News on History of the potato

Historia de la papa en el mundo
December 09, 2015

Historia de la papa en el mundo

Resumen y enlace al texto completo del artículo escrito por J. W. Bentley y publicado (inglés) en el último número de la Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa.
Sharing The History Of The Prince Edward Island Potato Industry
August 23, 2014

Sharing The History Of The Prince Edward Island Potato Industry

Prince Edward Island potato growers are proud of the trail blazers and industry builders who have established PEI as a world leader in potato production and expertise.
¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?
May 22, 2014

¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?

Los kasajos han adaptado como suyo el tubérculo andino y hoy ocupan el noveno lugar en consumo
Fifty Years of Potato Storage Research at Sutton Bridge
April 17, 2014

Fifty Years of Potato Storage Research at Sutton Bridge

This week saw the Potato Council division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of its Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research (SBCSR) facility, near Spalding in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
 McDonald's Shanghai. Potato in China
August 02, 2013

How potato invaded China

It may surprise many people to learn that China has been the world's largest producer of potatoes since 1993. But it should not be entirely unexpected. The Chinese diet has changed drastically since the economic reforms of the 1980's.
 David Palanca
December 14, 2012

Un trabajo sobre la papa en el País Vasco recibe el Premio Félix Mocoroa

Un trabajo sobre los primeros pasos en el cultivo y la implantación de la patata en el País Vasco, realizado por David Palanca, ha recibido hoy el XIX Premio Félix Mocoroa de investigación gastronómica.
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John Richard, the Founder of J.R. Simplot
February 15, 2012

The amazing tale of Idaho's J.R. Simplot

As with any megafortune, John Richard (J.R.) Simplot's wealth was built from a few simple but revolutionary ideas, much sweat, and a generous glossing of luck. The details of his experience, however, are singular in the extreme.
Potatoes International Potato Center Peru
October 24, 2011

How the potato changed the world

When potato plants bloom, they send up five-lobed flowers that spangle fields like fat purple stars. By some accounts, Marie Antoinette liked the blossoms so much that she put them in her hair.
The History of the potato Industry in Nebraska
October 19, 2010

The History of the potato Industry in Nebraska

The Nebraska Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) began tracking the potato industry in 1866, a year before statehood. Then, acreage was 5,000;yield was 36 cwt/a (cwt = hundredweight = 100 lb), and the crop value was $500,000.
The genetically modified starch potato Amflora
March 10, 2010

The History and Future of GM Potatoes

Last week the European Commission approved cultivation and processing of the genetically modified starch potato Amflora. The request for authorisation was submitted by Amflora's developer BASF in August 1996, more than 13 years ago!

In North America, currently no genetically modified potatoes are commercially grown. But the GM potato has already a colorful history in the US and Canada


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