News on Food Trends

February 28, 2012

Sweet Potato Tots introduced at Sonic

SONIC is expanding its unique Tots offering by introducing new Sweet Potato Tots to its menu for a limited time. According to data from the USDA Economic Research Service, sweet potato U.S. per capita consumption has been on the rise, even as white po...
 American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI)
February 28, 2012

American Frozen Food Institute Elects New Board Leadership

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) today announced the election of four officers and nine members to the AFFI Board of Directors. The elections took place on Feb. 20 at the AFFI Annual Meeting in San Diego held in conjunction with the 2012 AFFI...
 Manter International Carrot weigher
February 28, 2012

Manter introduces new series of weighing machines

Manter International bv, based in Emmen-Holland, is since 1995 manufacturer of weighing and packaging equipment for the fruit and vegetable industry. Manter introduces coming year a new serie of weighing machines. The first, which was been introduced ...
 Louis Beemsterboer
February 27, 2012

Aardappelareaal heeft weinig invloed op productie

Het aardappelareaal heeft weinig invloed op de totale productie. De opbrengst per hectare heeft een veel grotere effect. Dat fluctueert meer door de jaren heen dan het areaal, zegt voorzitter Louis Beemsterboer van de Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw (VTA)....
 Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV)
February 27, 2012

‘Ketensamenwerking beter dan vrije handel’

Akkerbouwers zijn meer gebaat bij verticale ketensamenwerking dan bij vrije handel. Dat zei directeur Dick Zelhorst van aardappelverwerker Aviko tijdens een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond (NAV). Het is voor de industrie belangrijk da...
 Verenigde Telers Akkerbouw
February 27, 2012

VTA: aardappelvoorraad Februari 2012

De Verenigde Telers Akerboud (VTA) inventariseert jaarlijks in november, februari en april de aardappelvoorraad onder een vaste representatieve groep van haar leden. Onlangs is de tweede voorraadinventarisatie uitgevoerd voor de opgeslagen aardappelen ...
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 NPPGA President Chuck Gunnerson presents the 2012 NPPGA MSA to Susie Thompson
February 26, 2012

Susie Thompson Wins NPPGA Meritorious Service Award

Asunta (Susie) Thompson is the winner of the 2012 NPPGA Meritorious Service Award. It was presented to her at NPPGA's annual banquet. This comes on the heals of winning a Meritorious Service Award from the National Potato Council in January. Dr. Thom...
February 26, 2012

US Potato research threatened by budget cuts

President Obama's budget proposal for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 proposes cutting $700 million in the USDA's spending levels.The amount represents a 3 percent cut from FY 2012 USDA spending levels.
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
February 26, 2012

EFSA: no adverse effects of cultivation GM Amflora potato

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a scientific opinion on the Post-Market Environmental Monitoring (PMEM) report for the 2010 cultivation season of the genetically modified Amflora potato.
You want fries with THAT?
February 26, 2012

'You Want McDonald's Fries With That' Contest Winner announced

To celebrate McDonald's delicious French Fries, the company called upon consumers to share the special moments in their lives they want paired with a side of the World Famous Fries by hosting the "You Want McDonald's Fries With That"Contest.
February 26, 2012

PEI Potato industry worth $1B, says study

The potato industry generates more than $1 billion for the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island (PEI), says an economic impact study released Friday. The study, put out by the P.E.I. Potato Board, also shows the sector creates more than $245 mill...
Mr Tayto
February 25, 2012

Largo Foods (Tayto) receives grant for equipment and R&D

In Ireland, the government have committed grant assistance in excess of half a million euro to Gaoth Dobhair based Largo Food Exports Ltd. The funds will be used to update equipment and for research and development into new products to be produced in ...
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February 24, 2012

BAI Opbrengst en Voorraadmeting aardappelen, 15 februari 2012

Bureau Aardappelmarkt Informatie (BAI) van het PA heeft een telefonische opbrengst- en voorraadmeting enquête gehouden onder consumptieaardappeltelers. De ondervraagden zijn aselect getrokken uit het bestand van de landbouwtelling: alle relevante aarda...
 Belgapom notering 24 februari 2012
February 24, 2012

Belgapom notering licht gezakt naar € 37,50/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Voor...
February 24, 2012

India may top China as hottest restaurant growth market

India may be ready to supplant China as the top growth market for Western quick-service brands, according to a new research note from Sara Senatore, securities analyst for Bernstein Research. Based on projections that India’s economy could soon outpac...
February 24, 2012

Ministerio de Agricultura peruano apoya aplicación de sanciones por comercializar productos en sacos con más de 50 kilos

El Ministerio de Agricultura (Minag) afirmó hoy que apoya la aplicación de sanciones a productores, comerciantes y transportistas que acopien productos en sacos con un peso superior a los 50 kilos, conforme a lo dispuesto por la Ley Nº 29088 y su regla...
 Pack Expo 2012
February 23, 2012

Pack Expo already over 1 million sq feet and 1300 exhibitors

PACK EXPO International 2012, which comes to Chicago’s McCormick Place October 28–31, has already seen space sales top 1 million net square feet. “Reaching this milestone this far out from the show makes a statement about the role PACK EXPO plays in t...
 Carl Hoverson (right) receives the gavel from Jeff VanRay
February 23, 2012

Carl Hoverson Becomes New NPPGA Chairman

For the second consecutive year, a large process potato grower will head the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association. Jeff VanRay from Pingree, North Dakota passed the gavel to Larimore, North Dakota grower Carl Hoverson at last Tuesday's annual b...


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