Potato News

Marleen de Rond-Schouten will be the new Managing Director Agro & Strategy as of 1 January 2023.
September 12, 2022

Marleen de Rond-Schouten will be the new Managing Director Agro & Strategy as of 1 January 2023.

On 1 January 2023, Marleen de Rond-Schouten will take over Arjan de Rooij’s tasks as Managing Director Agro & Strategy. Mr De Rooij will leave Royal Avebe after more than 14 years.
TOMRA Food: Cómo las soluciones actuales de calibrado y embalaje ayudan a las plantas de proceso de arándanos a ser más competitivas
September 07, 2022

TOMRA Food: Cómo las soluciones actuales de calibrado y embalaje ayudan a las plantas de proceso de arándanos a ser más competitivas

Los cambios en la industria del arándano están plateando retos nuevos a las empresas de proceso de este producto. Actualmente están sometidas a mayores exigencias de mejora tanto de la cantidad como de la calidad, pero también existen soluciones que permiten lograr ambas cosas.
FAO Food Price Index drops for the fifth consecutive month in August.
September 05, 2022

FAO Food Price Index drops for the fifth consecutive month in August

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 138.0 points in August 2022, down 2.7 points (1.9 percent) from July, registering its fifth consecutive monthly decline. Despite the latest drop, the index remained 10.1 points (7.9 percent) above its value a year ago.
Patata cosechada.
September 04, 2022

Campaña de la patata: se prevé una reducción de la cosecha por las olas de calor

Las altas temperaturas afectan a la producción de patata de A Limia, con menor cantidad de tubérculos y de menor tamaño. Variedades como la Agria son de las más afectadas. Conocemos las previsiones cuando comienzan a arrancarse las plantaciones de temprano.
Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets
September 04, 2022

Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program targets french fry, chipping, fresh markets

New potato varieties bred by the Texas A&M Potato Breeding Program could enter the french fry market before long, said Isabel Vales, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife potato breeder in the Department of Horticultural Sciences
Two new varieties for the potato chips and table potato sector: Nöstling and Meichip
September 04, 2022

Lower Austrian Seed Growers' Cooperative presents two new potato varieties at Potato Europe Nöstling and Meichip

Together with around 300 active growers, Niederösterreichische Saatbaugenossenschaft, the only potato breeder in Austria, has been breeding high-quality potato varieties for international and domestic cultivation for 95 years now.
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Argentina: El acondicionador de suelo ZEBA fue presentado oficialmente para el cultivo de papa.
September 03, 2022

Argentina: El acondicionador de suelo ZEBA fue presentado oficialmente para el cultivo de papa

Argentina produce aproximadamente 2,8 millones de toneladas de papa en alrededor de 80 mil hectáreas. Es el producto más consumido en el país. En promedio, se obtienen entre 30 y 35 toneladas por hectárea. Para completar su ciclo, el cultivo necesita entre 600 y 1000 milímetros de agua.
French potato producers describe the 2022 campaign as 'catastrophic'.
August 31, 2022

French potato producers describe the 2022 campaign as 'catastrophic'

Faced with a historic collapse of potato yield potential due to extreme heat and drought extreme heat and drought, the French Potato Producers Group, UNPT, calls for an immediate reaction from economic agents and public authorities to support the French production.
Grand opening ceremony for potato processing line 3 with 2nd PEF system at Snow Valley in China
August 30, 2022

Grand opening ceremony for potato processing line 3 with 2nd PEF system at Snow Valley in China

SnowValley Agriculture is one of the largest potato industrial chain groups in China, with potato seed as the core, modern agricultural service as an extension, and food processing as the leader
Opportunities for manufacturers globally to innovate in cheese-flavored snacks – Kerry consumer research
August 30, 2022

Opportunities for manufacturers globally to innovate in cheese-flavored snacks, according to Kerry consumer research

Consumers across the world associate cheese flavors with indulgence, comfort and freshness, with significant variation in different regions, according to new research from Kerry, the world’s leading taste and nutrition company.
Northern Plains potato crop is looking good with harvest on the horizon.
August 30, 2022

Northern Plains (US) potato crop is looking good with harvest on the horizon

The Red River Valley potato crop has overcome getting into the ground later than optimal to looking like one of the best in the last few years, said farmers and researchers who gathered at Hoverson Farms near Larimore
AgroScout teams up with AECI Plant Health across Africa.
August 30, 2022

AgroScout teams up with AECI Plant Health across Africa

With almost 10 billion people to feed by 2050 and food production threatened by declining resources, global food security faces an immense challenge that needs to be addressed.
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España: La cosecha de patata avanza en La Rioja con una mermada producción
August 29, 2022

España: La cosecha de patata avanza en La Rioja con una mermada producción

Las primeras patatas riojanas ya están en los almacenes de La Rioja Alta. La cosecha apenas empezó hace una semana y las máquinas recorrerán las fincas hasta finales de octubre. Pero los tubérculos este año no han crecido como debieran a causa del calor y la sequía, que paralizaron el desarrollo del cultivo durante unas semanas.
Siembras de papa caerán en 9 de las 10 principales regiones de Perú.
August 28, 2022

Siembras de papa caerán en 9 de las 10 principales regiones de Perú

Según los datos de la ENIS 2022, en la campaña agrícola 2022-2023, la superficie sembrada de papa se reducirá en 26.645 hectáreas en Perú. Esto quiere decir que, según estos mismos datos, 9 de las 10 regiones que lideraron la producción de este alimento en 2021 plantarán menos papa esta campaña.
Potato Market Update 24th August.
August 28, 2022

Ireland Potato Market Update August 24th

It is anticipated that consumption and retail sales should pick up from this week onwards with the return of schools after the summer break. With the hot weather and lack of rainfall, there are numerous reports that maincrop Rooster.
Grupo Intersur instala en Tordesillas su segundo hub productor de patata nueva.
August 27, 2022

Grupo Intersur instala en Tordesillas su segundo hub productor de patata nueva

Grupo Intersur, la compañía referente en producción y comercialización de patata nueva en Europa, ha inaugurado sus instalaciones en la localidad vallisoletana de Tordesillas, donde localizará su segundo hub productor nacional de patata nueva en España.
Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the grower
August 27, 2022

Grip on own data brings benefits of precision farming to the potato grower

Much is expected from precision farming both inside and outside the potato sector. The term is often mentioned in the same breath as a sustainable future for potato cultivation. But precision farming is more than a future perspective.
International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) Announces New Board of Directors Slate for 2023
August 27, 2022

IFPA Announces New Board of Directors Slate for 2023

International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) has announced the slate of new directors for the 2023 IFPA Board of Directors. The volunteer leaders will be confirmed by a ballot shared with membership and their board term will begin at the end of October.


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