Energy and Environment

Canadá venderá papas genéticamente modificadas resistentes al pardeamiento
March 21, 2016

Canadá venderá papas genéticamente modificadas resistentes al pardeamiento

La agencia de salud pública de Canadá, Health Canada, y la Agencia Canadiense de Inspección de Alimentos (CFIA) han aprobado una papa genéticamente modificada (GM) para su comercialización, afirmó este lunes la empresa estadounidense Simplot al anunciar que sus papas GM resistentes al pardeamiento podrían estar en los supermercados canadienses para el Día de Acción de Gracias.
PEI Potato farmers granted partial victory in slope violation conviction
February 26, 2016

PEI Potato farmers granted partial victory in slope violation conviction

Two potato farmers from Prince Edward Island (Canada) that were convicted of planting potatoes on a slope that was too steep were granted a partial victory from the P.E.I. Court of Appeal.
Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection
February 19, 2016

Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection

BCfresh, a British Columbia-based provider of locally-grown vegetables, announced the introduction of Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes. Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes come in a variety of non-uniform shapes and sizes with minor blemishes or minor mechanical damage.
Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year rotation mandatory
February 18, 2016

Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year crop rotation mandatory

Sources say the 2016 Southern Idaho Potato Cooperative contract will include new langcode mandating a minimum of two years of alternate crops between potatoes.
Páramos colombianos afectados por cultivos y cría de ganado
February 12, 2016

Páramos colombianos afectados por cultivos y cría de ganado

Los cultivos de papa, cebolla larga, arveja y la cría de ganado son los que más afectan los páramos de Colombia. De 2.9 millones de hectáreas, 20% del territorio ha sido intervenido por actividades agropecuarias.
Okray Farms receives NPC's 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award
February 10, 2016

Okray Farms receives NPC's 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award

Okray Family Farms in Plover, Wisconsin, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2015 Environmental Stewardship Award during the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2016 Annual Meeting, held January 14 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains
February 10, 2016

Cuban Potato crops troubled by rains

The rainfall in November, December, and January in the western and central parts of Cuba made it impossible for Cuban farmers to achieve a crop yield similar to the one they got last year, when they harvested 120,000 tons of potatoes.
Experto estudia crecimiento de la papa bajo el estrés hídrico
January 21, 2016

Experto francés estudia crecimiento de la papa bajo estrés hídrico

El investigador e ingeniero agrónomo, Guillaume Lacavé, está estudiando cómo reaccionan las papas (patatas) nativas sometidas a estrés hídrico y su producción de antioxidantes y otros bioactivos.
Climate change: 2015 was the warmest year on record by far
January 21, 2016

Climate change: 2015 was the warmest year on record by far

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that according their independent analyses, Earth's surface temperatures in 2015 were the warmest since modern record keeping began in 1880.
¿Qué quieren los habitantes de páramo en Colombia?
January 06, 2016

¿Qué quieren los habitantes del páramo en Colombia?

Los científicos sostienen que la producción indiscriminada de cultivos (como la papa) están deteriorando las cuencas hídricas que nacen en los páramos. Sin embargo, si estos son conservados y protegidos para garantizar que el recurso siga llegando a las ciudades, ¿qué pasará con los pobladores para quienes el páramo más que un ecosistema es su hogar?
McCain Foods Canada investments in Carberry plant supported by government
January 03, 2016

McCain Foods Canada investments in Carberry plant supported by government

Local and Federal Government (Manitoba, Canada) have announced an investment of nearly $380,000 for the McCain Foods potato processing plant in Carberry to increase efficiency, reduce waste and support the sustainable growth of Manitoba’s potato industry. The governments’ investment represents half of the total equipment cost.
Crop Wild Relatives May Hold Key to Counteract Effects of Climate Change in Agriculture
December 16, 2015

Crop Wild Relatives May Hold Key to Counteract Effects of Climate Change in Agriculture

Scientists believe that wild plant species related to domesticated crops, known as Crop Wild Relatives (CWR), might hold a key to counteract the devastating effects of climate change on the world’s food supply.
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ConAgra Foods Announces Zero Waste Champions
November 23, 2015

ConAgra Foods Announces Zero Waste Champions

Continuing in its journey toward zero waste, and in recognition of last week’s America Recycles Day, ConAgra Foods announced its annual Zero Waste Champion award winners.
Llegada de El Niño constituye una amenaza y una oportunidad para pequeños agricultores
October 29, 2015

Llegada de El Niño es amenaza y oportunidad para agricultores

El devastador episodio de El Niño tendrá efectos significativos en los cultivos de papa de todo el mundo. Por eso los investigadores del CIP están utilizando estrategias para ayudar a contrarrestar las pérdidas y maximizar los rendimientos.
Researchers turn potato processing waste into eco-friendly plastic films
October 28, 2015

Researchers turn potato processing waste into eco-friendly plastic films

Researchers of the University of Alberta offer a green alternative to petroleum-based plastics used in food packaging by turning potato byproducts into eco-friendly plastic films
McDonald's: Working Together to Address Climate Change
October 19, 2015

McDonald's: Working Together to Address Climate Change

Today, McDonald's Corporation was one of 81 American Companies joining in the “American Business Act on Climate” pledge.
White House Announces Commitments to the American Business Act on Climate Pledge
October 19, 2015

White House Announces Commitments to the American Business Act on Climate Pledge

Today, the White House will announce new commitments from companies from across the American economy who are joining the American Business Act on Climate Pledge.
Experto peruano: la papa crece a demasiada altura por cambio climático
October 09, 2015

Experto peruano: la papa crece a demasiada altura por cambio climático

La papa ha llegado a crecer en el Perú a una altura récord de 4,500 metros debido al cambio climático, afirma en conferencia de la FAO el investigador peruano Alejandro Argumedo.


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