News on Potato Defects and Diseases

UK regulations relaxed to allow Mallorcan potato exports
February 26, 2021

UK regulations relaxed to allow potato import from Mallorca

Mallorca has been exporting potatoes to the United Kingdom since 1927 and future exports are now guaranteed because the British Government has agreed to change the regulations and allow Mallorcan potatoes to be sold in the British market.
New resistance genes against late blight were identified in a close relative of the potato, Solanum americanum
February 22, 2021

Late blight resistance genes identified in potato relative Solanum americanum

An international team of researchers has struck an important blow in the ongoing evolutionary arms race with the notorious potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
Refuerzan vigilancia fitosanitaria para evitar ingreso de la polilla de la papa en Piura, Perú
February 15, 2021

Refuerzan vigilancia fitosanitaria para evitar ingreso de la polilla de la papa en Piura, Perú

El Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego, a través del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria – SENASA, mantiene el monitoreo preventivo de la plaga Tecia solanivora, conocida también como ‘Polilla Guatemalteca’
Bridging the gap between potato growers and scientists
February 05, 2021

Bridging the gap between potato growers and scientists

To ensure the research AHDB funds has the biggest impact and benefit for the potato industry, they work to connect growers with researchers and scientists with initiatives like their Strategic Spot Farms.
La polilla de la patata se extiende por la costa desde parroquias de Carballo y a Laracha
January 25, 2021

España: La polilla de la patata se extiende por la costa desde parroquias de Carballo y a Laracha

La polilla guatemalteca de la patata llegó a finales de noviembre del 2019 a varias parroquias costeras de los municipios de A Laracha y Carballo.
Researchers identified and characterized potato dry rot and potato wilt pathogens in Algeria
January 15, 2021

Researchers identified and characterized potato dry rot and potato wilt pathogens in Algeria

Among the 152 isolates collected from symptomatic potato plants and tubers in different provinces in Algeria, 13 species of Fusarium and Neocosmospora were identified.
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Goodbye to potato late blight
January 10, 2021

Bangladesh imports two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial

Bangladesh is importing two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial. Success will save 20% yield loss and Tk100C in fungicide cost.
How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides
December 29, 2020

How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides

Native to the Rocky Mountains, the Colorado potato beetle has now spread to many parts of the world and quickly overcoming almost every pesticide thrown in its way. A new UVM study sheds light on how these insects become resistant so fast.
Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen
December 29, 2020

Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen

In a recent study published in the MPMI journal, scientists from CSU revealed that metabolites from S. chacoense contribute to disease resistance by altering the pathogenic behavior of Pectobacterium brasiliense, rather than inhibiting its growth or killing it.
Previously unknown variant of potato wart disease discovered in the Netherlands
December 22, 2020

Previously unknown variant of potato wart disease discovered in the Netherlands

According to a report by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), an unknown variant of wart disease was discovered in agricultural fields in the municipality of Stadskanaal in the north-east of the country.
Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa
December 17, 2020

Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa

Imagine being a potato farmer in Ethiopia, Kenya, or Nigeria. On a small piece of land, which you depend on for food and income, you have spent months planting, weeding, and watering.
Close-up of late blight infected potato leaves collected in Indonesia
December 15, 2020

Researchers map late blight strains in potato on Java, Indonesia

A new study published in Plant Pathology identifies for the first time the genotypes of P. infestans, causing late blight in the main potato-growing regions in Java, Indonesia.
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Presence of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) confirmed in Prince Edward Island
December 01, 2020

Presence of Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) confirmed in Prince Edward Island

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has recently confirmed the presence of potato wart in two fields on a farm in Prince Edward Island (PEI). Potato wart is a regulated quarantine pest in Canada.
Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias
November 30, 2020

Se levanta el veto a la plantación de patata en la práctica totalidad de Asturias

El Principado anulará en 2021 la prohibición de cultivar patata en todo el territorio, excepto en San Tirso de Abres y Vegadeo.
Nueve concellos de Galicia podrán volver a plantar patatas
November 23, 2020

Nueve concellos de Galicia podrán volver a plantar patatas tras dos años sin couza guatemalteca

Son: Cariño, Ortigueira, Neda, Lourenzá, A Pastoriza, Riotorto, A Pontenova, Ribadeo y O Valadouro, ahora zona tampón
UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks
November 22, 2020

UK Potato Storage: regular checks vital this season for reducing risks

The continued wet weather in late October/early November in the United Kingdom has extended the harvesting season beyond eight weeks for some, which is clearly not good news where stores have been part-filled and cooling systems unable to function correctly.
Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes
November 17, 2020

Wildflowers could control aphid-borne viruses in potatoes

Sowing wildflowers into potato crops could reduce aphid-carried viruses and offer an alternative to declining access to insecticides for growers.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Above and Below Ground: Diseases threatening sustainable potato production'
October 21, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Above and Below Ground: Diseases threatening sustainable potato production'

The World Potato Congress is pleased to be beginning its Fall webinar series on November 12, 2020, with Professor Jacquie van der Waals from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.


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