Potato News from Maryland

Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier
June 15, 2022

Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier

Researchers announced early tests of a new potato processing technique designed to make our bodies digest potato starch more slowly. Laboratory demonstrations show that the approach blocks certain digestive enzymes
Intralox Announces Major Expansion of U.S. Operations, Increases East Coast Footprint with Lease of Over 310,000-sq-ft Tradepoint Atlantic Location
March 07, 2022

Conveyor belt specialist Intralox announces major increase of its US East Coast Footprint

Intralox announced the expansion of its U.S. operations with its move to a new built-to-suit 310,000-sq-ft (28,800-sq-m) facility at Tradepoint Atlantic, the 3,300-acre (13.4 sq km) global logistics center in Sparrows Point, Maryland.
Celebrating 20 Years of Certis; Company Rebrand Cements Legacy Leadership in Biologicals
June 02, 2021

Certis USA rebrands to highlight its Leadership in Biologicals

Against the backdrop of 20 successful years as Certis USA, the company today announced a brand change to Certis Biologicals.
USDA, FDA Underscore Current Epidemiologic and Scientific Information Indicating No Transmission of COVID-19 Through Food or Food Packaging
February 23, 2021

USDA, FDA: Food and food packaging highly unlikely to spread COVID-19

Food and food packaging are highly unlikely to spread COVID-19, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a reminder last week.
Certis USA Licenses New Virus Technology for Control of Fall Armyworm
December 11, 2017

Certis USA Licenses New Virus Technology for Control of Fall Armyworm

Certis USA has entered into an agreement with Corpoica, the Colombian Corporation for Agriculture Research, to license Corpoica’s Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) strain NPV003 and formulation technology for a biopesticide against the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).
Food Labeling: FDA is redefining the food claim 'healthy'
September 29, 2016

Food Labeling: FDA is redefining the food claim 'healthy'

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it has started a public process to redefine the “healthy” nutrient content claim for food labeling.
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Benefits vegetable oils for heart health questioned
April 20, 2016

Benefits Vegetable Oils for Heart Health Questioned

A study published in The BMJ shows that replacing saturated fats with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid lowers blood cholesterol, but may not curb heart disease risk or help you live longer. The findings question the widely held belief that vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid are good for heart health.
FDA approves folic acid fortification of corn masa flour
April 14, 2016

FDA approves folic acid fortification of corn masa flour

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved folic acid fortification of corn masa flour. The approval allows manufacturers to voluntarily add up to 0.7 milligrams of folic acid per pound of corn masa flour.
FDA issues final guidance on acrylamide
March 11, 2016

FDA issues final guidance on acrylamide

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued final guidance to the food industry to help growers, manufacturers and food service operators take steps to reduce levels of acrylamide in certain foods.
New PacLite Conveyor Belt Introduced by Cambridge Engineered Solutions
October 05, 2015

New PacLite Conveyor Belt Introduced by Cambridge Engineered Solutions

Cambridge Engineered Solutions has introduced PacLite, a new lighter weight, flatwire conveyor belt with variable openings that is ideally suited for three segments of the food processing industry: Packaging, baking and rock traps used for root crops.
Average estimated potato yields for each county in the Eastern Seaboard region, assuming that water was limiting. Credit: Dave Fleisher, USDA-ARS.
May 07, 2014

Optimizing potato yield - for the entire US East Coast all at once

Potato Farmers are used to optimizing crop production on their own lands. But is it possible to optimize production across a much bigger area—say, the whole East Coast of the United States?
Fritolay Aberdeen, Maryland
February 18, 2014

Frito-lay plans expansion of Aberdeen, MD facility

Frito-Lay Inc.plans to expand its Aberdeen, Maryland, plant and hire 100 more employees, which would make the facility among the company's largest sites in the United States.
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Estimulando las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina
February 17, 2014

Estimulan las defensas naturales de plantas con una sustancia semejante a la aspirina

Resultados de nuevos estudios por científicos con el ARS sugieren que un tratamiento con el ácido salicílico podría prevenir o reducir la infección de plantas de cultivos por el fitoplasma de la punta morada de la papa, el cual es una bacteria sin paredes celulares.
Agricultural engineer David Fleisher studies water-stressed potato plants in a soil-plant-atmosphere research chamber that controls carbon dioxide and irrigation levels. Results from the study reveal how climate change affects potato plant growth.
February 03, 2014

Potatoes Show Promise for Meeting Climate Change Challenges

New research shows that potatoes—often cultivated as a rainfed crop with little or no irrigation—are still the go-to tuber when times get tough.
May 31, 2011

Plant worker handling diacetyl awarded $814,500 for 'popcorn lung'

A plant worker won an $814,500 judgment in Baltimore County Circuit Court after claiming he contracted a rare lung disease known as "popcorn lung"from breathing diacetyl, a chemical used to make food taste buttery.


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