Sklarczyk Seed Farm Is Sustainably Growing Clean, Affordable Mini Tubers for the Potato Industry
When Alison Sklarczyk earned her animal sciences degree from Michigan State University, she didn’t intend to go into potato farming.
November 16, 2021
University of Idaho new seed potato lab to open this year.
The University of Idaho is close to opening a new Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory, which is the place where most Idaho potatoes are 'born'.
November 10, 2021
United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research
The USDA's National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) recently awarded four Potato Research grants totaling USD 2.6 million as part of their Special Research Grants program.
December 21, 2020
INIA and Rustikas to cooperate on the development of new Uruguayan potato varieties
The National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA) in Uruguay recently signed an agreement with the local company Rustikas to work together on the selection, evaluation, validation and production of seeds of new potato varieties.
June 09, 2020
Tasteful Selections focuses on diverse flavor and recipes for next 10-year-anniversary celebration theme
Tasteful Selections' new campaign theme celebrates flavor and versatility of bite-size potatoes.
September 13, 2018
Inauguran laboratorio de tejidos de semilla de papa en Bolivia
El laboratorio producirá plantas in vitro para la producción de semilla prebásica de alta categoría. En su construcción se invirtieron $US 80.000, en parte pagados por la cooperación coreana KOPIA.
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May 30, 2018
Científico mexicano desarrolla micro papas en laboratorio
Son microtubérculos que serán utilizados como semillas para la siembra de papa. De esta forma, se reduce la inversión del productor y le permite utilizarlos en cualquier época del año.
July 20, 2017
La papa holandesa entra al mercado argentino
Después de años de negociaciones, recientemente se ha abierto la frontera de Argentina a los mini tubérculos de los Países Bajos.
May 09, 2017
From test tube to plate, UW–Madison program keeps potatoes clean
Years before that french fry landed on your plate, the plant that would eventually give rise to the spud your fry was cut from was sealed away deep in a secure-access building, growing slowly in a test tube inside a locked growth chamber.
February 24, 2017
University of Idaho expands its nuclear potato seed program
University of Idaho has hired a new director for its nuclear seed potato program and plans to build additional facilities to help her expand production.
October 14, 2016
Un jardín de tubérculos para siempre
El clima cada vez más caliente conduce a sequías y plagas: en Perú, el banco de germoplasma in vitro más grande del mundo combate sus efectos.
April 18, 2016
Corea promueve producción de semilla de papa en El Salvador
El Gobierno de Corea, a través de KOICA, apoya a El Salvador para que produzca su propia papa, libre de enfermedades, ayudando así a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional.
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September 04, 2014
Yupi, la marca colombiana de pasabocas, mejora la producción de papa con asesor de Israel
Con agronómos locales, Avi Nachmias ha apoyado a los agricultores para sumar productividad.
January 08, 2014
Aeroponics to boost New York State potato production
The mashed potatoes or latkes that enhance your holiday feast have taken a long path from tuber to table – in many cases, several years. A project at Cornell University could trim that time.