News on The Potato Supply Chain

Union Surveys Potato Growers Ahead of Levy Board Changes
June 11, 2021

Scottish Farmers Union Surveys Potato Growers on AHDB activities ahead of changes

NFU Scotland is urging its potato growers to complete its survey to identify what functions carried out by the industry’s statutory levy body – AHDB Potatoes - are most valued ahead of body being wound down.
Potato harvest in Iraq and the Kurdistan region has started
June 11, 2021

Potato harvest in Iraq and the Kurdistan region has started

The potato harvest in Iraq has started. Staff of the Beirut Erbil Potato Processing Company (B.E.P.P. Co) - known in Iraq for their potato chips brands Mito and Mr, Krisper, but active throughout the entire potato supply chain - are working hard in various regions of Iraq from Karbala to Diyala to Al-Rabiah, Dohuk, Erbil, and beyond.
Nominations Open for 2022 Potatoes USA Board Members
June 09, 2021

Nominations Open for 2022 Potatoes USA Board Members

Potatoes USA announces nominations are now open for new Board Members for the 2022-2025 term.
Northern Ireland: £2 million Covid support scheme announced for potato growers
June 08, 2021

Northern Ireland: £2 million Covid support scheme announced for potato growers

Northern Ireland Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots has announced more information on the £2 million financial support package for potato growers.
Azerbaijan starts growing a new potato variety, 'Murovdag'
June 08, 2021

Azerbaijan starts growing a new potato variety, 'Murovdag'

A new variety of potatoes named ‘Murovdag’ has begun to be grown in Azerbaijan, according to Elmar Allahverdiyev, director of the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing under the Ministry of Agriculture.
España: La patata de Cartagena quiere una figura de calidad.
June 08, 2021

España: La patata de Cartagena quiere una figura de calidad

La pretensión de los productores y comercializadores de patata del Campo de Cartagena de obtener una figura de calidad diferenciada, contará con el respaldo del Gobierno murciano.
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Global Sustainability Report Sets McCain on Path to a Greener Future
June 07, 2021

McCain Foods commits to regenerative agricultural practices for all its potatoes by 2030

As part of today’s release of McCain’s 2020 Global Sustainability report Together, Towards Planet-Friendly Food, the company is pledging that it will be implementing regenerative agricultural practices across 100 per cent of its potato acreage by 2030.
AUSVEG announces Michael Coote as new CEO
June 05, 2021

AUSVEG announces Michael Coote as new CEO

Australian vegetable and potato industry body AUSVEG has announced the appointment of Michael Coote as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective 1 July 2021.
Turnkey Solution Reduces Water Usage By 90 percent
June 05, 2021

Puffin Produce reduces water use for potato washing and polishing by 90 percent

Puffin Produce, a potato supplier in the United Kingdom, has reduced its water use to wash and polish its potatoes by 90% and electricity use by 40% as a result of a major equipment update provided by Haith.
El alto coste del cultivo y los bajos e inestables precios apenas dejan 770 hectáreas.
June 04, 2021

La superficie dedicada al cultivo de patata en Córdoba, España, pierde una quinta parte en veinte años

A lo largo de las próximas semanas comenzará la campaña de recogida de la patata, un cultivo que ha ido perdiendo peso en los últimos años en la provincia de Córdoba tanto en términos de superficie como de cosecha.
España: La Junta ubvenciona con 65.000 a la interprofesión de la patata de Castilla y León.
June 04, 2021

España: La Junta ubvenciona con 65.000 a la interprofesión de la patata de Castilla y León

El Consejo de Gobierno de la Junta de Catilla y León ha aprobado una subvención de 65.000 euros a la Organización Interprofesional de la Patata de Castilla y León (OIPACYL) para fortalecer y equilibrar el sector de la patata.
Meijer Potato installs Soil Scout sensors to monitor soil moisture, temperature and salinity
June 03, 2021

Meijer Potato installs Soil Scout sensors to monitor soil moisture, temperature and salinity

In a first for Soil Scout in the United Kingdom, Soil Scout are delighted to announce that Meijer Potato have recently installed their sensors in various key locations around the country.
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Celebrating 20 Years of Certis; Company Rebrand Cements Legacy Leadership in Biologicals
June 02, 2021

Certis USA rebrands to highlight its Leadership in Biologicals

Against the backdrop of 20 successful years as Certis USA, the company today announced a brand change to Certis Biologicals.
UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology.
June 02, 2021

UK Government awards GBP 2m to leading carbon capture and utilisation technology

British carbon capture and utilization company CCm Technologies has been awarded funding from Innovate UK to develop new modular Carbon Capture and Sequestration units.
Kenya: Nyandarua cops impound eight lorries over defying potato regulation (too large bags)
June 02, 2021

Kenya: Nyandarua cops impound eight lorries over defying potato regulation (too large bags)

Police in Nyandarua county have intercepted eight lorries carrying potatoes in extended bags contrary to the Crops (Irish Potatoes) Regulations 2019.
La Patata Marciana, el reto de hacer recetas sabrosas y nutritivas en Marte.
June 01, 2021

La Patata Marciana, el reto de hacer recetas sabrosas y nutritivas en Marte

Hace una década, investigadores del Centro Internacional de la Papa de Perú y de la NASA pusieron en marcha un proyecto para buscar un tipo de patata que pudiera ser cultivada en una hipotética base marciana.
La demanda de Princesa Amandine no ha dejado de crecer en España.
June 01, 2021

La demanda de Princesa Amandine no ha dejado de crecer en España

El auge que ha tenido la marca en 2020 ha sido clave para la compañía, la crisis del COVID-19 ha favorecido el consumo en el hogar de la patata. Con la previsión de duplicar la superficie de cultivo, Princesa Amandine (Ibérica de Patatas, El Zamorano, Udapa, Campotec) se convierte en un nuevo operador del mercado español.
México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur.
May 31, 2021

México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur

La Sader reporta pérdidas de hasta el 90 por ciento en cultivos de maíz, frijol, papa, y sorgo forrajero, en los municipios de Guachochi , Balleza, Guadalupe y Calvo. Hay afectaciones en casi 22 mil productores de los cuales se tiene registro que el 80 porciento son indígenas.


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