Energy and Environment

Drones can help optimize the use of nitrogen fertilization in potato farming
July 26, 2017

Drones can help optimize nitrogen fertilization in potato farming

Now there is a validated method that can not only determine far more precisely how much nitrogen should be applied, but also shows us the differences in nitrogen demand within fields. This will lead to a much more efficient use of nitrogen.
En España investigan variedades de papa que mejor se adapten al cambio climático
July 11, 2017

En España investigan variedades de papa que mejor se adapten al cambio climático

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia ha cerrado un proyecto de investigación sobre variedades de papa que mejor se adaptan a las condiciones previstas de cambio climático.
McCain Foods Scarborough Expansion plan approved
July 08, 2017

McCain Foods Scarborough expansion plan approved

Plans to expand the McCain Foods (GB) potato processing factory in Eastfield (Scarborough) have been approved by planners last Thursday, clearing the way for the proposed £100m investment (USD 130 million).
Making a potato variety heat tolerant could be as simple as switching a single gene
June 22, 2017

Making a potato variety heat tolerant could be as simple as switching a single gene

Scientists have identified a version of a single gene involved in the heat stress response that is more active in potato types that can tolerate high temperature, potentially providing potato breeders a tool to make potato varieties less vulnerable to increased temperature.
Doomsday? Svalbard Seed Vault flooded, threatened by Climate Change
May 19, 2017

Doomsday? Svalbard Seed Vault flooded, threatened by Climate Change

Recent flooding of the global seed vault in Svalbard caused a stir, since it was designed to last forever. Luckily all seeds (including several thousand potato seeds) are OK, but already adaptations to the vault may be needed to deal with climate change.
Interpack 2017 sees record level international attendance
May 16, 2017

Interpack 2017 sees record level international attendance

Interpack 2017 scored a record attendance of 2,865 exhibiting companies. Furthermore, 74% of the approximately the 170,500 visitors travelled to Düsseldorf from abroad, which is another record
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The Sainsbury Laboratory received approval for a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes
May 11, 2017

The Sainsbury Laboratory received approval for a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes

In the United Kingdom, farming minster George Eustice (DEFRA) has approved a four-year trial of genetically modified (GM) potatoes at The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich.
McCain Foods announces an investment of £100m in its Scarborough Potato Processing Plant (United Kingdom)
March 14, 2017

McCain Foods announces an investment of £100m in its Scarborough Potato Processing Plant (United Kingdom)

McCain Foods announces an investment of £100m (USD 120m) in its Scarborough Potato Processing Plant (United Kingdom).
La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistente al tizón tardío
February 22, 2017

La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío

El Reglamento de la UE sobre la agricultura orgánica no permite el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM).Pero..... puede distinguirse un cultivo de papa cisgenico de un cultivo de papa que es el resultado de la producción convencional?
Reducing Swiss Potato Waste
February 01, 2017

Reducing Swiss Potato Waste

Worldwide about a third of all food gets lost before it reaches our stomachs. For Swiss potatoes this is even more – half of the total harvest. Which measures can reduce the loss, and what effect do they have?
Potato Processor Lamb Weston / Meijer continues to innovate: Sustainability report
January 22, 2017

Sustainability Report: Potato Processor Lamb Weston / Meijer continues to innovate

Lamb Weston's European joint venture, Lamb Weston / Meijer has published its sustainability report for 2015-2016. Compared to the reference year 2008, energy consumption per tonne of product has reduced by more than 21% and potato utilisation has improved by 4.5%.
Lamb Weston invested in four FAM cutting machines for its wavy fries
January 04, 2017

Lamb Weston invested in four FAM cutting machines for its wavy fries

Lamb Weston / Meijer invested in four new FAM Tridis 240P cutters for the production of its wavy fries in Bergen op Zoom
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Third automatic high-bay frozen storage for potato processor Agristo
December 08, 2016

Third automatic high-bay frozen storage for potato processor Agristo

Belgian pre-fried and frozen potato products manufacturer Agristo is teaming up with Egemin Automation for the third time in a row for the construction of a new, fully automated high-bay deepfreeze warehouse.
Lamb Weston / Meijer inaugurates its new french fry production line in Bergen op Zoom
November 24, 2016

Lamb Weston / Meijer inaugurates its new french fry production line in Bergen op Zoom

Lamb Weston / Meijer inaugurated its new production line for french fries in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands, on 10 November 2016 in the presence of employees, suppliers, the mayor and the King’s Commissioner.
Making the Most of Food
November 16, 2016

Making the Most of Food

In order to meet the global population’s growing demand for food, research by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) predicts that the worldwide food manufacturing and processing industries need to increase their total output by 70 per cent by 2050.
Partnership between Tesco and Branston helps to reduce potato waste
October 20, 2016

Partnership between Tesco and Branston helps to reduce potato waste

Branston, one of the biggest potato suppliers in the United Kingdom, has officially opened its £5 million prepared potato factory extension in partnership with Tesco.
Blanching Equipment Specialist DTS started construction of another new building
July 26, 2016

Blanching Equipment Specialist DTS started construction of another new building

Dutch Blanching Equipment Specialist DutchTecSource B.V. (DTS) is Expanding. On the current premises next to the two existing buildings, a brand new building will arise.
UK research project intends to turn potato waste into beauty creams.
June 30, 2016

UK research project intends to turn potato waste into beauty creams.

Waste from potato crops could be ‘recycled’ into personal care products such as medical gels and beauty creams – thanks to a new University of East Anglia (UEA) research project.


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