Energy and Environment

Researchers from Aarhus University are comparing greenhouse gas emissions from a conventional potato crop rotation on drained peat soil with the cultivation of reed canary grass for biomass production on undrained or poorly drained peat soil.
July 12, 2023

Peat soils in Denmark: Stop drainage and cultivate reed grass instead of potatoes, says agricultural emissions study

Drained peat soils in Denmark account for about one-third of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) declares onset of El Niño conditions
July 06, 2023

World Meteorological Organization declares start of El Niño; what to expect

El Niño conditions have developed in the tropical Pacific for the first time in seven years, setting the stage for a likely surge in global temperatures and disruptive weather and climate patterns.
Solynta Hybrid Potato Breeding
June 27, 2023

Solynta: Sowing a More Collaborative Seed Industry

You may think of a seed as tiny and insignificant. Don’t be fooled: its impact on global agriculture is immense. The seed industry is constantly balancing innovation with bringing value to growers.
Tummers Steam Closure
June 27, 2023

Potato Flakes Lines: Tummers just eliminated all steam emissions from the drum drying process

Drum-drying of mashed potatoes for the production of potato flakes creates a lot of emissions in the form of steam. Equipment manufacturer Tummers - in cooperation with Solutherm - just put an end to this smelly and energy wasting practice.
Significant step forward for Sustainable Farming Incentive
June 26, 2023

United Kingdom Organic farmers pleased with Sustainable Farming Incentive 2023 (SFI)

OF&G (Organic Farmers & Growers) has welcomed Defra’s development of the Sustainable Farming Incentive 2023 (SFI) and the flexibility the expanded remit offers to organic farmers.
Bredel hose pump plays an integral role in TOMRA’s sustainable potato peeling solution
June 13, 2023

Bredel hose pump plays an integral role in TOMRA’s sustainable potato peeling solution

Bredel hose pumps are contributing to a sustainable solution for steam potato peeling provided by TOMRA Food which reduces water usage, water treatment and food waste.
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Europe’s potato industry falls victim to extreme weather
June 08, 2023

Europe’s potato industry falls victim to extreme weather

Extreme weather incidents are serving to rock Europe’s potato industry to its very foundations. Last year was actually the second warmest year on record in Europe. The drought conditions resulted in a dramatic downturn in overall potato output.
New camera technology could revolutionise plastics recycling
June 04, 2023

Not just potatoes: Newtec investments in camera technology could revolutionise plastics recycling

A Danish trio of partners is developing super-high-resolution, hyperspectral cameras that can determine the chemical composition of plastic waste and the different additives. The technology will have a huge impact on future plastics recycling.
PepsiCo opens its most sustainable factory in Europe driving the transition towards a circular economy
June 03, 2023

PepsiCo's potato chips plant in Poland is its most sustainable factory in Europe

PepsiCo has unveiled its most sustainable factory in Europe as the industry increasingly recognises the circular economy as a framework to help address global food system challenges.
CNH Industrial and ONE SMART SPRAY announce integration of precision spraying solution
May 26, 2023

CNH Industrial and ONE SMART SPRAY announce integration of precision spraying solution

CNH Industrial and ONE SMART SPRAY, a joint venture between Bosch and BASF, have signed a collaboration agreement to integrate the latter’s advanced spraying system within CNH Industrial’s agricultural brand product portfolios.
Extreme weather events (Heat and Drought Stress) pose a significant challenge to potato cultivation.
May 24, 2023

Heat and Drought stress in potatoes: is it possible to prevent damage?

Extreme weather events pose a significant challenge to potato cultivation. Heat and drought stress reduces productivity, causes physiological defects in tubers, and damages crops.
The World Potato Congress Inc. officially adopts Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security
May 18, 2023

World Potato Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

The World Potato Congress (WPC) Inc., through its mission of creating value chain networking within the global potato community, has officially adopted the Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security.
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Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
May 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK
May 15, 2023

Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK

Defra and UKRI, as part of the Farming Innovation Programme, recently announced funding for 'Potato-LITE' – a multimillion pound project over four years
The Rise of Global Temperature and How It Affects Potato Production
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The Rise of Global Temperature and How It Affects Potato Production

From melting glaciers and flooding to drought, rising global temperature is affecting agriculture in many ways. Potato production is also taking a hit.
Hijos de Rivera con la Universidad de A Coruña
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Patatas que crecen junto a los eucaliptos en A Laracha, el nuevo proyecto de Hijos de Rivera con la Universidad de A Coruña

El proyecto de la Cátedra de Hijos de Rivera junto con la Fundación Galicia Sustentable en Montemaior experimenta con el aprovechamiento de los suelos afectados por la explotación intensiva de este árbol para producir alimentos.
La fábrica 4.0 de Patatas Meléndez
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España: La fábrica 4.0 de Patatas Meléndez, un proyecto altamente eficiente y sostenible

Patatas Meléndez, compañía vallisoletana cuyo CEO y administrador único es Javier Meléndez, es el primer operador de patata en España con un 20% de cuota de mercado. Este 2023 también va a posicionarse como un referente a nivel europeo gracias a su fábrica 4.0., con una inversión de más de 36 millones de euros.
Royal Avebe emphasizes the added and distinctive value of potato starch and protein products
April 11, 2023

Royal Avebe strategy: focus on the added and distinctive value of potato starch and protein products

On Thursday 30 March 2023, Royal Avebe presented its strategy for the next five years during a breakfast for invited media. The cooperative will Accelerate and strengthen.


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