News on The Potato Supply Chain

Statement from AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ regarding Hort Connections 2020
March 20, 2020

Statement from AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ regarding Hort Connections 2020

AUSVEG and the Produce Marketing Association of Australia – New
Zealand (PMA-ANZ) have decided to postpone Hort Connections 2020, which was
due to be held from 15-17 June 2020 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá
March 16, 2020

Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá

Gracias a un aporte entre importadores y productores locales de papas, se puede garantizar el suministro de este rubro en todo el país para lo que resta del año.
Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
March 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
Comenzó muy bien cosecha de papa en la provincia de Cienfuegos
March 16, 2020

Comenzó muy bien cosecha de papa en la provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba

La cosecha de papa comenzó hoy en la provincia de Cienfuegos, con buenos augurios de calidad y rendimiento, tras los primeros niveles acopiados en la empresa agropecuaria Horquita, ubicada en el municipio de Abreu.
El Parlamento pide que se reduzca la importación de papas entre mayo y septiembre
March 16, 2020

El Parlamento de Canarias pide que se reduzca la importación de papas entre mayo y septiembre

El pleno del Parlamento de Canarias ha aprobado este miércoles por unanimidad una proposición no de ley de Sí Podemos Canarias por la cual se insta al Gobierno regional a llegar a acuerdos con importadores y distribuidores.
West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad
March 13, 2020

West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad

As weather in West-Bengal, India turns unfavourable, output falls sharply and potato prices shoot up.
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Tolsma-Grisnich builds new potato storage facility in New Zealand
March 13, 2020

Tolsma-Grisnich builds new potato storage facility in New Zealand

Dutch potato storage specialist Tolsma-Grisnich has built a new storage facility for The Rakaia Hub Ltd in New Zealand.
World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production
March 10, 2020

World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production

The increase in world potato production stalled in 2018 and failed to recover significantly in 2019. World output slipped by 1.5% to 368.247 million tonnes in 2018 figures just released by the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation show.
Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía
March 09, 2020

Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía

La mezcla del agua agrícola del CAAF con la procedente de la desaladora propia es la forma de ahuyentar tres años de sequía que practican Marisa Díaz Armas y Ramón Torres Martín, el matrimonio que desde hace doce años planta papas en Toto.
Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro
March 09, 2020

Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro

Uno de los primeros intercambios entre la población andina y la tierra, fue a través de la papa. Los primeros indicios de su cultivo datan los 8000 años de antigüedad. Desde entonces, generaciones de agricultores han domesticado miles de variedades.
WG 900: The New Grimme Web Grader
March 02, 2020

WG 900: The New Grimme Web Grader

Web graders are used to grade different sizes when storing potatoes and onions. For the 2020 season, GRIMME has extensively upgraded the proven and very gentle web grader WG 900.
El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla
February 29, 2020

El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla

Las altas temperaturas desde diciembre a febrero han provocado un adelanto del inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata poblera. El portal Mateu Export arrancó este miércoles su campaña con la recolección de la variedad Lady Christl.
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Medio Rural organiza una jornada técnica sobre la patata en la comarca de A Limia
February 29, 2020

Medio Rural organiza una jornada técnica sobre la patata en la comarca de A Limia

Técnicos de la Xunta incidirán en los aspectos más importantes para el futuro del sector. La Consellería de Medio Rural promoverá una jornada técnica sobre la patata en la sede del Instituto Agroalimentario de Xinzo.
Potato Industry 2020: International industry event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 'Russian Research Institute of potato farming named after A. G. Lorch'
February 26, 2020

International potato industry to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Lorch Potato Research Institute'

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Lorch Potato Research Institute', an international industry event will be organized in Russia: 'Potato Industry 2020'
Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks
February 26, 2020

Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks

Potato virus Y is the most economically important and devastating aphid-transmitted virus, affecting both tuber yield and quality. The virus is also a major cause of seed potato degeneration, which leads to regular flushing out of seed potatoes.
Agricultural product storage is a top priority in Morocco
February 26, 2020

Agricultural product storage is a top priority in Morocco

Reducing wastage in the food chain is high on the Moroccan government's agenda. Food wastage is also an important theme at the upcoming SIAM - Salon International de l’Agriculture in Meknès - agricultural trade show.
Kenya: Government approves high yield potato seeds
February 25, 2020

Kenya: 'high input' approach potato cultivation pays off

In Kenya, potatoes are a key staple food, second only to maize. Yet its potato value chain has been underdeveloped for decades also. This has been acknowledged by the Kenyan government.
EUROPLANT at the FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020: Focus on slow-germinating and very early varieties
February 25, 2020

EUROPLANT at the FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020: Focus on potato varieties with long dormancy and very early varieties

As the world's leading trade fair for the global fruit and vegetable sector, FRUIT
LOGISTICA, which took place from 5 to 7 February 2020 at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, is a meeting
place for experts and companies in the branch.


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