Energy and Environment

Swiss Innovators xFarm Technologies and Bühler Partner to Drive Sustainability in the Agri-Food Sector
March 10, 2025

Bühler and xFarm Technologies partner for sustainability monitoring along the whole agri-food value chain

xFarm Technologies, the Swiss tech company specialising in the digitalisation of the whole agri-food sector, supporting more than 500,000 farms on a total area of 8.3 million hectares every day
McCain Foods advances regenerative farming with innovative initiatives, ensuring a sustainable future for French fries.
March 04, 2025

McCain Foods Launches Regen Fries. Campaign rewards Consumers for Exploring Regenerative Agriculture’s Impact on the Future of Fries

McCain Foods, the maker of 1 in 4 fries worldwide, is making big strides towards its regenerative agriculture commitment, digging in with the aim to help combat climate change over time and secure the future of everyone’s favorite food, the golden French fry.
Agriculture Minister Maria Panayiotou visits frost-affected potato fields
March 03, 2025

Cyprus Potato Farmers to receive support after cold weather devastates their crops

Cyprus potato producers will receive financial aid and compensation after their crops suffered damage from recent cold weather and hail, Agriculture Minister Maria Panayiotou said
McCain Foods drives sustainability forward: Supporting farmers, reducing environmental impact, and building stronger communities for a better future
March 02, 2025

McCain Foods Releases 2024 Global Sustainability Report

With the release of the global 2024 Sustainability Report, McCain Foods continues to make progress towards its goal to provide products that are more sustainably sourced – delivering good food to consumers, while supporting the communities where it operates.
Calbee to Launch Operations at Setouchi Hiroshima Factory
February 24, 2025

Calbee opens next-generation Potato Processing Factory in Setouchi Hiroshima

Calbee, Inc. has announced that its newly constructed Setouchi Hiroshima Factory in Hiroshima City will commence operations on January 13, 2025. This facility is Calbee's first new factory in Japan in nearly 19 years.
Scientists chip away at potato storage problems
February 19, 2025

Scientists chip away at potato storage problems

They’re one of the UK’s most loved staples, providing around half of our carbohydrate intake as a nation and supporting over 20,000 farm, transport and manufacturing jobs.
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Bolivia: perdidas agrícolas enorme debido a las lluvias
February 18, 2025

Bolivia: perdidas agrícolas enormes debido a las lluvias

Desde diciembre del 2024 las lluvias están complicando la situación en el altiplano. Al día de hoy se estiman 3000 hectáreas afectadas, entre ellas, muchas de papa.
TIPA: Pioneering Sustainable Mat Bags for Eco-Friendly Packaging
February 12, 2025

TIPA Unveils Global Launch of Advanced Home Compostable Metalized High-Barrier Film for Snack Packaging

TIPA, a global leader in compostable packaging innovation, is launching an advanced home compostable metallized high-barrier film. The solution addresses critical challenges in eco-conscious packaging for chips and salty snacks, offering enhanced functionality and durability in a biodegradable solution.
Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband e.V. (DKHV) hosted the 19. Internationale Berliner Kartoffelabend (IBK) with highlights from President Thomas Herkenrath, UNIKA Chairman Olaf Feuerborn, and the charming presence of Potato Queens Daniela I from Bavaria an
February 12, 2025

International Berlin Potato Evening of the DKHV unites the European potato industry

The evening of February 4 was entirely dedicated to the potato: For the 19th International Berlin Potato Evening, hosted by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV), leading representatives of the European potato industry gathered in the festive ballroom of the Hilton Berlin at Gendarmenmarkt.
España: disponibilidad de patata de siembra
February 05, 2025

España: disponibilidad de patata de siembra

Las perspectivas para esta próxima campaña no son muy auspiciosas y de hecho se asemeja mucho a la campaña anterior. Se recomienda realizar pedidos de semilla lo antes posible.
Mundo: el futuro del desarrollo de variedades
February 04, 2025

Mundo: el futuro del desarrollo de variedades

Las dificultades climáticas y las exigencias de mercados hacen que el desarrollo de variedades sea un esfuerzo incesante.
Perú: impacto de las heladas en el sur, aumento de importación
January 28, 2025

Perú: impacto de las heladas en el sur, aumento de importación

Los comerciantes esperan que la papa local vuelva a estar disponible en los próximos días para estabilizar los precios y aliviar la situación económica.
México: comenzó la cosecha de papa en el norte de Sinaloa
January 27, 2025

México: comenzó la cosecha de papa en el norte de Sinaloa

Buenas perspectivas pese a el calor y la competencia de productos de Estados Unidos.
Wisconsin Healthy Grown® Potatoes Featured on Award-Winning TV Show
January 25, 2025

Wisconsin Healthy Grown® Potatoes Featured on Award-Winning TV Show

As the third largest potato-producing state in the nation, Wisconsin potatoes have an important story to tell about feeding families with sustainably produced Wisconsin potatoes.
Perú: heladas dramáticas y perdidas de producción
January 21, 2025

Perú: heladas dramáticas y perdidas de producción

Las heladas en la zona de Puno afectaron seriamente los cultivos de pan llevar, principalmente de papa y quinua, generando pérdidas de hasta el 70 % en la producción.
The bio-based bag is said to be a proprietary blend formulated and tested to pass OCC (Old Corrugated Container) acceptance testing. (Courtesy: Lamb Weston)
January 18, 2025

Lamb Weston's US foodservice customers can now get their frozen French fries in a recyclable paper bag

Lamb Weston is now offering its US foodservice customers the option to get their frozen French fries in a recyclable paper bag. The new package is the result of several years’ work by its packaging engineers to develop a format with a more sustainable end-of-life solution than exists for the company’s polyethylene bags.
España: se pudre la patata de siembra en los campos y los seguros no cubren
January 14, 2025

España: se pudre la patata de siembra en los campos y los seguros no cubren

En el país Vasco, las perdidas se elevan hasta el millón de euros y el suministro de patata de siembra se ajusta aun más.
Lamb Weston Commits to Landmark Green Fertilizer Contract Advancing Sustainable Agriculture
January 12, 2025

Lamb Weston Commits to Landmark Green Fertilizer Contract Advancing Sustainable Agriculture

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc., a leading global potato supplier, has announced its partnership with Atlas Agro for the procurement of locally produced, green fertilizers. 


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