News on Food Trends

UK: Shropshire potato producers host leading technical event
June 29, 2014

UK: Shropshire potato producers host leading technical event

The West Midlands Potato Day attracted a good crowd of industry visitors on 19 June when potato grower Jonathan Bubb of J.M. Bubb & Sons hosted Potato Council’s technical field day at Lynn South Farm, Newport, Shropshire, where they grow around 400 acres of potatoes.
Perú: Una iniciativa de semillas de ‘fuente abierta’ liberó 36 variedades de 14 cultivos alimenticios
June 26, 2014

Perú: Una iniciativa de semillas de ‘fuente abierta’ liberó 36 variedades de 14 cultivos alimenticios

Según los líderes del proyecto, la decisión podría ayudar a los agricultores pobres a tener acceso a semillas de mejor calidad.
Premier David Alward announcing the research investment (courtesy CTV News)
June 26, 2014

McCain Foods Canada receives research support of Province of New Brunswick

The provincial government of New Brunswick is investing $5 million in a research and development project at McCain Foods (Canada) which will see the company work with small and medium-sized businesses and researchers from New Brunswick to pursue process improvement, product development and soil remediation initiatives.
Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use
June 26, 2014

Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use

In this USDA research on soybean crops, researchers find a link between minimum winter temperature and pesticide use.
UK Consumers eat less potatoes, but this is not a conscious decision
June 26, 2014

UK Consumers eat less potatoes, but this is not a conscious decision

In the United Kingdom the value of fresh potato category is growing with a 3.8% rise over the last year, while the volume of fresh potatoes sold has dropped by 8.0%. The Potato Council is figuring out what can be done about it.
Aversion to GMOs becoming driving factor to buying organic.
June 26, 2014

Aversion to GMOs becoming driving factor to buying organic.

Among US families, avoiding GMO's is increasingly becoming one of the drivers to buy organic foods.
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Nelson Cox (left) / Jared Balcom (right)
June 25, 2014

Washington State Potato Commission Elects New Leadership

The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) has elected its new Executive Committee. Nelson Cox was named chair of the commission
Proyecto latinoamericano que une los enfoques de nutrición y agricultura es reconocido por el banco mundial
June 16, 2014

Proyecto latinoamericano que une los enfoques de nutrición y agricultura es reconocido por el banco mundial

El proyecto “Innovación para la Seguridad y Soberanía Alimentaria en los Andes” (IssAndes) recibió una Mención Honrosa en el concurso Harvesting Nutrition 2013 organizado por la plataforma de conocimiento SecurityNutrition del Banco Mundial.
Angus King
June 16, 2014

President signs into law revisions to the EPA rules supporting Maine Farmers

President Obama signed into law revisions to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules that ease compliance for farms across Maine.
Water Use Prince Edward Island (courtesy PEI Potato Board)
June 15, 2014

PEI Potato Industry says high-capacity irrigation wells needed

Two of the most powerful voices in P.E.I.s billion dollar potato industry appeared before the Legislature's agriculture committee Thursday in Charlottetown.
McCain Foods GB sponsors 2014 Tour de France
June 15, 2014

McCain Foods GB sponsors 2014 Tour de France

McCain Foods GB will be and official supplier of Tour de France 2014, which starts with an opening stage in Yorkshire.
Avanzan estudios de variedad de papa que soporta bajas temperaturas en Perú
June 12, 2014

Avanzan estudios de variedad de papa que soporta bajas temperaturas en Perú

El director del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) de Ayacucho informó que se continuará trabajando en el estudio de los genes de la papa silvestre que son resistentes a las heladas para generar variedades mejoradas que resistan a los embates climatológicos.
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Sporangia of P. infestans: sporangium from which a zoospore is germinating. (photo: B. G. Turgeon; Cornell University)
June 11, 2014

Breakthrough in understanding swarming potato blight spores

Researchers at the Universities of Dundee and Aberdeen have made a breakthrough in understanding how the microbial spores which cause potato blight are so effective at infecting plants.
Winter 2014 NY (Courtesy Yahoo News)
June 11, 2014

NPD: Total Q1 US Restaurant visits down, but delivery up

The downside and upside for the U.S. restaurant industry in the first quarter of 2014 was that total restaurant visits dipped but delivery and other areas got a boost, reports The NPD Group, a leading global information company.
Hillshire Brands
June 11, 2014

Hillshire Brands merger with Pinnacle Foods off the table after deal with Tyson Foods.

Tyson Foods has won the bidding war for Hillshire Brands against its biggest competitor in the U.S. fresh chicken meat market, Pilgrim’s Pride. The deal is contingent on Hillshire Brands terminating its proposed merger with Pinnacle Foods.
Cheese is the top dietary source of saturated fat in the US diet
June 11, 2014

Saturated Fat Intake May Influence a Person’s Expression of Genetic Obesity Risk

Limiting saturated fat could help people whose genetic make-up increases their chance of being obese
In May FAO Food Price Index fell for the second consecutive month
June 11, 2014

In May FAO Food Price Index fell for the second consecutive month

in May 2014 The FAO Food Price Index averaged 207.8 points, down 2.5 points (or 1.2 percent) from April and nearly 7 points, or 3.2 percent, below May 2013.
Alberto Salas, el "padrino" peruano que quiere salvar al mundo con la papa
June 10, 2014

Alberto Salas, el "padrino" peruano que quiere salvar al mundo con la papa

El agrónomo peruano de 71 años, conocido en el Centro Internacional de la Papa en Lima como 'el padrino de la papa', lleva más de medio siglo consagrado al estudio del cultivo que, asegura, ayudará a la humanidad a sobrevivir el cambio climático.


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