News on The Potato Supply Chain

Honduras: Productores conocen características de papa para industria
March 23, 2021

Honduras: Productores conocen características de papa para industria

Alrededor de 50 productores de papa, conocieron las características de una variedad destinada para la industria, en el municipio de La Esperanza, departamento de Intibucá.
Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca
March 22, 2021

Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca

Los hermanos Mateos -Iván y Óscar- son dos de los muchos agricultores salmantinos que aprovechan ahora para sembrar patatas.
Uruguay: Aumento de área papera se explica por la llegada al sector de más granjeros de pequeña escala
March 22, 2021

Uruguay: Aumento de área papera se explica por la llegada al sector de más granjeros de pequeña escala

Pese al décit hídrico que impactó en la zona núcleo, en San José, la elevada disponibilidad de la tecnología de riego permitió una cosecha que en cantidad y calidad logró abastecer de bueno modo al mercado.
Lidl Ireland and Meade Farm introduce limited edition Irish Gold Potatoes
March 22, 2021

Lidl Ireland and Meade Farm introduce limited edition Irish Gold Potatoes

Lidl Ireland and its supplier, Meade Farm, have introduced an exclusive limited edition range of Irish Gold Potatoes
AHDB January trade round-up: Potatoes
March 20, 2021

AHDB: UK Processed Potato Exports in January at a historic low

As the first month of import and export data of potatoes and potato products after Brexit is in, the AHDB takes a closer look at the data and what they could mean. Across all potato product categories recorded, UK imports and exports have fallen from December with figures at the lowest reported this marketing season.
Tasmanian Potato producer diversifies after buying Perfecta Produce
March 20, 2021

Tasmanian Potato producer diversifies after buying Perfecta Produce

Innovative, specialist fresh potato producers Terrence and Wendy Rattray are diversifying after buying Perfecta Produce and further expanding the substantial agricultural business in the fertile North-West food bowl.
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Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors
March 20, 2021

Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors

The sale of potatoes is not entirely disappointing at the moment, observes Felix Molenaar of potato and vegetable wholesaler Molenaar from Haarlem.
Mondulkiri, Cambodia potato project looks to expand after high demand
March 19, 2021

Cambodia pilot potato project looks to expand after high demand

The strength in demand for potatoes grown in Mondulkiri, Cambodia, has farmers in the region planning to expand their cultivation for next season, says Song Kheang, director of the province’s agriculture department.
Costly seed potatoes and a low guaranteed selling price (MSP) could spell disaster for West Bengal farmers
March 18, 2021

Costly seed potatoes and a low guaranteed selling price (MSP) could spell disaster for West Bengal farmers

Potato cultivators in West Bengal were afraid they will face severe losses as the price of good quality seeds have skyrocketed even as the minimum support price (MSP) fixed has remained relatively low.
Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
March 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
Kenya’s potato production expected to hit 2.5 mln tonnes in 2021
March 16, 2021

Kenya’s potato production expected to hit 2.5 mln tonnes in 2021

Kenya’s potato production could hit 2.5 million tonnes in 2021 up from the estimated 2 million tonnes produced in 2020, the industry said on Friday.
Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: The Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes
March 16, 2021

Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes

The export of potatoes from Mallorca to the United Kingdom and Scandinavia of Lady Christl new potatoes started on Sunday. The centre of this export in Mallorca is the municipality Sa Pobla, where exporters still have some concerns because of Brexit.
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Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera
March 16, 2021

Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera

Explican en SatAgro que un tercio de los agricultores españoles aprovecha los meses previos a la primavera para realizar la siembre. Maíz o patata son los cultivos preferentes del mes de febrero, aunque también las gramíneas como el trigo, la avena, la cebada o el centeno.
Venezuela: Productores de papa presentarán propuestas ante la Asamblea Nacional
March 16, 2021

Venezuela: Productores de papa presentarán propuestas ante la Asamblea Nacional

El presidente de la Federación Nacional de Productores de Papas y Hortalizas (Fenaphort) solicitó a las autoridades que se abran las exportaciones de papas y hortalizas hacia los mercados del Caribe.
Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel
March 16, 2021

Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel

La patata es un alimento delicado, que, pese a sus bondades, puede tornarse tóxico si no tenemos algunas precauciones. El motivo no es otro que los glicoalcaloides, unas sustancias que contiene este tubérculo de forma natural y que si se ingieren, pueden provocar distintos problemas para la salud.
Pukekawa (NZ) trials to control the Potato Tuber Moth
March 14, 2021

Pukekawa (NZ) trials to control the Potato Tuber Moth

Two trials in Pukekawa, New Zealand, are showing some early promise for potato growers when it comes to greater control of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (PTM).
Scottish Government working group presents plan to combat Potato Cyst Nematodes
March 12, 2021

Scottish Government working group presents plan to combat Potato Cyst Nematodes

New research to tackle the growing scourge of Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) has been identified by a specialist Scottish Government working group.
Bumper potato yield gives price stability hope in West Bengal
March 12, 2021

Bumper potato yield gives price stability hope in West Bengal

Retail prices of potatoes have risen marginally, given that farmers have been scrambling to stock up on the harvest, which has had a bumper production this year. This very bounty and the stockpiling is expected to keep potato prices stable over the next season.


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