James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021
August 24, 2021

James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021

Recent advances in breeding technologies can be harnessed to fast track the breeding of new varieties. Sensors and drone technologies are driving integrated pest management solutions.
Potato LEAF Awards 2021-22 Scholarship to Thilani Jayakody Outstanding Michigan State Graduate Student Receives Award for Potato Research
August 23, 2021

Potato LEAF Awards 2021-22 Scholarship to Thilani Jayakody for her Potato Research

The Potato Leadership, Education and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) is pleased to announce Thilani Jayakody, as the recipient of its 2021-22 Academic Scholarship.
New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y
August 22, 2021

New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y

Greater understanding of the biology of one of the most destructive plant viruses to potato crops will be the focus of a research hub at the University of Maine.
Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial
August 20, 2021

Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial

Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos volvieron a reunirse en forma presencial luego de meses realizando sólo actividades virtuales.
Investigadores de INIA Remehue presentarán resultados de estudio que muestra efecto del estrés hídrico en el cultivo de papa.
August 17, 2021

Investigadores de INIA Remehue presentarán resultados de estudio que muestra efecto del estrés hídrico en el cultivo de papa

En el Congreso Virtual Eurosoil 2021 los científicos nacionales darán a conocer las consecuencias que tiene la falta de agua, entre ellas la disminución en un 30 porciento del rendimiento en comparación con sistemas bajo riego.
Sembrar papa criolla en altitudes medias genera buena productividad en ciclos de cultivo.
August 10, 2021

Colombia: Sembrar papa criolla en altitudes medias genera buena productividad en ciclos de cultivo

Las evaluaciones para monitorear el crecimiento del cultivo de papa se suelen hacer en lugares con alturas consideradas como óptimas, por lo que el investigador Pedro Lizarazo decidió poner a prueba el comportamiento de cinco variedades de papa criolla en distintas altitudes y temperaturas.
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Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio.
August 03, 2021

Neiker colabora con UDAPA en el desarrollo de 'Edurne', una nueva variedad de patata con nombre propio

La cooperativa UDAPA realiza un estudio agronómico y de aceptación comercial de la variedad de patata 'Edurne', creada por NEIKER.
Industry Awards Call for Nominations - 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland, May 30 to June 2, 2022
July 26, 2021

World Potato Congress calls for nominations for the Industry Award ceremony at their next conference in Dublin, Ireland

Romain Cools, President and CEO, World Potato Congress Inc., and Tamas Houlihan, Chairman, WPC Industry Awards Committee, are now requesting nominations for the 2022 World Potato Congress Industry Awards.
Many of us remember RNA from high school biology, where we were taught that the RNA molecule reads DNA, then makes proteins to carry out tasks
July 25, 2021

RNA breakthrough creates crops that can yield 50% more potatoes, rice

Manipulating RNA can dramatically increase the yield of potato plants, as well as increasing drought tolerance, announced a group of scientists from the University of Chicago, Peking University and Guizhou University.
ADAPT project: farmer’s survey’s points out climate change as the biggest threat to potato production in Europe
July 15, 2021

ADAPT project: farmer’s survey’s points out climate change as the biggest threat to potato production in Europe

Europatat is part of an international consortium involved in the research project ADAPT (“Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato”), which aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future.
Chinese scientists ’reinvent’ potatoes to solve global food crisis
July 14, 2021

Chinese scientists ’reinvent’ potatoes to solve global food crisis

Chinese scientists have 'fixed' hybrid potatoes using genome editing technologies, simplifying the breeding process and allowing multiplication using True Potato Seed (TPS).
NPC Welcomes Ethan Keller to Team
July 13, 2021

The National Potato Council welcomes Ethan Keller as Program Coordinator

The National Potato Council today welcomed Ethan Keller to serve as the organization’s Program Coordinator. The recent Ohio State University graduate will support the execution and implementation of NPC’s programs to engage and inform its membership.
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Researchers Identify Gene for Self-Compatibility in Potato

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China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma

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Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant

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Mathijs Peters New President of The European Snacks Association

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Chile presenta características morfológicas, productivas y alimenticias de 4 variedades nativas de papa Chilota.
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Chile presenta características morfológicas, productivas y alimenticias de 4 variedades nativas de papa Chilota

A través de una nueva publicación, el Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) dio a conocer los resultados de un trabajo de caracterización de 4 variedades nativas de papa chilota aptas para fritura.


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