato suppliers in the United Kingdom, has officially opened its £5 million prepared potato factory extension in partnership with Tesco.
RPE launched Old Oak Farms’ Party Potatoes at PMA Fresh Summit
October 18, 2016

RPE launched Old Oak Farms’ Party Potatoes at PMA Fresh Summit

RPE Inc., has created Old Oak Farms Party Potatoes. Quick and easy to prepare, Party Potatoes are fingerling potatoes that transform ordinary dinners into extraordinary parties!
Record for largest potato display back to Prince Edward Island
October 02, 2016

Record for largest potato display back to Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island recaptured the unofficial record for the largest potato display, with a 140,000 pounds display at the Superstore in Charlottetown last Thursday.
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Rains again cause trouble for Potato farmers in the Red River Valley
September 27, 2016

Rains again cause trouble for Potato farmers in the Red River Valley

Just when some potato growers in the Red River Valley were beginning to make some progress with the harvest, Mother Nature stepped in and slammed the door.
Strict Potato labeling in Hungary mandates inclusion of variety and cooking-type
September 14, 2016

Strict Potato labeling in Hungary mandates inclusion of variety and cooking-type

According to information from the press office of the Agricultural Ministry, a new mandatory labelling regulation applies, starting September, to all potatoes sold in Hungary, whether packaged or sold in bulk.
Papa consumo vendida a granel
September 09, 2016

España: Canarias recibirá papa británica sin haber vendido la suya

La oferta traída de Reino Unido, con contenedores despachados estos días en los puertos canarios, pertenece a las variedades blanca redonda y 'King Edward'.
Resumenes del último congreso de la ALAP
September 07, 2016

Resumenes del último congreso de la ALAP

Con el lema “Sabor y nutrición en un solo lugar”, la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP) realizaron del 22 al 26 de agosto de 2016, el XXVII congreso bianual ALAP, encuentro que reunió connotados investigadores de diversas partes del mundo, productores, empresarios, extensionistas, estudiantes y otros interesados en conocer más sobre la producción de papa.
Big Idaho Potato Truck sets sail in New York City Harbor
September 02, 2016

Big Idaho Potato Truck sets sail in New York City Harbor

In New York City, the world’s largest potato on wheels traded its tires for buoys in celebration of the 2016 Idaho® Potato Harvest.
Alsum Farms & Produce offers Convenient Potato Meal Solutions and Snacks for Back-to-School
September 01, 2016

Alsum Farms & Produce offers Convenient Potato Meal Solutions and Snacks for Back-to-School

Alsum Farms & Produce Inc. helps make it easier for busy families to get back into the school routine with ready-to-serve healthy potato offerings that are perfect for a quick dinner side or nutritious after-school snack
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Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany
August 28, 2016

Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany

The 2016 early potato season ended on the 10th of August. And according to the Lower Saxony Potato Producers Association the early potato harvest was satisfactory.
Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports form France and Germany
August 22, 2016

Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports from France and Germany

Consumers in Croatia say that local potatoes should not be more expensive than German or French potatoes.
Black Gold Farms has started the harvest of red potatoes in Indiana
August 04, 2016

Black Gold Farms has started the harvest of red potatoes in Indiana

The red potato harvest has begun at Black Gold Farms’ operation in Winamac, Indiana, a potato farm focusing exclusively on red potatoes for the fresh market.
Amazon va a 'transformar' el mercado de las frutas y hortalizas en España
July 22, 2016

Amazon va a 'transformar' el mercado de las frutas y hortalizas en España

La multinacional ha lanzado esta semana en Madrid su nuevo servicio de entrega ‘ultra-rápida’ de alimentos frescos. La iniciativa abre una nueva puerta a las comercializadoras, pero supone una amenaza para la distribución.
Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop
July 19, 2016

Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop

Manitoba's first case of late blight for the year was found in a western Manitoba field over the weekend.
Pass the Potato Salad this summer
July 12, 2016

Pass the Potato Salad this summer

There is good news for potato salad lovers just as the season for chilled potatoes officially heats up. New research published in the scientific journal Food Chemistry adds to the growing body of evidence that shows that cooking and cooling potatoes can significantly increase the amount of Resistant Starch (RS).


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