News on GM Potatoes from the Netherlands

Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease
April 25, 2023

Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

Potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption. But potato world production is threatened by potato late blight
New resistance genes against late blight were identified in a close relative of the potato, Solanum americanum
February 22, 2021

Late blight resistance genes identified in potato relative Solanum americanum

An international team of researchers has struck an important blow in the ongoing evolutionary arms race with the notorious potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation
June 25, 2020

From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation

Increasing food security in areas that are hard to access. This is one of the ideas behind an important potato innovation by HZPC: hybrid potato breeding.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
May 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
Solynta develops a blight resistant potato variety (non-GMO)
August 22, 2017

Solynta develops a blight resistant potato variety (non-GMO)

The Dutch company Solynta has developed a potato variety that is resistant to late blight (Phytophthora Infestans). As a result, it could greatly reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture.

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control
March 21, 2016

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control

Research to develop potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora via genetic modification with genes from wild potatoes and good resistance management ended with the publication of the scientific results. The approach resulted in potato plants which require 80% less chemical control.
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Resistance genes of wild relatives offer help in combat against potato blight
September 10, 2015

Resistance genes of wild potato relatives offer help in combat against Phytophthora

Research shows that crops with stacks of two or more resistance genes from closely related species, introduced into the crop via for instance genetic engineering, combined with the simultaneous introduction of resistance management, can ensure the long-term resistance of these plants to economically significant and aggressive diseases.
Solynta "Hybrid Potatoes fromTrue Seeds" Technology named Dutch National Icon
November 18, 2014

Solynta 'Hybrid Potatoes from True Seeds' Technology named Dutch National Icon

In the presence of HRH King Willem Alexander, the Dutch Government through Minister Kamp honored Solynta as Dutch National Icon for its breakthrough discovery ”Hybrid Potatoes from True seeds'.
 GMO free labeling
May 12, 2013

Snacks #1 product carrying GMO free label; increased use expected

Interest in natural products has grown markedly in recent years. This has been reflected in a number of ways in new product activity, such as the use of all natural colors, flavors and other raw materials and in the growing use of GMO-free labeling.
Christian Bachem
March 08, 2013

Discovery of genetic mechanism allowing potato cultivation in northern latitudes

An international team of scientists headed by Wageningen University has discovered a genetic mechanism which allows potato plants to develop tubers during the long days of spring and summer in northern latitudes.
May 16, 2012

Wagenings onderzoek met GM-aardappel bij Raad van State aangevochten

De organisatie Gentechvrije Burgers uit Lelystad heeft een zaak bij de Raad van State aangespannen waarin wordt geëist dat de vergunning die door het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu is verleend aan de Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek van Wageningen Universiteit voor proeven met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelplanten wordt vernietigd.
March 18, 2012

Wil Europa onze aardappel wel?

Wageningen UR ontwikkelt een milieuvriendelijke aardappel met resistentiegenen tegen de agressieve aardappelziekte. Het is onduidelijk of de introductie van deze aardappel kans van slagen heeft in het technofobe Europa. Goede kans dat-ie straks in Chin...
 Commissie Genetische Modificatie (COGEM)
February 04, 2011

Cogem adviseert over kleinschalige veldproef met Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen

De COGEM is verzocht te adviseren over de milieurisico’s van een kleinschalige (categorie 1) veldproef met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen (Solanum tuberosum) met een verhoogde resistentie tegen Phytophthora infestans, de veroorzaker van de aardappelziekte.
December 15, 2010

AVEBE en BASF Plant Science ontwikkelen Phytophthora resistente Amylopectine zetmeelaardappel

De aardappelzetmeel producent AVEBE en het plantenbiotechnologie bedrijf BASF Plant Science hebben vandaag een Research & Development samenwerking aangekondigd op het gebied van plantenbiotechnologie.
Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules
December 07, 2010

Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules

It is possible to breed potatoes in such a way that they produce new types of starch for use as a new and improved plant-based raw material in the construction, paper, glue, fodder and food industries.
Universidad de Wageningen
December 07, 2010

La Universidad de Wageningen identifica herramientas para modificar los gránulos de almidón de la papa

Ya es posible cultivar papas cuyo almidón es la materia prima para la producción de papel, pegamento, forraje y alimentos.
Wageningen University
November 29, 2010

Aardappels met nieuw soorten zetmeelkorrels ontwikkeld door Wageningen University

Het is mogelijk om zetmeelaardappels zó te veredelen dat ze nieuwe soorten zetmeel maken, als nieuwe, betere groene grondstof voor nieuwe toepassingen, zoals in de bouw en in de papier-, lijm-, diervoeder- en voedingsmiddelenindustrie.
May 24, 2010

Amflora zal in Nederland nauwelijks worden geteeld

Minister Verburg van LNV verwacht niet dat de teelt van de genetisch gemodificeerde Amflora-fabrieksaardappel van BASF een grote vlucht zal nemen in Nederland. Amflora is namelijk onvoldoende resistent tegen de wratziekte en mag daarom niet in het Nede...


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