News on Potato Starch

May 17, 2011

China slams EU potato starch imports

This article contains several clarifications of interest by Zhou Qingfeng, vice director at the China Starch Association (CSIA)
May 17, 2011

China legt heffingen op voor Europees aardappelzetmeel

China leg met ingang van 16 mei heffingen op aan Europese producenten van aardappelzetmeel die overheidssteun zouden krijgen.
May 16, 2011

China to levy an anti-subsidy duty on EU potato starch

China said Monday it would levy anti-subsidy duties of up to 11.19 percent on imports of EU potato starch.
May 16, 2011

Solanic (AVEBE) introduces PRO GO potato protein for sport nutrition concepts

Solanic, a 100% subsidiary of Dutch AVEBE, has developed a pure protein extract from potatoes, PRO GO. This potato protein contains a very high amount of the so-called branched chain amino acids. This makes PRO GO perfect for new sports nutrition concepts.
 Potatopak product lifecycle
May 12, 2011

Potatopak wins New Zealand's Best Packaging Award

A compostable take-away container made by Potatopak from waste potato starch has won the 2011 Unpackit Award for New Zealand’s best packaging.
 Ciclo de producción del Potatopak
May 12, 2011

Potatopak gana premio en Nueva Zelanda por el mejor envase

Un envase para comida producido por Potatopak y elaborado con almidón de papa ganó el Premio Unpackit 2011 al mejor empaque en Nueva Zelanda. El premio fue otorgado luego de revisar más de 9.000 votos del público. Así mismo se premió al peor de los en...
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 LTO Nederland
May 08, 2011

Nachtvorst veroorzaakt schade aan aardappelen

Boeren in het noorden, oosten en zuidoosten van Nederland hebben flinke schade geleden door de nachtvorst in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag. Vooral vroege percelen aardappelen zijn beschadigd door de vorst. Dat meldt de Land- en Tuinbouw Organisati...
April 19, 2011

China modifies anti-dumping duties on potato starch imports

China's Ministry of Commerce said Monday it will impose [modified] anti-dumping duties on potato starch imports from the European Union (EU), effective April 19.
April 18, 2011

BASF Plant Science assumes ownership of Modena GM starch potato from Avebe

The potato starch manufacturer AVEBE and the plant biotechnology company BASF Plant Science confirmed last week the next step in their cooperation to develop genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes. BASF Plant Science assumes ownership for th...
April 18, 2011

China impone aranceles contra subsidios a la fécula de papa europea

El Ministerio de Comercio de China anunció hoy la imposición de aranceles de importación por venta por debajo de su precio debido a los subsidios ("anti-dumping") a las importaciones de fécula de patata de la Unión Europea (UE), que entrarán ...
April 17, 2011

En Bruselas hay un atasco de 66 productos transgénicos esperando autorización;la papa está incluida

En Bruselas hay un atasco de 66 productos transgénicos esperando autorización, 21 de ellos para cultivo y 45 para importar de los países que monopolizan el mercado mundial. En este atolladero burocrático de los transgénicos hay de todo: patata, girasol...
April 15, 2011

AVEBE en BASF versterken research samenwerking GM aardappelen

BASF Plant Science verkrijgt de genetisch gemodificeerde amylopectine zetmeelaardappel Modena in eigendom.
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 Neiker Tecnalia
April 04, 2011

Producing high quality potato starches with new genetic tools

Neiker-Tecnalia (the Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development) is realising a project for obtaining high quality starch in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum) using new molecular and genetic tools.
March 31, 2011

Avebe launches specialty starch ETENIA™ 457 to enhance creaminess of yoghurt

AVEBE has launched ETENIA™ 457, a potato based specialty starch which provides excellent creaminess and texturising properties in fat-free, low and high fat yoghurts.
March 29, 2011

Buscan obtener almidón de alta calidad con nuevas herramientas que mejoran genéticamente la patata

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario Neiker-Tecnalia ha desarrollado un proyecto para obtener almidón de alta calidad en tubérculos de patata (Solanum tuberosum) utilizando nuevas herramientas moleculares y genéticas. El almidón de ...
March 18, 2011

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Of de teelt van zetmeelaardappelen geld in het laatje brengt zonder ondersteuning vanuit Europa moet in 2012 gaan blijken.
March 07, 2011

New SNAXPO exhibitor: Emsland Group

For the first time Emsland Group will be part of the well known SNAXPO exhibition in the United States.
 AVEBE Potato Starch Campaign
March 06, 2011

AVEBE produces 20% less potato starch this campaign

Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE’s production campaign of 2010-2011 is almost finished.  The expected overall production of potato starch is about 20% less than last year.


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