News on Potato Starch

 European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020)
October 20, 2011

European Starch Industry comments on new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020)

Last week, the Commission presented its proposals for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2020) to the European Parliament. That triggered a number of reactions from stakeholders. The European starch industry association (AAF), as a major user o...
Potato starch derivatives are used in mortar to set tiles
October 16, 2011

AVEBE offers top quality starch solutions for the building and construction sector

Potato starch has a wide range of applications beyond food. Ever considered the use of modified potato starch in the building and construction sector? Here is a recent news item from Avebe: AVEBE, global leader in potato starch, presents the latest in...
October 04, 2011

US Potato Production in 2010 down 7%

Recently the USDA has published a revised overview of the United States Potato Industry statistics for harvest 2010. This report contains a wealth of data on the production per state and utilisation, for which we refer to the report itself.
 rhamnogalacturonan I
October 04, 2011

Potato waste could provide 'new generation' of food ingredients

A new extraction method promises to deliver large-scale extraction of potato fibres rich in the are especially rich in the pectin rhamnogalacturonan I, could help to produce new ingredients and functional hydrocolloids, say researchers. Writing in Foo...
September 28, 2011

Emsland Group fears for potato supply

Potato Starch manufacturer Emsland Group has provided an update of their outlook on the season. The press release was posted on the Emsland website on September 26, however the article is dated September 19. Since several areas in Europe have seen drye...
September 25, 2011

Avebe overweegt stappen tegen Chinese heffingen op EU zetmeel import

De Nederlandse zetmeelproducent Avebe is aan het kijken of ze stappen kunnen ondernemen tegen de importheffingen die China eerder deze maand invoerde. China schroefde deze verder op als actie tegen de gesubsidieerde Europese zetmeelteelt. Deze komen bo...
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September 21, 2011

Avebe slams Chinese restrictions on EU potato starch suppliers

Dutch potato starch supplier Avebe said it is investigating whether legal steps can be taken in response to China’s decision last week to stick countervailing duties on top of existing anti-dumping duties on potato starch imports from the EU. Johan Ru...
September 20, 2011

China released final ruling on anti-subsidy investigation EU Potato Starch

Below the final ruling of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China on anti-subsidy investigation against potato starch imports from the European Union:
September 17, 2011

Avebe maakt zich zorgen over aardappeloogst

Door de slechte weersomstandigheden loopt de aanvoer van zetmeelaardappelen gevaar. Op sommige plaatsen kan niet of slechts moeizaam worden gerooid en er dreigt verrotting, meldt zetmeelconcern Avebe. De zetmeelpercentages zijn gemiddeld en het tarrape...
 Rookverbod Avebe
September 16, 2011

Avebe moet ontslagen rokers weer aannemen

Producent van aardappelzetmeel Avebe moet vier werknemers die in juli op staande voet zijn ontslagen weer aannemen en hun het misgelopen loon uitbetalen. Het ontslag wegens roken op de werkvloer is een brug te ver, oordeelde de rechtbank in Groningen. ...
September 05, 2011

Commerciële teelt GMO-aardappelen omstreden

BASF zoekt in Flevoland pootgoedtelers die in 2012 genetisch gemodificeerd pootgoed willen vermeerderen. De commerciële teelt van genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen zou hiermee z’n intrede doen. De plannen van BASF om individuele telers over te halen...
Rooidemonstratie grote aandachttrekker aardappelzetmeeldagen
September 04, 2011

Rooidemonstratie grote aandachttrekker aardappelzetmeeldagen

Tijdens de aardappelzetmeeldagen bij PPO-locatie 't Kompas in Valthermond trok vooral de rooidemonstratie veel bekijks. Voor de meeste aardappeltelers in de omgeving was de grond nog te nat om zelf te kunnen rooien. Een mooie gelegenheid om een kijkje ...
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September 01, 2011

Avebe blijft ondanks wegvallen subsidies positief

Ook in de toekomst is het mogelijk telers een goede prijs te betalen voor zetmeelaardappelen. Dat zegt aardappelzetmeelconcern Avebe. Zelfs nu de Europese subsidies worden afgeschaft ziet Avebe de toekomst vol vertrouwen tegemoet. Dit maakte het bedri...
August 31, 2011

Idaho Potato Research focuses on resistant starch

A University of Idaho researcher is teaming up with J.R. Simplot Co.'s food group to develop new potato products with resistant starch, which can improve digestive health and benefit people with diabetes. Resistant starch is modified starch that bypas...
August 16, 2011

Teelt genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen op commerciele schaal in Nederland vanaf 2012

BASF Plant Sciences verwacht dat vanaf 2012 de genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelrassen Amflora, Amadea en Modena geteeld kunnen worden in Nederland. De teelt van Amflora is al toegelaten in Europa, de twee andere ggo aardappelrassen bevinden zich nog ...
 Potato Starch
August 15, 2011

China extends anti-subsidy probe on EU potato starch

China will prolong its anti-subsidy probe by one month on potato starch imported from the European Union, said the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Monday. The investigation will be completed before Sept 30, 2011, one month after the previous deadline, s...
 AVEBE headoffice in Veendam
August 14, 2011

AVEBE selects Veendam for its new Head Office

AVEBE will move back into its previous headquarters in Veendam. AVEBE has reached an agreement to that extent with the lessor and with Veendam Council. By the end of this year AVEBE will return to the former Head Office, which was sold and vacated by...
 Avebe potato starch campaign
August 14, 2011

Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE starts campaign a week early

The AVEBE 2011/2012 starch campaign started this week with the supply of starch potatoes to the factory in Gasselternijveen. The factories in Germany will begin processing on 15th August and the factory in Ter Apelkanaal will start on 22nd August. Due...


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