Energy and Environment

La patata también se tiñe de verde
September 25, 2019

La patata de Galicia también se tiñe de verde

Óscar Riveiro, agricultor de Castro de Rei, vende dentro y fuera de Galicia el tubérculo con sello ecológico. La Terra Chá es amplia y justamente conocida por su actividad ganadera, centrada sobre todo en el ganado vacuno de leche.
Why the issue of food waste is more important than ever
September 23, 2019

Why the issue of food waste is more important than ever

The world is currently wasting 1.3 billion tonnes of the food produced
for human consumption every year, which amounts to a third of all food produced for that purpose.
WELTEC builds biogas plant for Potato Chips Manufacturer ALTHO in France
September 17, 2019

WELTEC builds biogas plant for Potato Chips Manufacturer ALTHO in France

Recently, biogas plant builder WELTEC BIOPOWER completed a biomethane plant for ALTHO, a French manufacturer of potato chips in St. Gérand, Brittany.
Bühler calls on industry to act now for a sustainable future
September 05, 2019

Bühler calls on industry to act now for a sustainable future

The world faces urgent challenges in the coming decades as climate change and a growing population make many of our current systems of production unsustainable.
Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not
September 02, 2019

Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed a new approach that helps public agencies and commercial interests combat fraudulently-labelled organic foods.
The authors of the study from FAU (from left): PD Dr. Sophia Sonnewald, Günter Lehretz, Dr. José María Corral García and Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald. (Courtesy: FAU / Rabih Mehdi)
May 15, 2019

Breakthrough research: potatoes can grow at high temperatures

If there’s one thing potato plants don’t like, it’s heat. If the temperature is too high, potato plants form significantly lower numbers of tubers or sometimes none at all. Biochemists at FAU have now discovered the reason why.
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One way that supermarkets of the future can tackle the scandal of food waste
April 25, 2019

Supermarket of the Future: tackling food waste

Supermarkets of the near-future will have their business models radically re-shaped by innovations instore, online, and in the food industry supply chain.
March 10, 2019

Low potato yields result in a excellent financial performance for seed potato supplier HZPC

Seed potato supplier HZPC Holland has established the expected prices it will pay to its growers and the organisation expects to pay its Dutch growers a record price of € 41,- per 100 kilo
UK potato chips prices surge after heatwave-induced potato shortage
February 26, 2019

UK potato chips prices surge after heatwave-induced potato shortage

Crisps fans in the United Kingdom might have noticed that their favourite snack has become a little more expensive in recent months.
De Aardappelhoeve introduces a convenience potato product targeting a younger generation
February 15, 2019

De Aardappelhoeve introduces a convenience potato product targeting a younger generation

The Belgian potato company De Aardappelhoeve has introduced a new convenience concept during last week's Fruit Logistica. The potato product is targeting a younger generation.
TOMRA CEO discusses TOMRA Food’s capabilities and future aspirations at Fruit Logistica
February 12, 2019

TOMRA CEO discusses TOMRA Food’s capabilities and future aspirations at Fruit Logistica

Stefan Ranstrand, TOMRA’s President and Chief Executive Officer, chose Fruit Logistica 2019 to give a speech on TOMRA Food’s exhibition stand about the company’s unique offering, values, and future aspirations.
Reino Unido: Cambio climático pondría en peligro a la papa
February 05, 2019

Reino Unido: Cambio climático pondría en peligro a la papa

El futuro de uno de los alimentos básicos preferidos del Reino Unido, la papa, podría estar en peligro debido a que el cambio climático afecta las zonas dónde crece, dijeron científicos de la Universidad de Leeds.
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TOMRA CEO wins pres
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TOMRA CEO wins prestigious European Business Leaders Award

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Lamb Weston Meijer to build processing plant for dehydrated potato products
January 31, 2019

Lamb Weston Meijer to build processing plant for dehydrated potato products

Lamb Weston / Meijer announced the investment in a new factory for its Ambient Potato Business, the production of dehydrated potato products.
Crunch time for potato chips manufacturers as EU waste targets loom
January 15, 2019

Crunch time for potato chips manufacturers as EU waste targets loom

The European Commission has set an EU-wide objective for all packaging to be recyclable or reusable by 2030. However there is no easy packaging solution (yet) for manufacturers of potato chips.
Guardian switches to potato starch wrapping
January 13, 2019

British newspaper The Guardian switches to potato starch based wrapping

Readers of The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom have been opening their weekend paper to find supplements wrapped in a compostable material made from potato starch.
Walkers Launches First UK Recycling Scheme for Crisp Packets
December 18, 2018

Walkers Launches First UK Recycling Scheme for Potato Chips Packaging

Walkers is launching the first nationwide recycling scheme for potato chips bags, locally known as crisp packets. Working with recyclers, TerraCycle, the scheme will tap into an established network of recycling collection points around the UK.
The potato crop in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain
December 12, 2018

Potatoes in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain

That the potato harvest this year in Europe was well below average due to extreme weather conditions is well known by now. I this article we present some recent data from Great Britain, The Netherlands and Spain that further clarify the situation


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