News on Potato Starch from Germany

Goodrich Cereals at FI Europe: Pioneering the Future of Potato Flakes
November 18, 2024

Goodrich Cereals at FI Europe: Pioneering the Future of Potato Flakes

As the highly anticipated Food Ingredients Europe (FI Europe) exhibition approaches, Goodrich Cereals is set to showcase innovative potato flakes and highlight a commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.
Royal Avebe extends cooperation for bio natural gas production in Germany
March 12, 2024

Royal Avebe extends cooperation for bio natural gas production in Germany

Royal Avebe will continue to purchase two million kilowatt hours of fossil-free biomethane at its German plant in Lüchow in 2024.
Reduced nitrogen fertilization: Potato varieties react differently
January 08, 2024

Potato varieties react differently to reduced nitrogen fertilization: thesis

The German Potato Industry Association (DKHV) honored Christin Meyer's thesis on nitrogen fertilization of (starch) potatoes, research carried out at the University of Göttingen.
Brenntag Specialties announces strategic partnership with Royal Avebe, significantly enhancing supply partnerships in Nutrition
June 30, 2023

Brenntag Specialties announces strategic partnership with potato starch manufacturer Royal Avebe, significantly enhancing supply partnerships in nutrition

Brenntag, the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution, just announced a partnership with Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A. ("Royal Avebe").
Generational change within KPW
November 10, 2022

Generational change within Avebe Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland (KPW)

Every site of Royal Avebe has its own Human Resources challenges. This includes the Avebe Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland (KPW) sites in Germany. The relatively high average age of the staff creates capacity challenges for the future.
Growing waxy potatoes for Royal Avebe specialty potato starch
October 24, 2022

Growing waxy potatoes for Royal Avebe specialty potato starch

Christoph Renken, farmer on the Lüneburger Heide, shares his practical experiences of working with Royal Avebe and growing waxy potatoes on his farm.
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Andre Heilemann as new Head of Research and Development of Emsland Group
October 01, 2022

Andre Heilemann Head of Research and Development at Emsland Group

Earlier this year, Andre Heilemann took over as Head of Research and Development at Emsland Group from Henk Jaap Meijer. Here is a brief introduction of Andre Heilemann and his background.
Sudstarke GmbHs Sustainability Report for 2020
March 10, 2022

Südstärke GmbH Sustainability Report for 2020

The aim of the Südstärke sustainability report is to offer customers, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders, and site neighbors an insight into how they engage with nature and the environment.
Südstärke GmbH have concluded their 2021 potato starch production campaign this week.
January 21, 2022

Südstärke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign

Sudstarke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign. The 2021 production campaign was the most difficult in decades, even team members 40+ years with the company cannot remember anything close.
The Emsland Group completes EUR 30 million (about USD 33 million) investment at Emlichheim location
January 08, 2022

The Emsland Group completes EUR 30 million investment at Emlichheim location

The Emsland Group has completed the construction of a 750 m2 building that holds new roller drying units with autoclaves. Nicknamed 'WaltrAut', the facility was designed for the production of plant-based products
Michel Hörster, Emsland Group (left), and Martin Neugebauer, GEA (right)
May 23, 2021

GEA to build a potato protein process line for the Emsland Group in Wietzendorf

For the new construction and expansion of its potato protein production line at its Wietzendorf site, the Germany based Emsland Group is calling once more on the expertise of GEA, who in 2018 constructed a potato protein line at Emsland's Kyritz plant.
Emsland Webinar: New Waxy Potato Starch Solutions for Snack Products
October 27, 2020

Emsland Webinar: New Waxy Potato Starch Solutions for Snack Products

Emsland Group’s EMWAXY® is based on high amylopectin potatoes, containing more than 99% amylopectin.
Emsland Group invests over 33.9 million euros in a new plant for drying and modification of potato and pea starch: Project WaltrAut - Construction is on Schedule
September 22, 2020

Emsland Group invests over 33.9 million euros in a new plant for drying and modification of potato starch

In the past few months, a lot has happened at the Emsland Group's headquarters in Emlichheim. The construction of a new plant for drying and modification of potato and pea starch is progressing rapidly.
Not enough potatoes in Germany: extreme drought impacts supply Emsland Group
August 31, 2018

Not enough potatoes in Germany: extreme drought impacts supply Emsland Group

The Emsland Group, a potato processor with seven production plants throughout Germany, explains the supply challenges they are faced with as a result of the extreme drought in Germany and other parts of Europe.
Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe is looking for growth in Germany
August 29, 2018

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe is looking for growth in Germany

Potato starch manufacturer Avebe is looking to expand its growing area in Germany. Avebe Germany account managers Ulrike Ziervogel and Hauke Warnecke explain the ambitions and how the company intends to realise them.
Turning Potato Starch into durable coatings to replace Paint and Varnish
January 03, 2018

Turning Potato Starch into durable coatings to replace Paint and Varnish

If a surface has to be protected against corrosion, this usually takes place through coating it with paints or varnishes. Bio-based, environmentally-friendly solutions are hardly available. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute are developing a cost-effective coating based on renewable raw materials, potato starch in particular
Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil to visit Emsland Group
May 16, 2017

Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil to visit Emsland Group

On his tour through the parliament election districts in Lower Saxony, Prime Minister Stephan Weil will also be visiting Emlichheim on May 20, 2017, where he will visit the main headquarters of the Emsland Group.
Emsland Webinar: Enter the potato snack world with Emsland Group
July 03, 2016

Emsland Webinar: Enter the potato snack world with Emsland Group

As Germany's largest producer of potato starch Emsland creates innovative and future-oriented quality products for the snack industry.


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